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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five 2019-20!


In Year Five we hope to always 'be the best that we can be!'


We hope to be able to share with you some of the activities that we have completed in class and any news or exciting events taking place. Watch this space...





Year 5 enjoyed a range of activities during Science Week.

Oxford Owl Reading Books

I have signed up our class to Oxford Owls so that you can find some books to read online from your book band level.

The website is

Click on the 'My Class Login' button.  

The username is: stmariesy5

The password is: year5

You then need to choose 'My bookshelf'

You can then choose 'Levels', then 'Book band'.  Look at the colour of your book band in your school reading book and choose a book to read from that level.  They have some books that I don't think I have seen in our school library!  Enjoy reading!

Dear Year 5,

I am sad that I haven't managed to see you all before the end of Year 5 but also proud of each and every one of you for all your hard work during this crazy time we are living in.  I wish you all the happiest, healthiest and most enjoyable holidays - try to make the best of the things you are allowed to do.  You have been a brilliant class and I will miss you.


Mrs Woods will be your teacher in Year 6 and she has sent a letter for you (below) as well as a task (see below) so she can get to know you even better.  


Take care of yourselves and God bless.

Miss Knox


Hello Year 6 of 2020-2021!

I hope you are all well and have been working hard in Year 5. I am very much looking forward to you moving up into Year 6 and I hope you are too.

As (unfortunately) we couldn’t have our normal move-up day, I’d like you to complete a Passport to Year 6 over the holidays and bring it with you on the first day back in September. If you do not have a printer, you can email it back to me on Purple Mash. I know that I already know many of you from being your teacher in Year 2, but it is a great opportunity for me to learn about how you’ve changed over the years, and also to get to know those of you who weren’t with us in Year 2.

Year 6 is a very important year, filled with hard work but also lots of fun. On our first day together in September, you will find out about all of the special jobs you can have in Year 6 and what exciting things the year has in store for us.

In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely summer and a well-deserved rest ahead of your final year at St. Marie’s!

I am excited to go on this journey with you.

Stay safe and see you soon,

Mrs Woods smiley

Task for Mrs Woods - Passport to Year 6

Week beginning: Monday 13th July


Good morning Year 5! Well, I can’t quite believe that we have come to the final week of Year 5!  You have all done such a fantastic job of coping with all these changes that have been forced on us and you have kept up your learning at home to give you a great start when you are back in school in Year 6.  I am very proud of you all!  Give your best last effort this week before the summer holidays begin.

I am still in school teaching Year 6 this week so I will look at all your work on Friday afternoon again.  Remember if you have an urgent question, ask your parents to contact school and they will pass the message onto me.

Remember the following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  Don’t forget to use the timetable to help you organise your work.

Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


  • You have been either set chapter four or five of your book on Purple Mash.  Then please answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘The Game’.  Read the story on pages 4 – 7.  Answer the Comprehension questions on pages 11 – 13.
  • Add Relative Clauses to sentences.  In the same pack titled ‘The Game’, complete the relative clause sentences on pages 14 – 15.
  • Use the planning ideas on pages 21 – 22 to plan your own ‘finding’ story like ‘The Game’ story.  Think about changing the setting, the object, the main character and what happens when the object is found.
  • Write your own ‘finding’ story.  Don’t forget your Year 5 writing skills. 


Please use the following video links to access four of the maths lessons this week.


Lesson 1  Metric units


Lesson 2  Imperial units


Lesson 3  Converting units of time


Lesson 4  Timetables


I am attaching the four related worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Complete the last 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete the middle 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete the first 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Lesson 5

Complete the Arithmetic questions below.  Try to beat last week’s score!  The answers are on the final page so no peeking!


Read the passage below from the book of Genesis 1: 26-31 which tells us how we are made to be like God and explain that after God created the earth, God created humans.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

Creation is not ours to own but it is on loan to us for the time we live on the earth. We are responsible to take care of the earth and everything in it; that is to be good stewards. We must protect and sustain it for future generations.  Pope Francis calls the earth our common home because it belongs to us all and we should all be stewards of it.

Look at the statements below and decide which is good stewardship and which is not. Make a poster of the good stewardship statements and put the poor ones in the recycling bin.



Click on the link to read some information and watch a video about the Galapagos Islands.

Complete tasks 1 and 2.  There is a postcard below for task 2, or you can use the postcard template on Purple Mash, or you could design your own postcard in your Home Learning book.



This lesson is about how babies grow and develop.  Look at the data below showing the heights of babies over time.  You need to create a line graph on Purple Mash (it is set as a 2Do) showing the babies’ heights.  Look carefully at your finished graph and answer the following questions in your Home Learning book, trying to think like a scientist before you answer:

  1. What is your data about?
  2. What does the data tell you about how babies grow?
  3. Your data was an average (it shows typical growth). Some babies grow more or less than this. Why do you think this might happen?


Design Technology

Click on the link to read lots of information and watch two videos about the design skills needed in Design Technology:

Complete the activity by choosing something in your house that you could create the different types of design for and perhaps you could even build a model version of it.  There is some oblique paper below to help you create a 3D design.



Y5 -- Voyage en France!

​​France is not just Paris! Watch this video to discover other less-known parts of France that are just as beautiful:  Which one(s) did you prefer and why?

Choose one of those towns/areas in France (or a different one not in the video) and make a poster about it that would attract visitors (please don't choose Disneyland Paris... It is not French! It is a piece of America in France! Sorry! 😂)

Week beginning: Monday 6th July


Good morning Year 5! Did you have a good weekend?  I really enjoyed looking at all your work on Friday afternoon.  You have ‘wowed’ me with your hard work, creativity and determination to do well!  Keep it up this week. 

I am still in school teaching Year 6 this week so I will look at all your work on Friday afternoon again.  Remember if you have an urgent question, ask your parents to contact school and they will pass the message onto me.

Remember the following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  Don’t forget to use the timetable to help you organise your work.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remind yourself with this YouTube link:



  • You have been either set chapter three or four of your book on Purple Mash.  Then please answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘The Arabian Desert Comprehension’.  Choose which level you can tackle (1 star easier, 3 stars tricky).
  • Write the definitions of the ambitious vocabulary below.  These wow words can all be used to describe a desert environment so will be useful in your writing tasks this week.
  • Watch the following video clip  

This week you are going to describe a train journey through a desert environment.

Think about what you saw of the desert environment in the video clip. I have also added some extra images of deserts to help you below.  Plan your writing by thinking about the five senses. 

What would you see?

What would you hear?

What would you smell?

What would you touch?

  • Write your journey description.  Remember to use first person (I, me, my) and include your senses throughout.  Paint a picture with your words.  Don’t forget your Year 5 writing skills.  Can you include relative clauses and fronted adverbials?  Show me that you can use a range of punctuation.  Use the word bank to include some ambitious vocabulary.

Word bank for desert description

desert         thorny        scorching          hot

temperature    barren        shade              burning

erosion       savage        dry                hostile

rocky         sandy         flat                horizon

stark          bare          merciless           baking

glaring(sun)   vegetation     shimmering         arid

brutal         desolate       harsh              lonely

Desert pictures


Please use the following video links to access four of the maths lessons this week.


Lesson 1

Regular and irregular polygons

Lesson 2

Reasoning about 3D shapes

Lesson 3


Lesson 4


I am attaching the four related worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Complete the last 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete the middle 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete the first 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Lesson 5

Complete the Arithmetic questions below.  Try to beat last week’s score!  The answers are on the final page so no peeking!


Just like Moses went up the mountain to be given the Ten Commandments by God, Jesus also went up a mountain and taught people how they should live. Matthew 5:1-13 tells us that there were so many people that wanted to see Jesus that He went up on a mountain and taught them what we know as The Beatitudes. Jesus began each beatitude with Blessed are... Blessed means happy.  Look at the PowerPoint which illustrates each beatitude.  There is also some information below that explains the meaning of each beatitude.

Your task is to create a piece of artwork that shows how we can live our lives following the Beatitudes.  You could include all the Beatitudes or focus on your favourite ones.  You can choose what type of artwork you would like to use – painting, collage, photography etc.  Please email me a photo of your artwork if you can.



Click on the link to read some information about how the Anglo Saxons were ruled Use the PowerPoint to find out even more about Anglo Saxon society.  Complete the Anglo Saxon society task to match the person to the description of their place in society.  Answer the three questions underneath.  Extension – think about what life was like for Anglo Saxon women.  Read each statement and write if it was good or bad for women. Answer the three questions.



Find out about the human life cycle this week.  Read the presentation then complete the activity to draw and explain the 6 stages of the human life cycle.  Extension – research which stage of the human life cycle that we do different things in.



Follow the link and watch the video lesson about Henri Matisse and collage:

Create your own collage inspired by the artist Matisse.



Look at the document below to take part in the music activities linked to the theme of Space.

Beatitudes and their meanings

Polish Translation Competition


Mrs Filipowska would like to invite any Polish children to take part in this year's 'Polish Spotlight' competition which is a special strand of the prestigious Stephen Spender Prize. The competition is open to all UK citizens and residents and the entry is free.

Entrants will be given a selection of poems from which they will be invited to choose one Polish poem to translate into English. They don't have to be fluent in Polish to take part. There are three age categories for entrants: 18-and-under, 14-and-under and 10-and-under.

This is an exciting project and a wonderful opportunity for your pupils to demonstrate not only their translation skills but also to raise their awareness of bilingualism. It would also be a perfect remote learning activity for EAL pupils. Moreover, there are cash prizes and publications to be won, too! The deadline is 17th July 2020.

Please refer to the attached documents for additional information or visit  There are videos and links to the poems on this website.  There is a letter and tips on translation on the documents below.  


Week beginning: Monday 29th June


Good morning Year 5! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend?  This week I am teaching Year 6 in school (third time lucky!) so I won't be able to answer your emails if you have questions about your work.  If there is anything urgent, ask someone to contact the school office and they can pass the message onto me.  I will be marking all your work on purple Mash on Friday afternoon and will look at any emails you have sent me then.  Keep up the hard work and I am looking forward to being wowed by your work on Friday afternoon!


How are you getting on with the Oxford Owl reading books site?  I hope you’ve managed to choose an interesting book to read.  Reading is SO important and it will give you a really great start for Year 6 if you read a little every day.

Remember the following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  Don’t forget to use the timetable to help you organise your work.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remind yourself with this YouTube link:



  • You have been either set chapter two or three of your book on Purple Mash.  Then please answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘Rainforest Calling Reading Comprehension’.  Choose which level you can tackle (1 star easier, 3 stars tricky).
  • Find out about synonyms and antonyms by watching the videos and reading the information on this link: Complete tasks 1 and 3 (I have saved the sheet for task 3 below).
  • Watch the following video clip:

This week you are going to do some diary writing.

Imagine that you are the boy from the clip. Plan your diary entry using the questions below or use the planning sheet below. 

Was this your first attempt at blowing clouds?

Who is the man and why is he training you?

How were you feeling before your training?

What was it like trying to blow your first cloud?

What did the man say to you when you bent the wand?

Were you expecting what happened next?

How will you remember this day?

  • Write your diary entry.  Remember to use first person (I, me, my) and include your thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears throughout.  Don’t forget your Year 5 writing skills.  Can you include relative clauses and fronted adverbials?  Show me that you can use a range of punctuation.  Use the word bank to include some ambitious vocabulary.

Word bank for diary writing

Man: bearded, skilled, compassionate, patient, caring, able, thoughtful, kind, expert, encouraging.

Clouds: drifted, flexible, endless, coasted, buoyant, delicate, meandered, floated, hovered, varied, cottony.



White Rose are providing work on angles this week but you will need a protractor to complete the tasks.  I imagine a lot of children in the class don’t have protractors at home so I am going to miss those tasks for Home Learning and make sure you get to catch up when you are back in school.  Instead I am using the Classroom Secrets resources that we do at school.  You are going to be consolidating your understanding of percentages to give you a great start to Year 6. 


  1. Use the ‘Understanding Percentages’ PowerPoint and go through the Varied Fluency question slides.  Then answer the Varied Fluency questions on Understanding Percentages. 
  2. Use the ‘Understanding Percentages’ PowerPoint and go through the Reasoning and Problem Solving question slides.  Then answer the Reasoning and Problem Solving questions on Understanding Percentages. 
  3. Use the ‘Percentages as Fractions and Decimals’ PowerPoint and go through the Varied Fluency question slides.  Then answer the Varied Fluency questions on Percentages as Fractions and Decimals.
  4. Use the ‘Percentages as Fractions and Decimals’ PowerPoint and go through the Reasoning and Problem Solving question slides.  Then answer the Reasoning and Problem Solving questions on Percentages as Fractions and Decimals.
  5. Have a go at completing an Arithmetic paper like the ones we have done at school.  Usually we time you to see how many you can complete in 30 minutes.  It’s up to you if you are feeling that you want to be timed or if you want to try to have a go at all the questions you can do in your own time.  If you can’t print it out, just put the answers in your Home Learning books.


I am attaching the PowerPoints and worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Greater Depth (3rd) sheet

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Expected (2nd) sheet

Octagons – Developing (1st) sheet

All the answers are at the end of each document so no peeking!


Collective Worship

You might want to gather with your family to take part in the following Collective Worship for the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul.



Today is the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul.  St. Peter and St. Paul are two very important figures from the Early Church.  Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples and he became our first Pope. Paul was converted from a strict Jew who persecuted Christians (Saul) to become the greatest missionary of Christianity.  He wrote most of the letters of the New Testament.

Read the information about the two Saints in the PowerPoint below.  Think about all the symbols that could be used for each of the Saints.  For example, Peter was a fisherman when Jesus called him; he was described by Jesus as the rock upon which the Church would be built; he is also often pictured with the keys to heaven.  Paul wrote many letters and travelled around spreading God’s Word.

Design a logo for each Saint using symbols that represent them.  Look at the picture of some logos used to advertise companies to give you some ideas for your Saints’ logos.



You will receive an email from a child asking for your advice about meeting a gamer he has been playing with online.  Be SMART and think about the E-Safety rules in the poster below.  Reply to the child (it’s me really so you are safe!) to tell them what they should do.



Click on the link to find out about the Lake District. Watch the video and read the information.  I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to write about tourism in the Lake District.  You might need to do a little extra research to find out about the activities tourists enjoy in the Lake District and where they can stay for different budgets.



Compare the similarities and differences between the life cycles of mammals, birds, amphibians and insects using the PowerPoint below.  Choose your own mammal, bird, amphibian and insect and draw a life cycle for each of them.  For example you could draw a life cycle for an elephant (mammal), eagle (bird), frog (amphibian) and a butterfly (insect). 



Les sports!

•    Learn/revise the names of sports in French with the powerpoint presentation. Make a note of the names of sports on paper with "le", "la" or "l'" in front of them, so you know which are masculine (with "le"), feminine (with "la") or starting with a vowel sound (with "l'"). Which ones are harder to remember? Which ones are easier?

•    In French, write down at least five sentences to say which sports you practise (make some up if needed!). They will all start with "Je fais" as in the powerpoint).

•    In French, write down at least five sentences to say which sports you like or don't like. They will start with "J'adore" or "J'aime" if you like them and start with "Je n'aime pas" or "Je déteste" if you don't like them.

Week beginning: Monday 22nd June


Good morning Year 5! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend?  You are all still working so hard and making me so proud!    Have you remembered to sign up for the Oxford Owl reading books site?  The details are at the top of this class page. 

Remember following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  Don’t forget to use the timetable to help you organise your work.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remind yourself with this YouTube link:



  • You have been either set chapter two of your book on Purple Mash or chapter one of a new book.  Then please answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘Lifted’.  This comprehension is a little different this week as you need to answer the questions based on a short film clip by Pixar named ‘Lifted’.  Follow the link   You may want to watch the film clip more than once to take in all the details.
  • Follow the link to revise what you know about Relative Clauses

Complete tasks 1 and 2 (task 2 is below).  If you would like an extension, choose one of the sheets in task 3.

Read the formal letter of complaint based on this film (below).  Underline any sentence openers or exciting vocabulary that you could use in your own letter of complaint.  Notice the 4 paragraphs:

  1. Introduction to the complaint.
  2. Detailed description of the first complaint.
  3. Detailed description of the second complaint.
  4. How you would like the person you have made the complaint with to respond (what do you want back?)
  • Write your own letter of complaint.  You can choose who you want to write to and what you want to complain about.  Some ideas are: complaining about a visit to a restaurant; train/bus/tram being late or cancelled; brand new mobile or tablet not working.  But you choose!

Make sure you follow the format of 4 paragraphs in the Lifted letter.  Keep your writing formal!  I would love to see these letters if you would like to email me a photo of them.  Don’t forget your Year 5 writing skills.


Please use the following video links to access four of the maths lessons this week.


  1. Read and interpret tables  
  2. Two-way tables  
  3. Click on the White Rose website

Look for Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June)

Lesson 1 - Understanding Percentages. Watch the video and have a go at your group’s questions.

4.  Click on the White Rose website  

Look for Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June)

Lesson 2 - Percentages as fractions and decimals

Watch the video and have a go at your group’s questions.


I am attaching the four related worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Complete the last 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete the middle 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete the first 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

I have attached the Friday Maths Challenge below.


This lesson we will be thinking about God’s rules for living freely and responsibly.  Before lockdown we spent a long time thinking about how Moses led the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt.  The next part of the story reveals that Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert for many years. They were glad they were free but it was hard going at times, sometimes they were hungry and thirsty, then they began to grumble. But God provided for them, in spite of their grumbles and they knew that God was with them leading and guiding them.

As they made their way through the desert they lived together as a community learning to care for each other’s needs, but above all learning to know and worship the God who had saved them.

When they reached a very high mountain called Mount Sinai, Moses ordered the people to camp at the foot of it and not to climb its slopes, because it is God’s mountain.

Moses himself began to climb and asked the people to pray that God would teach them the laws which would bring them together as a people. Moses stayed on the mountain for a very long time, praying and talking with God. Then he returned to God’s people and gave them God’s Laws: The Ten Commandments. These were to help the people to live in freedom and to be responsible for their actions.

Read through the PowerPoint to find out about the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments can be ordered from which you think are the most important to the ones you think are least important.  Order them using the Diamond Nine Base sheet (you can choose to put the extra Commandment in whichever place you choose). Answer the questions from the PowerPoint in your Home Learning books.


Design Technology

Click on the link to find out how to make structures stronger. Watch the videos and read the information.  Choose whether you would like to complete task one or two (I have attached them both below).  If you don’t have any straws, try using spaghetti (uncooked!) for task 2.  I would LOVE to see any photos of your strong and sturdy structures! 



Click on the link to find out about Anglo Saxon Arts and Crafts. Watch the videos and read the information.  I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to write about arts and crafts in the Anglo Saxon times.



Find out about all the seven things that living things all do (plants and animals) – these are called life processes.  Read the information on the presentation.  Complete the independent activity - choose one star to match the definitions or two star to write a definition in your own words.  Extension: Have a go at explaining if the balloon is alive using your knowledge of the 7 life processes.



La chenille qui fait des trous!

•    Oh yes, you probably know this story!  You can also see an animated version here:

•    Can you write a list (in French) of all the different foods the caterpillar eats (in French, we say it makes holes: "Elle fait des trous")?  Tip: You can turn on the French subtitles of the first video in the settings to help you.

•    Joke: --What is worse than finding a caterpillar in your apple? Answer: --Trouver une demi-chenille!! (Have you got it??)

Week beginning: Monday 15th June


Good morning Year 5! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend?  We are continuing the new method of setting our work this week.  The following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  Don’t forget to use the timetable to help you organise your work.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remind yourself with this YouTube link:



  • You have been either set chapter seven of your book on Purple Mash or chapter one of a new book.  Then please answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘Dolphins’.  Choose which level you want to complete (1 star is easier, 3 stars are tricky).  Remember not to peek at the answers until it is time to check your work!
  • Complete the Grammar mat below which has a variety of grammar, punctuation and spelling questions.  Again, choose which level you would like to attempt and avoid looking at the answers!
  • Watch the video clip

Read the non-chronological report about the Sky Turtle (below).  Choose a different animal to come floating by, and write a non-chronological report about it.  It could be an animal that doesn’t normally fly like the turtle or you could make up your own animal.  Plan your writing one day under the following headings:




Choose some of the sentence openers and ambitious vocabulary from the Sky Turtle report to use in your own report.  Plan this writing one day then write it the next day.


Please use the following video links to access four of the maths lessons this week.


  1. Multi-step addition and subtraction problems  
  2. Read and interpret line graphs
  3. Draw line graphs


  1. Use line graphs to solve problems


I am attaching the four related worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Complete the last 2 or 3 questions in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete the middle 2 questions in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete the first 2 questions in your Home Learning books.

I have attached the Friday Family Challenge questions below.  Questions 1 - 5 are suitable for your age but maybe you can challenge your family to help you solve some of the others too!


Assembly - On Thursday 18 June, 10.00-10.15am, join other students from around the country who want to feel more hopeful this summer. Please watch by following this link -


Lesson – Read the story (see PowerPoint below) of Saul who was transformed by the Holy Spirit. You can also read the story in Acts 22: 6-16:

As I was travelling and coming near Damascus, about midday a bright light from the sky flashed suddenly round me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?

‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you persecute,’ he said to me. The men with me saw the light, but did not hear the voice of the one who was speaking to me. I asked, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ and the Lord said to me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told everything that God has determined for you to do.’ I was blind because of the bright light, and so my companions took me by the hand and led me into Damascus.

In that city was a man named Ananias, a religious man who obeyed our Law and was highly respected by all the Jews living there. He came to me, stood by me, and said, ‘Brother Saul, see again!’ At that very moment I saw again and looked at him. He said, ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will, to see his righteous Servant, and to hear him speaking with his own voice. For you will be a witness for him to tell everyone what you have seen and heard. And now, why wait any longer? Get up and be baptised and have your sins washed away by praying to him.


Create a storyboard/comic strip (see below) to retell the key events of the story. Include speech bubbles and thought bubbles to explain how this experience changed Saul’s life.



Enjoy the activities from Mrs Hypolite on the sheet attached below.



Click theon the link to find out about the mountain range ‘The Alps’ linked to our topic ‘What a Wonderful World’. Watch the videos, read the information and try the tasks.  I will attach task 2 below as a couple of children found it difficult to download it from the BBC site.



You will find out about a famous scientist called Jane Goodall and her work about the life cycles of chimpanzees.  Read the information on the PowerPoint (below) then complete the fact or fiction sheet about Jane Goodall.  You can choose which level you want (1 star being easier, 3 stars are tricky). I have added an alternative file for the worksheet below as someone had trouble opening the original.



Vegetables revision!

Revise/learn names of vegetables with this video: ​​

Go through the French vegetables powerpoint (below) to test yourself. Can you work out and write the six sentences (in French) at the end of the presentation? To help you, remember "J'aime"= "I like", "Je n'aime pas"= "I don't like". Use "et" for "+" and "mais" for "m". 

Some examples of the outdoor art inspired by last week's task!

Week beginning: Monday 8th June


Good morning Year 5! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend?  I sent you an email on Purple Mash to explain how I am setting work a little differently now.  The following tasks are for your ENTIRE WEEK.  Please don’t try to do them all today!  I am attaching a timetable that you could fill in if it will help you organise your work.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


  • You have been set chapter six of your book on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.  You can choose any day from Monday to Friday to complete this.
  • Complete the comprehension below titled ‘Man who moved a mountain’.  Choose which level you want to complete (1 star is easier, 3 stars are tricky).  Remember not to peek at the answers until it is time to check your work!
  • Complete the Grammar mat below which has a variety of grammar, punctuation and spelling questions.  Again, choose which level you would like to attempt and avoid looking at the answers!
  • You are going to write an example of a formal email and an informal email for your writing tasks.  Read the ‘How to write an email’ presentation below to understand the difference between formal and informal. 


For the formal email you can choose one of the following:

  1. From a shop owner to a customer
  2. From a lawyer to a client
  3. From a teacher to a parent

For the informal email you can choose from one of the following:

  1. From a friend to a friend
  2. From a child to their parent
  3. From a grandparent to their grandchild.

You can either write the emails in your Home Learning books or actually send me both emails via Purple Mash.



Please use the following video links to access four of the maths lessons this week.


  1. Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits (column method)
  2. Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits (column method)
  3. Round to estimate and approximate
  4. Inverse operations (addition and subtraction)


I am attaching the four related worksheets below.  Each group need to do the following questions each day:

Heptagons – Complete questions 5 – 8 or 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 3 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.

I will attach the Friday Maths Challenge later in the week when White Rose releases it.


Follow the link Watch the video and complete activities 1 and 2 (Choose which level to complete on activity 2).  Extension - activities 3 and 4.  

RE – The Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Remind yourself of the prayer:

Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,


I place all my trust in You.


Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,


I place all my trust in You.


Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus,


I place all my trust in You.


Look at the labelled picture below showing all the parts of Jesus’ heart.  Design your own heart for Jesus.  Be as creative as you like with your design.



Enjoy the activities from Mrs Hypolite on the sheet attached below.


Well being

Follow the BBC bitesize link and watch the videos and complete the ‘I am an Amazing Person’ activity.



Follow the BBC bitesize link and watch the videos and complete the activities to find out about lifecycles in humans and animals.



Look at the attached file below called ‘Outdoor Art – Finding and Creating Patterns’.  Complete at least one of the activities however you might wish to complete more!

Sacred heart of Jesus ideas

Anglo Saxon Villages - thank you to those children who sent me pictures of their artwork!

Friday 5th June


Good morning Year 5. You have successfully completed your first week of Home Learning after our half term holiday.  So many of you really impressed me with how much you know about keeping yourself safe online in yesterday’s Computing task.  I am so proud of your hard work and you deserve a lovely rest over the weekend… as soon as you have completed today’s tasks!


Today’s task:

Maths – Have a go at the White Rose family challenge (see below)!  There are 10 problems to solve however I don’t expect you to do them all.  Please complete at least 3 of them.  You could really challenge yourself by completing more of them.  Perhaps you could see if you could work with a family member to complete them or even start a competition in your family using these problems!  I will post the answers later in the day for you to check how you did.


English – Today you will write your biography of the famous person you have been researching.  I have attached a word mat below to help you. Please complete this work in the 2Do on Purple Mash, remembering all your Year 5 writing skills when you are typing! 


History – Find out who the Anglo Saxons were using the following BBC bitesize page

Watch the video clip, read the information and try out the activity.  Then make a piece of artwork showing an Anglo-Saxon village. This could be a poster or even a 3D model village.  There are some pictures for ideas below but you can use your own creativity.  I would love to see some photos of your hard work if you would like to email me via Purple Mash.

Thursday 4th June


Good morning Year 5. Where has the sun gone?  I have been getting some emails telling me who you are going to be writing about for your biography.  I hope you are enjoying this task!


Today’s task:

Maths – Caveman Conundrum Number Puzzle! Below is a file with the instructions for how to solve a number puzzle. There are 6 possible answers!  If you manage to find one of the answers quickly, have a go at finding a different solution.  Only check your answers AFTER you have completed your chosen sheet.


English – Yesterday you should have done lots of research about your chosen famous person.  Today you will plan your biography.  Use the biography planning sheet below to think about the chronological (time) order of your person’s life events.  If you can print out the plan you can fill in the sheet or otherwise you can write up your plan in your home learning book.


Computing – During lockdown, you are probably spending more time that usual online.  You need to make sure you are keeping yourself safe.  I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash for you to think about how you keep yourself safe online.  It is a quiz and there are often more than one answer that you need to click so make sure you read all the answers and select ALL the appropriate statements.

White Rose answers for Wednesday's work so you can check how you did.

Congratulations to Maciej on winning the Hive game on Spelling Shed - I have awarded you 100 honey pots.  Very well done to all the other players - it was very close - I have awarded each of you 50 honey pots.

Wednesday 3rd June


Good morning Year 5.

I’m going to start a Hive game on Spelling Shed at 11am today so try to log in about 5 minutes before the start time using the code 156637

Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again  and look under Summer Term – Week 6 (w/c 1st June) for Lesson 3 - Fractions of an amount.  Find the questions on the pdf file below.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums– Complete questions 2 – 4 in your Home Learning books.

Rhombus and Octagons - Complete questions 1 and 2 in your Home Learning books.


English – This Friday you will be writing a biography of a famous person that you choose.  Read the biography of Mary Seacole, a nurse during the Crimean War (at the same time as Florence Nightingale), and notice the following features of biography writing:

  • Title – name of biography
  • Past tense
  • Third Person – he/she/they
  • Catchy Introduction – who/what/where/when/why
  • Paragraphs
  • Life events in chronological order of date
  • Time openers and connectives to show the chronological order
  • Quotes from the famous person about what they think
  • Conclusion – how they will be remembered

Today I would like you to choose a famous person and research their life.  Choose someone you know a lot about or can find out a lot about.  It could be a famous actress or actor, singer or musician, sports man or woman, politician, author or anyone else you admire and want to write about.  Make notes on the key information and events in their life.


Science – Find out about how plants reproduce on the BBC bitesize home learning page

There are two short videos to watch then complete the two activities further down the page.

Answers to Tuesday's White Rose maths work for you to check how you have done.

Tuesday 2nd June


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well and managed to get back into your Home Learning routine yesterday.  Some of you sound to have had a lovely half tem holiday!

Don’t forget your daily routine: spellings, times tables, reading and some healthy exercise!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 6 (w/c 1st June) for Lesson 2 - Multiply mixed numbers by integers

Watch the video then you will find the questions below today.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 2 – 4 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 2 in your Home Learning books.


English – I have attached a reading comprehension file below.  It is a biography of a famous American called Martin Luther King.  I know we have talked about him in school before (his famous speech started with ‘I have a dream…’).  Choose which level of difficulty you are going to do (1 star is easier, 3 stars is tricky).  Please answer the questions in your Home Learning book if you cannot print out the sheets.  Remember don’t look at the answers until you have completed the task!


French – Madam Schofield would like you to complete the following work on fruit revision

•    Fruit are fun! Check it out with these songs:  and  In the second song, can you work out why there is a boy presenting some fruit, and a girl presenting others?

•    You can make a fortune teller with French fruit and test yourself and others! Which fruit are masculine, and which ones are feminine? (Remember to look carefully at the word in front to tell the difference.)  Look below for the fortune teller.

•    Make your own mini dictionary of French fruit: write down in French the names of as many fruit as possible and draw (or translate) them opposite each word.


Answers to Monday's White Rose maths questions so that you can see how you did.

Monday 1st June


Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely half term and have enjoyed all the sunshine!  I would love to hear how your holiday was if you would like to email me via Purple Mash.


Don’t forget your daily routine:

  • Spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • Spend 15 minutes speeding up your times tables recall on TTRockStars.
  • Read a book
  • Don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:

Today’s tasks:

English – You have been set chapter five of the last book you read on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Tricky vocabulary has been underlined in the chapter and if you click on the word, it will reveal a definition to help you with your understanding. Semi Colons and Ellipsis will be reading from the story ‘Dark Castle’.  Apostrophes and Exclamation Marks will be reading from the story ‘Alien Street’.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.


Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 6 (w/c 1st June) for Lesson 1 - Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers.

Watch the video then you will find the questions below today.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 2 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


RE – The gift of the Holy Spirit for everyone.

Watch the video or read Acts 2: 1-43 on the PowerPoint below to remind yourself of the story of how the disciples all received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Have a think about the story by talking to your family or grandparents via Face Time.  Discuss the following questions:

•    What changes can you find in people’s feelings, actions and words?

•    How did the crowd react?

•    How did the onlookers respond?

About Peter’s message:

•    What did Peter tell the people of Israel to do?

•    How did the people respond to Peter’s message?

•    How did it shape their lives?


Letter Time! 

Imagine you were in Jerusalem at the time and have just been baptised. Write a letter to a family member, who has not heard about Jesus, giving reasons to show how belief in the transforming power of the Holy Spirit has empowered you and changed your life.



Well done to all the children who took part in the Hive game on Spelling Shed today. Congratulations to Emmanuel and Maciej who scored full marks I will award each of you 100 honey pots.  I will also award 50 honey pots to all the other children who took part.


Have a well earned rest over half term!

Look at the delicious, healthy snacks some children made yesterday... Is your mouth watering?

Friday 22nd May


Good morning Year 5. It’s the last day of Home Learning today before we have our half term holiday.  We will be back to Home Learning on Monday 1st June.  I hope you all have a lovely week off with your families. 


I will set a Hive game on Spelling Shed at 11am this morning using the code #668735.  Please log in 5 minutes before the game begins.  Hope to see lots of you joining in this morning!


Today’s task:

Maths – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to recap your multiplication skills.  Work out your answer in your Home Learning book then enter the answer in the 2Do to check if you were correct.


English – Today you will write your evaluation of your healthy snack from yesterday’s DT task.  I have attached a file below to help you. Please complete this work in your Home Learning book, remembering all your Year 5 writing skills! 


Art – Create a piece of art using items from nature you might find in your garden or on your walks.  Look at the ideas in the attached file below.  If the weather isn’t suitable for completing this task today, you could try it on a sunny day in the half term holiday.  I would love to see some photos of your work because I know how creative you are Year 5!


Thursday 21st May


Good morning Year 5. Well done to Emmanuel for winning the delayed Hive game on Spelling Shed yesterday. Sorry to everyone who I delayed, I sent you an email to explain!


Today’s task:

Maths – Let’s play darts! Below is a file with the instructions for how to score when you play darts.  Choose which sheet from 1 – 4 you would like to complete (1 is easier, 4 is trickier).  Only check your answers AFTER you have completed your chosen sheet.


RE/English – Today is Ascension Day and we should have been having Mass in school.  Watch this clip to remind yourself of the story of the last time Jesus appeared before the disciples 40 days after Easter when he ascended up to Heaven to join God, his Father.

Write a letter as though you are one of the disciples to a friend in another town to explain what happened.  Describe what you saw, how you felt and what you heard. 


Design Technology – An important part of Design Technology is cooking and nutrition.  Today I would like you to plan and make a healthy snack for your family.  I have attached some recipe ideas below but feel free to choose your own recipe.  Make sure you think about kitchen safety before you start by watching this clip to get some tips:

Tomorrow, I will be asking you to evaluate your snack so make sure you remember which skills you use, what you liked about it and how it could be improved next time. 

Remember you can send me photos by email on Purple Mash to make my mouth water with your delicious snacks!


Wednesday 20th May


Good morning Year 5.

I’m going to start a Hive game on Spelling Shed at 2pm today so try to log in about 5 minutes before the start time using the code #111783.

Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again  and look under Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May) for lesson 4 – Compare and order fractions

Find the questions on the pdf file below.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums– Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.

Rhombus and Octagons - Complete questions 1 in your Home Learning books. Then complete questions 1 and 2 on the picture below.


English – Look at the picture below with Grammar, Thesaurus and Punctuation questions. 

•    You don’t need to write out the modal verbs sentences: you can just write down the modal verb from each sentence in your book.  Use this link if you need a reminder about modal verbs.

•    The prefix pre- means before.  Think of 5 words that use this prefix.  Make sure you spell them correctly!

•    Copy the punctuation sentences into your book and remember to add in the semi-colons.  Remember you don’t need a capital letter after a semi-colon.


Science – Read the information and watch the video on this page of the BBC bitesize website to remind yourself about reversible and irreversible changes.

I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to write about irreversible or reversible changes. 

Choose 3 pairs of pictures e.g. bread and toast.  Think about whether the change from bread to toast is reversible or irreversible – can you change toast back to bread?  Write a sentence to explain the change using scientific vocabulary, e.g. When bread changes to toast, it is an irreversible change.  When you heat the bread, a chemical change happens which can’t be changed back again.

Scientific vocabulary you may need:

evaporation   dissolving    condensing    heating   melting

burning       reacting

Tuesday 19th May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well.

Don’t forget your daily routine: spellings, times tables, reading and some healthy exercise!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May) for lesson 3 – Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. 

Watch the video then you will find the questions below today.

Heptagons – Complete questions 5 – 7  (on both sheets) in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 3 – 5 (on both sheets) in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 2 (on both sheets) in your Home Learning books.


English – I have attached a reading comprehension file below.  It is a diary extract from an explorer on an expedition to Antarctica at the beginning of the last century.  Please answer the questions in your Home Learning book if you cannot print out the sheets.  Please don’t look at the answers until you have completed the task!


French – Madam Schofield has sent her best wishes to you all and would like you to complete the following work on school subjects.

•    Please revise French names of school subjects with this video

•    Revise how to express opinions about school subjects with this video

•    Complete the worksheet about school subjects (easy!) and answer the question "Quelle est ta matière préférée?" (can you say why, too -- in French! -- Tip: find lots of clues in the second video!) Look below for this worksheet.


Monday 18th May


Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely weekend. 


First of all, congratulations on beating the teachers in the TTRockStar battle last week…  I bet that felt good!  I must make a special mention of Isabelle who scored 7785 points, Idrees who scored 3889 and Wojciech, Wiktor and Maciej who all scored over 1000 points each.  Also very well done to everyone who got their name on the scoreboard.


Don’t forget:

•    spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


Today’s tasks:


English – You have been set chapter four of the last book you read on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Tricky vocabulary has been underlined in the chapter and if you click on the word, it will reveal a definition to help you with your understanding. Semi Colons and Ellipsis will be reading from the story ‘Dark Castle’.  Apostrophes and Exclamation Marks will be reading from the story ‘Alien Street’.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.


Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May) for lesson 2 – Equivalent Fractions. 

Watch the video then you will find the questions below today.

Heptagons – Complete questions 6 – 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 4 – 6 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


RE – In 2015, Pope Francis wrote a letter called Laudato Si’. It was addressed to everyone on the planet, asking everyone to protect our common home… the Earth. This week is a special week as we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of this letter.

Watch the video in the following link

Think about how your family can care for God’s world.  Create a list of simple eco-actions that your family will take that will help you to care for our common world.  Present your ideas in a creative way of your choice.  You could create a poster, collage, PowerPoint, video or any other way you choose.  Email me with your work, I look forward to seeing it!

Friday 15th May


Good morning Year 5. It’s your last chance to get on the scoreboard for TTRockStars today!  Don’t forget to practise your spellings on Spelling Shed too. 


Today’s task:

Maths – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash on Coordinates.  Remember to say to yourself, “Along the corridor before you go up the stairs” to remind yourself which axis you need to look at first.  When you are writing your coordinate answers, make sure you include brackets and a comma so that Purple Mash will accept your answer e.g. (3,5).


English – Today you will use your planning from yesterday to write an advert for a toy, game, chocolate bar or sweets that you love.  Remind yourself of the example of a persuasive advert from yesterday.  Think about how you want to set out your advert.  Will you include a picture, colour or bullet points to list the features of your product? 


Geography – Learn about sustainability, plastics and recycling.

This lesson includes:

  • one animation about sustainability and plastics
  • one short film of young people answering the big questions on plastics
  • one short film about sustainability at school
  • You can then choose from one of the three activities to practise your knowledge.


Thursday 14th May


Good morning Year 5. The children are racing ahead in the TTRockStars battle!  Make sure your name gets on the scoreboard this week.  It is getting very competitive amongst the teachers so we will need to see which teacher gets the most points!


Today’s task:

Maths – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to convert times between 12 hour and 24 hour clocks.


English – Today you will plan an advert for a toy, game, chocolate bar or sweets that you love.  Have a look at the example of a persuasive advert I have included below.  Can you see examples of rhetorical questions, alliteration, adjectives or adverbs that persuade and a list of the features of your product?

Plan your ideas in your Home Learning book under the following headings:

  • Name of toy, game, chocolate bar or sweets (you could make this up or do an advert on a real item)
  • At least 2 rhetorical questions
  • Alliteration examples you could use
  • Adjectives or adverbs that will persuade the reader to buy your product
  • List all the special features of your product.


Science – This investigation will need you to make observations daily for the next few day.  Try to remember the knowledge you learned in school in the Autumn term about evaporation with the following tasks:

Challenge Do all liquids evaporate at the same rate?

You will need:

•    Different liquids (for example water, vinegar, orange juice etc.)

•    Containers


Put the same amount of different liquids in the same type of containers and leave them all in the same place. Observe what happens over a few days. Record your results.

Muddy water

Put a saucer of muddy water on your windowsill and see what happens.

You should see that the water evaporates and rings of dirt appear. Do the same again, but put the saucer somewhere else and compare your results. Do the rings look the same?  Can you explain what has happened?


Yesterday, a few children found the coding task tricky. This is the correct sequence of instructions if you want to try it out.

Wednesday 13th May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well. The TTRockStar battle is going very well… for the children!  I think the teachers will need to stop working and get playing every minute of the day to stage a comeback (like Liverpool v. Barcelona last year for the football fans!).

Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again  and look under Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) for lesson 3 – Divide with remainders

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 8 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 2 – 4 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 2 in your Home Learning books.


English – Look at the picture below with Grammar, Thesaurus and Punctuation questions. 

•    You don’t need to write out the subordinating conjunctions sentences: you can just write down the subordinating conjunction from each sentence in your book. 

•    Use an online dictionary such as to help you if you need help with the definitions.

•    Copy the punctuation sentences into your book and remember to add in the apostrophes.


Computing – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to refresh your coding skills.  Can you give the instructions to make the traffic lights change colour?

Grammar work

Tuesday 12th May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well. The TTRockStar battle has begun and the teachers are lagging behind!  I was so pleased to see so many of Year 5 who were among the high scorers (5 out of the 10 top scorers in the whole school were from Year 5 when I last looked!).  Keep up the hard work although I need to make more time in the day to try to catch up with some of you!


Don’t forget your daily routine: spellings, times tables, reading and some healthy exercise!


Today’s task:

Maths – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash where you have to read timetables and convert times from 24 hour clock to 12 hour clock with am or pm. 

Make sure you use a colon (:) in between the hour and minute times otherwise the computer will mark it as wrong.  Also don’t forget to put am or pm if you are changing 24 hour clock to 12 hour clock.


English – Here is the second part to the Robin Hood story you read a couple of weeks ago. Read it carefully then answer the VIPERS questions below.


Robin had only taken a few steps onto the bridge when there was a flurry of movement at the other end.  Either side of the bridge, men with bows erupted from the foliage; their arrows aimed at Robin and Will.  One of the men started to cross the bridge towards them.  The man was one of the tallest that they had ever seen. He was a whole head taller than Robin. He carried a long staff as thick as a man’s wrist and he was grinning from ear to ear - flashing his teeth at the two weary travellers. “Look sharp!” Robin hissed at Will.

“Bridge tax!” the tall man bellowed, “stand where you are!”  The two of them continued to edge further forwards until Robin was standing face to face with the brigand. “You cannot come across this bridge without paying the fee!” 

With unnatural speed, Robin had pulled an arrow from his quiver, nocked it and was now stood with his drawn bow pointing in the giant’s bearded face.  “Now, now…” said the Giant taking a step backwards, “there is no need for that.”  Robin took half a step towards the bandit who suddenly swung his staff violently, knocking Robin’s bow into the river; sending his arrow flying off to embed itself into the trunk of a nearby by tree. 

The outlaw laughed, “if you want to fight rather than pay, then it needs to be a fair fight.” he said as he handed Robin another staff.  “If you can knock me, Little John, from the bridge then I will waive the fee.”

Robin let out a deep sigh as he hefted the staff.  ‘Little John?’ he thought to himself, ‘the man is as big as a bull and twice as fierce!’

VIPERS questions:

R         How far onto the bridge was Robin when John appeared?

V         Which words show that the men appeared quickly?

E          Explain how you know that this story is set in the past.

I           What is Robin thinking/feeling when he ‘let out a ‘deep sigh?’

S          How does Little John earn money?


French – Madam Schofield has sent the following work for you to revise the numbers to 100.

•    Practise revising your French numbers with this link (You can hear the numbers by clicking on the speakers) and try the interactive Flashcards test at the bottom of the page.

•    If you like singing, try  Can you sing along to the end?

•    Complete worksheet below "Test on numbers 1-100".


French Numbers 1-100 worksheet

May is the month of Mary, Our Lady. Look at these beautiful altars for her.

Monday 11th May


Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely, long weekend.  I’ve put some of the photos of your VE Day work up; I can add yours if you would like to also send it in.


Have you remembered that it is the Teachers v. Children battle on TTRockStars?  Who will win?  Good luck everyone…


Don’t forget:

•    spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


Today’s tasks:


English – You have been set chapter three of the last book you read on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Tricky vocabulary has been underlined in the chapter and if you click on the word, it will reveal a definition to help you with your understanding. Semi Colons and Ellipsis will be reading from the story ‘Dark Castle’.  Apostrophes and Exclamation Marks will be reading from the story ‘Alien Street’.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.


Maths – Please visit this Youtube page and watch the video ‘The Same Difference’.  Try to join in with the examples and look at the different ways we can think mathematically by looking for patterns in numbers.

Using the relationships between the numbers like in the video, try to answer the calculations in Sequence A and B in the image below.  Extension – Have a go at the Extend task. 


RE - May is a very special month in our Church’s calendar as it marks the month of Mary. This is a time when we should take time to think about Mary and reflect on how she is the Mother of Jesus and Mother to us all.

Look at the information on the PowerPoint below and think about how you would design an altar for Mary in our classroom.  You could draw it and colour it or create one from things you have at home and take a photo of it.  You may choose to keep the altar to Mary up at home for the month of May to remind you that Mary loves us all and she wants us to live as Jesus would like us to.  I would love to see any photos of your work via email on Purple Mash.

Maths 'the same difference' questions

An altar for Mary in May

Year 5 sent me some fantastic examples of their VE Day work - well done!

Thursday 7th May


Good morning Year 5. Today is your last day of Home Learning this week as tomorrow is the Bank Holiday to commemorate VE Day. I hope you have a fantastic long weekend with your families!


Congratulations to yesterday’s Hive competition winners Amber, Isabelle and Aydhin who all scored full marks!  Thank you to all the children who took part and we’ll try another competition next week.


There’s going to be a fantastic battle on TTRockStars next week… Teachers v. Children!  Remember there are an awful lot more children than teachers (although we have got an account for Mrs Robinson to play on the teachers’ side!) so the teachers are feeling a little bit worried!  However, pride is on the line so make sure you join in to help the children’s side get as many points as possible!  I will remind you on Monday.


Just for fun over the weekend, you might want to have a look at J K Rowling’s new website There are lots of quizzes and activities to do but also there are famous people reading chapters of the book.  The very first chapter of the first book is read by Daniel Radcliffe (the actor who played Harry Potter in the films)!


Today’s task:

Maths – Watch this video clip which explains how important code breaking was to the Allied forces in winning World War Two. 

Have a go at the code breaking questions below to find out more about World War Two.  Keep scrolling down to find all the questions and the alphabet code underneath.


English/History - Research your own family in WW2.  Who in your family lived through WW2?  Create a family tree.  What can you find out about them from the people who are still alive now?  Make a factfile about the person you have chosen.


Art – Look at this painting by the famous Manchester artist L.S. Lowry.  

Lowry was famous for his 'matchstick' people and his townscapes showing factories and mills.  This painting shows thousands of people thronging the streets of this city to celebrate the end of the Second World War in Europe. The buildings are decorated by flags and bunting. Lowry manages to show the lively atmosphere of the scene by including so many people, painting them in a very simple manner.


Can you create your own version of this painting?  You could use coloured pencils, felt tips, paints or even the 2Paint tool on Purple Mash.  Your version could show how you imagine the VE Day celebrations would look in your own street or even a street you know well in Bury.  I would love to see photos of your pictures if you want to email them to me.

Code breaking maths

Wednesday 6th May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well.


I am going to set up another Hive competition on Spelling Shed today starting at 2pm.  You need to enter the code #454813 just before 2pm so that I can see you all entering the competition then I will start it at 2pm.  Good luck!

Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:

Maths – During the Second World War, the British government had to cut down on the amount of food it brought in from abroad as German submarines started attacking British supply ships. There was a worry that this would lead to shortages of food supplies in the shops so the British government decided to introduce a system of rationing.  Rationing made sure that people got an equal amount of food every week.

Look at the amount of food one adult was allowed for one week (see the document below).  A child was allowed half of the adult’s amount.  Imagine that your own family was living during this time.  How much food would your whole family be allowed? 

Answer the following questions:

1.   How much jam would your family have got each week?

2.   How much butter would your family get each week?

3.   How much lard would your family get for four weeks?

4.   If each adult in your family gets 2 oz of sweets and the children get ½ the adult ration, work out the sweets ration for your family for a week?

5.   If an adult gets one egg each week. How many eggs will your family get for 4 weeks?

6.   How much cheese will your family have for two weeks?

7.   How much milk will your family have for a week?


English – Match the fronted adverbials to the correct sentences about VE Day.  Some of the fronted adverbials match to more than one sentence.  Then have a go at writing some of your own sentences about VE Day.  Don’t forget to include the commas.  See the image below.


Music – Mrs Hipolyte has sent us some music tasks linked to VE Day.  See the document below.

VE Day fronted adverbials task

Tuesday 5th May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well.


Congratulations Year 5 on winning the TTRockStars battle against Year 4!  I am going to award the top ten scorers in Year 5 with 50 honey pots on Spelling Shed as I can’t seem to give you TTRockStar awards.  Those children are: Idrees, Isabelle, Maciej, Liwia, Wiktor, Aydhin, Oscar, Arish, Wojciech and Aiden M.   


Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:

Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) for lesson 4 - Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 5 – 8 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 3 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1, 3 and 4 in your Home Learning books.


English – I have attached a VE Day Fact file with comprehension questions for you to complete in your Home Learning book.  There are 3 levels of difficulty: 1 star being easier and 3 stars being very tricky.  Choose which level you want to challenge yourself to answer.  Please don’t look at the answers until you have finished, I know I can trust you!


RE – We are in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.  Some of the children in our class are talking about fasting for Ramadan on our class blog.  Watch this video clip to find out more about what this means.

I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash for you to show me what you know.  Use the ‘Think about’ prompt on the left hand side to help you.

VE Day Fact File Comprehension

Monday 4th May


Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I finished reading the final Harry Potter book to Isaac this weekend and we LOVED it!  What books have you been enjoying?  You can listen to free books on the following link, but make sure you ask a parent if you are allowed to download it. 


Each day remember to:

•    log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes to practice your times tables. 

•    spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


Today’s tasks:


English – You have been set chapter two of the last book you read on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Tricky vocabulary has been underlined in the chapter and if you click on the word, it will reveal a definition to help you with your understanding. Semi Colons and Ellipsis will be reading from the story ‘Dark Castle’.  Apostrophes and Exclamation Marks will be reading from the story ‘Alien Street’.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.


Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again  and look under Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) for lesson 3 - Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 6 – 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 3 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


History - This Friday is the 75th anniversary of VE day (the day that the Second World War in Europe ended).  Read this Newsround report  to find out more about VE day. 

Think about how you can celebrate VE Day on Friday.  Perhaps you could make some bunting to decorate the outside of your house (see instructions below).  Talk to your family about how you will celebrate and commemorate this special day.

Instructions for how to make VE Day bunting

Friday 1st May


Good morning Year 5. I hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend after you have completed your school tasks!


Well done to those children who joined in our Hive game on Spelling Shed yesterday afternoon.  Congratulations to Emmanuel for winning and also to Aydhin and Isabelle who were close runners up!  I will set up another competition next week.


Don’t forget your daily routine.  Are you still following Stuart’s PE sessions or Joe Wickes’ YouTube sessions?  There are some Cosmic Kids Yoga sessions on YouTube that tell a story and you copy the actions if you feel like a change.  We’ve done the Minecraft, Pokémon and Star Wars yoga sessions in my house!  Don’t forget to have a look at our class blog to find out how your friends are getting on.  You can add extra posts to our blog whenever you like or even comment on one of your friend’s posts. 


Today’s task:


Maths – I have set a Purple Mash 2Do for you to apply your knowledge of decimals that you have been practising on the White Rose website.


English – Remind yourself of the picture of the setting below.  Today you will use your planning from yesterday to write an interesting setting description.  Write two paragraphs describing the outside then the inside of the house.  Make sure you remember your Year 5 writing skills!


  • Use the 5 senses (what can you see, smell, taste, hear, touch?).
  • Relative clauses (e.g. The door, which was partially hidden behind cascading vines of ivy, was made of ancient oak.).
  • Fronted adverbials (e.g. Over the bridge, Above the ferns, Below the leaves, Behind the door, etc).
  • Similes, metaphors or personification.
  • A range of punctuation.


Music – Mrs Hypolite has sent some Music tasks for you to do.  Please see the document below.

Thursday 30th April


Good morning Year 5.

Don’t forget your daily routine. I have noticed that some children have not logged into Spelling Shed this week yet!  So I will set up a Hive game on Spelling Shed at 2pm.  

Players - use code #577547 to join the game.

A special well done for Emmanuel, Isabelle, Oscar, Makhail, Maciej and Summer who have played games every day this week – I have awarded you 50 honey pots each as a reward!

There is a battle between Year 4 and Year 5 on TTRockStars at the moment.  Idrees and Isabelle deserve a very special mention for their fantastic scores that have shot Year 5 into the lead.  Make sure your name is on the scoreboard too!


Today’s task:


Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) for lesson 2 - Subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 6 – 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 4 – 6 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 2 – 4 in your Home Learning books.


English – Look at the picture of a setting below.  Today you just need to plan your writing for a setting description.  Look carefully at the following prompts and note down words or phrases you will use in your writing tomorrow.

Describe the outside of the house.  Think about:

The door…

The tree…

The path and bridge leading to the house…

What do you imagine the inside of the house will look like? 

Use your senses to paint a picture with words for the reader.  Why not use an online thesaurus to think of some exciting vocabulary?


PSHCE – Captain Tom Moore has been in the news over the last few weeks and today is his 100th birthday!  Read the information about him and have a discussion with someone in your family.  Does Captain Tom inspire you?  Why?  Do you think he should be given a knighthood from the Queen (be called Sir Tom)?  Why/why not?

Plan a setting description

Find out about Captain Tom

Wednesday 29th April


Good morning Year 5. It was great to read your posts on our class blog yesterday.  If you haven’t already done so, have a look to find out how your friends are getting on.  You can add extra posts or comments on your friend’s posts to our blog whenever you like.  The instructions for how to post are under Computing in Tuesday’s tasks.

Don’t forget your daily routine today.


Today’s task:


Maths – Please visit the White Rose website again and look under Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) for lesson 1 - Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 4 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 3 – 6 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 2 in your Home Learning books.


English – Look at the picture below with Grammar, Thesaurus and Punctuation questions. 

  • You don’t need to write out the verb sentences: you can just write down the verb from each sentence in your book. 
  • Remember antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning e.g. an antonym of ‘big’ could be ‘little’.  Use an online thesaurus such as to help you if you need to.
  • Copy the punctuation sentences into your book and remember to add in the commas.


Geography – Draw a map of your dream island.  Decide what features there may be such as: streams, waterfalls, beaches, lighthouses, playgrounds, farms, forests, castles etc.  Design a symbol that represents each feature and think carefully about where on the island you will draw this.  Draw a picture of the symbol in a key and write the name of the feature next to it.  Make up interesting place names for some of your map features!

Optional Extension – draw a grid over your map and number each line.  Note down the coordinate references for each feature.


Grammar, Thesaurus and Punctuation questions

Geography draw a map of your dream island

Tuesday's White Rose family challenge answers if you would like to check how you did.

Tuesday 28th April


Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well. 

Don’t forget your daily routine!


Today’s task:


Maths – Have a go at the White Rose family challenge (see below)!  There are 10 problems to solve however I don’t expect you to do them all.  Please complete at least 3 of them.  You could really challenge yourself by completing more of them.  Perhaps you could see if you could work with a family member to complete them or even start a competition in your family using these problems!  If you would like to, you can send me an email to let me know how you got on.  I will post the answers in the afternoon.


English – Read the setting description from Robin Hood and Little John.  There are some VIPERS questions based on the V for Vocabulary.  These questions are asking about some of the tricky vocabulary in the text so please use an online dictionary such as to help you.  Record your answers in your Home Learning book.


Computing – I have set up a class blog on Purple Mash titled ‘Year 5 during the Covid-19 lockdown’.  A blog is an online entry written in a diary style.  This blog will record all of Year 5’s feelings about the lockdown.  Follow these instructions to access the blog:

From the Purple Mash home page click on Computing.

Click on 2Blog.

Click on Class Blogs.

Click on ‘Year 5 during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Click on View Blog.

Press + (in green)

Give your post a title (e.g. Greetings from Miss Knox)

Write your content (e.g. I am really missing everyone in Year 5 and am looking forward to getting back into class with you all).

Then press Save.

You will be able to see everyone else’s comments as well as your own, however I need to approve all the comments before they will appear on the blog.  So make sure all your posts are kind and supportive to each other as I know they will be!  Hopefully, this will give you a chance to catch up with your friends and find out how they are experiencing the lockdown.


White Rose family challenge


Robin Hood and Little John

They’d passed the graveyard on the edge of the village by the light of a full moon, and the hoot of an owl signalled their passage.  They spent the next few hours trudging through the gloom of the forest on their way back to Nottingham.  Mist hung about the ground at knee height, giving the forest an ethereal feel.  Robin’s friend, Will, turned to him and confessed quietly he wasn’t happy about the uncomfortable silence which enveloped the woods.  Usually, even at such an early hour, the woods were filled with noises, but tonight all was deathly silent.


They reached the river crossing just after dawn had broken and found a sun-dappled space to sit, eat and rest a while before crossing the water into the part of the forest inhabited by outlaws.  Robin stood and stretched before retrieving his pack, his quiver and his bow. “Come on!” he said to Will, who lay napping on the heather and he nudged him with the toe of his boot.  “How much longer is it?” said Will screwing up his face and shielding his eyes from the low hanging sun, “we’ve been walking all night!” 

“Not much further,” said Robin, “but keep your wits about you now…you never know who is lurking in the woods on the Wester’ side.”

  1. Use a dictionary to find the word ‘ethereal’ can you write a definition for it in your own words?
  2. What do you think the word ‘enveloped’ means?
  3. Which word in the text tells you that outlaws lived in the forest?
  4. Outlaw is a compound word made of two smaller words.  What do you think it means?
  5. What does the word trudging tell us about the way the two of them move through the forest?
  6. Which word in the second paragraph means someone is ‘lying in wait?’

Monday 27th April


Good morning Year 5! I hope you had a lovely weekend.  I’ve been sent some super photos of the frottage work you did in Art on Friday.  Well done!


Each day remember to:

•    log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes to practice your times tables. 

•    spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  How have you been getting on with Stuart’s PE challenges? Have your scores improved over the week? Remind yourself with this YouTube link:


Today’s tasks:


English – Today’s task is looking at a setting description in the book ‘The Hobbit’.  Follow this link to start the activity.  You don’t need to do the quiz, just click on Next Activity and watch the video, pausing when you are asked to answer any questions in your Home Learning books.


Maths – Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5  

Watch the video under Summer term week 1 for Lesson 4 – Adding Decimals – Crossing the Whole.

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons and Trapeziums – Complete questions 3 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Rhombus and Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


RE – The Road to Emmaus.

Watch: and/or read the same account in the Bible in Luke 24:13-35.

Question 1. Why do you think the disciples didn’t recognise Jesus? (Remember, they probably saw him being crucified!)

Question 2. Why did they recognise him after he broke the bread?

Task 3.  Draw three pictures for the Road to Emmaus story:

  1. Before the travellers recognised Jesus.
  2. After Jesus broke the bread and they recognised Jesus
  3. When the the travellers went to tell the other disciples that Jesus was alive.

Add speech bubbles and thought bubbles to your characters.  What would they be saying, thinking and feeling?


Friday 24th April


Good morning Year 5!  Thank you to those children who have emailed me to tell me about their Easter holidays - it was good to hear from you!


Don’t forget your daily routine (Spelling Shed, TTRockStars, reading book, daily exercise)


Today’s tasks:


English – You have been set a chapter of a book to read on Purple Mash then you need to answer some questions about the chapter.  Tricky vocabulary has been underlined in the chapter and if you click on the word, it will reveal a definition to help you with your understanding. Semi Colons and Ellipsis will be reading from the story ‘Dark Castle’.  Apostrophes and Exclamation Marks will be reading from the story ‘Alien Street’.  Look on your 2Dos for your tasks.


Maths – Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5  

Watch the video under Summer term week 1 for Lesson 3 – Complements to 1.

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 3 – 7 in your Home Learning books. 

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 1 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


Art – Follow this link to an online Art lesson with activities for you to complete on a piece of paper.  If you don’t have any spare paper, you can carefully tear a piece out of your Home Learning book.

I would love to see some photos of your final frottage piece if you are able to send me an email on Purple Mash with the photo sent as an attachment.


Thursday 23rd April


Good morning Year 5!  It was lovely to hear from some of you via 2Email!  Remember if you are emailing your friends using this, then I need to approve each email before it is sent to your friend in class.  Purple Mash does this automatically.


Don’t forget your daily routine.  Each day remember to:

•    log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes. 

•    spend 15 minutes practising the spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Remember Stuart’s PE videos on Youtube (see yesterday’s information for the link).


Today’s tasks:


English – Remember yesterday’s poem ‘Dear Mum’ by Brian Patten.  Have a go at writing your own version of the poem.  Think of your own things that have gone wrong and come up with some excuses – have fun though, the excuses don’t have to be that believable!

Dear _____________,

While you were out…

I’ve gone over to….

From …

Write up your own version of the poem on a postcard on the 2Do set for you on Purple Mash.


Maths – Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5  

Watch the video under Summer term week 1 for Lesson 2 - Subtracting decimals within 1.

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 3 – 7 in your Home Learning books.  If you need help with question 7 look at the bar modelling below.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 1 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


St. George’s Day – Today is St. George’s Day, the Patron Saint of England.  Find out more about him in the PowerPoint below.  If you can’t access the PowerPoint at home, google ‘St. George and the Dragon for kids’. 

Choose a way you would like to celebrate St. George’s Day.  Perhaps you would like to make a St George and the Dragon card to send to someone.  Or you could bake some buns or biscuits that you can share with your family.  Does someone in your family deserve a bravery certificate?  Maybe you could design a poster to stick in your window.  You might link the bravery of St. George to the bravery of all the NHS workers and other keyworkers who are helping us all through this difficult time.  I’ve put some ideas below but feel free to use your imagination!  Happy St. George’s Day!

Bar modelling for question 7

Ideas for ways to celebrate St. George's Day

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning Year 5! I hope you have all had a healthy, happy and relaxing holiday.  WELCOME BACK!  Email me on Purple Mash and let me know how you are and what you have been up to.


We now need to get back into our daily routine.  Each day remember to:

•    log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes to practice your times tables. 

•    spend 15 minutes practising the spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy.  Stuart has sent us a link to his videos on Youtube Or you can google search "SC Education YouTube".  You can either complete 1 exercise per day, have a few attempts and try to better your score each time or alternatively you can do all 5 exercises each day and then try to beat your score and record your results on a daily basis (see record sheet below).


Today’s tasks:

English – Today’s task is to get those muscles in your hand working again if you haven’t picked up a pencil over Easter!  In your BEST joined handwriting, copy out the poem below (Dear Mum by Brian Patten) in your Home Learning book.  You could then give a performance of this poem to someone at home (perhaps on FaceTime to an older relative) by reading it out with great expression and intonation.  Cheer someone up with this funny poem!


Maths – Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5  

Watch the video under Summer term week 1 for Lesson 1 - Adding decimals within 1.

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 3 – 7 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 1 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 3 in your Home Learning books.


RE – Hallelujah! He is Risen! The Resurrection is the most important event in the entire Bible for Christians and is sung about in worship songs all year round. It is because of what happened on Easter Sunday that Christians believe God has promised a way to heaven

Watch: The Resurrection clip  (Make sure you go down to the final video on the right hand side of the video).

Read Matthew 28:1-10 to remind yourself of what the women found when they went to Jesus’ tomb.  After reading the story of Easter Sunday, copy the chart into your Home Learning book and fill how the women were feeling at different times in the story.

Wednesday 22nd April resources

Easter Holidays


Well done Year 5 on all your hard work over the last few weeks during this time of lockdown.  You have made me very proud of how well you have all adapted to the changes and kept working hard at home.  I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and spend lots of time enjoying yourselves with your family.  If you are looking for inspiration to keep busy, I am uploading some ideas for you.  It is really important that you keep reading your books over the holiday.


Optional holiday tasks:

  1. Design a card that explains what Christians believe about Easter. Make it bright and happy.
  2. Hold an Easter egg hunt. If you do not have enough chocolate eggs then cut out eggs from paper and decorate them.  Ask an adult to hide them for you. As you look for the eggs think of the women going to the tomb to look for Jesus’ body. Easter is a time to celebrate amazing surprises.
  3. Have a go at completing the 30 Art Home Learning Challenges on the picture below.
  4. I am attaching a document with 20 fun maths challenges to complete on your own or with someone in your family.
  5. Improve your cooking skills and try out some new recipes.  Look at this website:
  6. Learn how to touch type!
  7. Find out more about Science
  8. Have a go at some of the activities on the 30 day Lego challenge below.


Happy Easter everyone!  Look at this page again on Wednesday 22nd April for your tasks when our holiday is over.

30 Art Home Learning Challenges

30 Days of Lego Challenges

Holy Week work from some of Year 5

Wednesday 8th April


Good morning Year 5. I've received some fantastic photos of all the super RE work you have been completing at home.  I will upload some of the pictures to share with you later on today.


We are coming to the end of our RE work on Holy Week.  Today we are focusing on the events of Good Friday but also recapping everything we know about Holy Week. 

Today’s tasks:


English – Practise this week’s spellings on Spelling Shed and read your reading book. 


Maths – Practice your times tables for 15 minutes on TTRockStars.


RE – Please watch the video showing the events from Jesus’ arrest up to Easter Sunday. If you look carefully, there are two videos on this page.  You need to focus on the second video by clicking on the picture of Jesus on the Cross on the right hand side of the video screen.


You have two tasks to choose from today (or you can do both!).  Firstly, think about the story retold on the video and talk to someone in your family about why we call this day ‘Good Friday’ when it was such a sad day with Jesus dying on the cross. 


Task one – Copy the timeline of Holy Week in your Home Learning book.  Copy the correct labels onto the timeline, thinking about whether the events were positive or negative.  There are nine events and nine labels to match.


Task two –Design your own cross (like the one in the picture below) that shows all the stories that we have looked at in Holy Week.

Holy Week Timeline

Design a Holy Week cross

Tuesday 7th April


Good morning Year 5.


We are continuing today with our RE work on Holy Week.  When you are saying your prayers today, remember how Jesus had to trust in God’s plan for him even in difficult times.  We can place our trust in God to help us through these strange times we are living in at the moment. 


Thank you to those children who emailed me yesterday attaching a photo of their work on Judas’ motives for betraying Jesus.


Today’s tasks:

English – Practise this week’s spellings on Spelling Shed and read your reading book. 


Maths – Practice your times tables for 15 minutes on TTRockStars.


RE - Today we will think about Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Watch this video clip to remind yourself of this part of the story.


You have a choice of tasks today (or you might choose to do both!).


Choice one – Create your own model of the Garden of Gethsemane.  You need to design it first on paper, list all the resources you will need and then make it.  You could make it in an empty shoebox, a tray or even outside in your own garden.  Look at the attached document to give you some ideas.  If you are able, I would love to see some photos of your final garden!  You can email them as an attachment on Purple Mash to me.


Choice two – Read the challenge cards and think about three of the main characters in the Garden of Gethsemane.  In your Home Learning book, write down your responses to each challenge.  Make sure you explain your answers with lots of details.

Garden ideas

Task two - challenge cards

Monday 6th April


Good morning Year 5. I hope you have all had a lovely, relaxing weekend?  Thank you for the emails some of you have sent to me on Purple Mash, it’s good to hear from you! 


This week is the most special week in our Church’s year as we are entering Holy Week.  Therefore, your RE work this week will focus on the important events surrounding Jesus in Holy Week.


There will be tasks set on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week as we break up for our Easter holidays on Wednesday.  I won’t be setting work each day over the holidays however I will give you some fun activities to do at your own pace over the holidays if you want to keep yourself busy.  Look out for these on Wednesday!


Today’s tasks:

English – Practise this week’s spellings on Spelling Shed and read your reading book. 


Maths – Practise your times tables for 15 minutes on TTRockStars.


RE -  Watch this video clip about the Last Supper. It tells the story of Jesus sharing the Passover meal with his closest friends. During the meal, he explains that he knows that one of his friends will betray him to his enemies, and reveals he knows it would be Judas. 

Read the attached document which tells the story of Judas betraying Jesus from the four Gospel writers.  Then look at the different reasons why Judas may have wanted to betray Jesus.  In your Home Learning book order the motives/reasons in order from the most likely at the top to the least likely at the bottom.

If you would like to take a photo of your work in your Home Learning book and send it to me via 2Email on Purple Mash, I would love to see it!

The four Gospel writers on Judas

Judas' motives (reasons) for betraying Jesus

Friday, 3rd April


Good morning Year 5.  Remember today is the final day of the TTRockStar battle.  Who will win?  Boys or girls?


Today’s tasks:


English – Create an information text about Palm Sunday on your Purple Mash 2Do.


Maths – Remind yourself about finding the area of shapes by watching this short video clip.

Using the measurements of your room or your garden from yesterday, can you find the area of these places?  If you don’t have a tape measure, remember you could try counting how many steps it takes you to walk along each side of the room/garden.  Add your working out to yesterday’s work in your Home Learning book.  Remember to record the area in m squared (the little 2 in the air – I can’t find it on my computer!).  This could help you work out how much carpet or grass you need to cover the whole area.

RE/Art – This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  Could you create, collect or draw a green branch to put in your window or door on Sunday?  This could help us to show that although we are keeping ourselves isolated, that we are united as the body of Christ.  Use your imagination to make your branch; you could draw, paint, make, stitch, glue, weave or any other way to create a green branch. 

Congratulations to Isabelle, Emmanuel, Maryam, Summer, Oscar and Maciej for achieving a TOP 30 place in the entire school for Spelling Shed points!  I have awarded you 50 honey pots for your achievements!  Also well done to Amber, Amina, Makhail, Aydhin, Talhah and Wiktor for improving your scores!  You have been awarded 50 honey pots too.  Keep up the hard work.

Thursday, 2nd April

Good morning Year 5.  Remember there are only two days left of the TTRockStars battle between the boys and the girls... Who will be victorious?  I'm  going to be looking at the Spelling Shed scoreboard to see if I can award any more honey pots as a reward for fantastic spelling scores tomorrow too.


Today’s tasks:

English – This Sunday is Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus triumphantly entering Jerusalem.  It is the beginning of Holy Week.  Read the following passage from the Bible and answer the comprehension questions in your Home Learning book.


Maths – Remind yourself about perimeter by watching this short video clip.

Can you work out the perimeter of some of the rooms in your house or your garden?  If you don’t have a tape measure, try counting how many steps it takes you to walk along each side of the room/garden then add all sides to find the perimeter.  Record your working out in your Home Learning book.  Perhaps you could draw a plan of your room with the sides clearly labelled.


Science - Find out facts about missions to space.

       What was the first creature sent into space?

       Who was the first astronaut?

       Who was the first man on the moon?

What other interesting facts can you find?  Present your work in a creative way of your choice (poster, fact file, PowerPoint or your choice).

Palm Sunday story from the Bible and questions

Wednesday, 1st April

Good morning Year 5. Happy first day of a new month! Have you managed to trick anyone in your family with an April Fool yet? I am seeing some fantastic work being handed in – well done Year 5!  Have you been reading your school reading book every day?

Today’s tasks:

English – Look at the picture below to inspire you to write a description.

Most visitors are a little shocked (to put it mildly) when they arrive at Animal Town. Despite the fact that the name of the town gives a slight indication to passers-by that the inhabitants of the town are ‘not normal’, it’s as if people don’t believe things until they see them with their own eyes!

Imagine you are a visitor in Animal Town. Try to describe your experience.  Try to use fronted adverbials to improve your sentences.  Don’t forget the commas!  E.g. Nonchalantly, the orangutan lounges on the bench.


Maths – Please complete the 2Do on Perimeter.  Remember the perimeter is all around the outside of the shape so you add all the sides together.


Geography – test your geographical knowledge on this multiple choice quiz.  Can anyone score full marks?

English task - Animal Town

Hello again Year 5.  I have had a couple of emails to the school email to let me know that Purple Mash wasn't giving you permission to reply to my emails.  I (think) I have solved this problem! Fingers crossed it works!  

Tuesday 31st March

Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well and remembering to be kind to your family.

Today’s tasks:

English – watch this link to remind yourself of the different types of fronted adverbials we can add to simple sentences.

Create 6 sentences with the different types of fronted adverbials using the simple sentence: She began to cry.  Record your 6 sentences in your Home Learning book. Extension: Think of your own simple sentence and add the different types of fronted adverbials to it.


Maths - please complete the 2Do on Purple Mash on multiplication.  Remember to do the working out before giving the correct answer.


RE – Read the following information about the Stations of the Cross and think about Jesus’ journey on his last day and how he suffered for us all.

Create a piece of artwork that shows one of the Stations of the Cross (you choose which one you would like to draw).

Stations of the Cross Artwork

Great work on TTRockStars by Idrees, Aydhin-Ali, Arish, Andy, Oscar and Isabelle who have all scored over 1000 points in the battle!  3 smileys each when we get back to school.  Remember everyone needs to spend 15 minutes per day on this app practising your times tables.
Congratulations to Maryam, Oscar, Amber, Aiden M, Emmanuel, Isabelle, Andy and Wojciech for practising their spellings on Spelling Shed.  I have awarded each of you 50 honey pots as a reward!  Come on the rest of Year 5... Remember to practise those spellings for 15 minutes each day.
Year 5 please check your email on Purple Mash (Computing - 2Email).  I have sent you two emails last week but no one has replied!

Monday 30th March

Good morning Year 5. Hope you’ve had a relaxing weekend.

Each day this week remember to:

•    log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes.  Take part in our battle where the boys are against the girls!  You have until Friday to win...

•    spend 15 minutes practising this week’s spellings set on the Spelling Shed website.

•    read a book

•    don’t forget to keep fit and healthy using the Joe Wicks YouTube workouts for children daily.


Today’s tasks:

English – complete your 2Dos on Purple Mash.  You need to read chapter 2 of ‘Around the World in 80 minutes’.  When you have read it carefully, answer the quiz questions in the other 2Do.


Maths - Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5

Watch the video for lesson 2: Decimals as fractions (1).  Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 5 – 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 1 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 4 in your Home Learning books.


Music - Learn to sign and dance-a-long to the songs.  Watch the music videos and see how they vary in different genres, from electronic synthesiser sounds, slow ballads to pop, upbeat and lively summery tunes.  At the same time, see if you can learn some British Sign Language (BSL) that deaf people use to communicate.  Follow the link

Friday 27th March


Good morning Year 5. It’s your last day of home learning this week.  I’ll upload your next tasks bright and early on Monday morning!

Please remember your daily spellings, times tables and reading.  Remember to keep yourself fit with Joe Wicks’ workout.


Today’s tasks:


Maths – please complete the 2Do on Purple Mash on division with remainders.  Remember to do the working out using bus stop method before choosing the correct answer.


English – watch the first chapter of ‘Treasure Island’ .  Answer the following questions in your Home Learning book.

  1. Why is such a young boy apparently running an inn?
  2. What does Billy Bones mean when he asks whether there is ‘much company’ at the inn?
  3. Why is Billy Bones pleased that there is not ‘much company’ at the inn?
  4. Why does Billy Bones tell Jim that he wants ‘mainly rum’?
  5. After the visit of Black Dog, why does Billy have ‘the look of a man who has much to fear’?
  6. What do you think Billy Bones means by ‘the Black Spot’?
  7. What are ‘pieces of eight’?
  8. Why did Billy have fine clothes and gold in his room?


RE – go onto the kidszone section of the Cafod website and play some games and watch the video clips to find out more about the work of Cafod.

Thursday 26th March

Good morning Year 5. Remember to keep yourself fit with Joe Wicks’ workout or if you would prefer to learn a dance from Oti Mabuse (Strictly Come Dancing) you can visit her YouTube site ‘Oti Mabuse Official’ and choose your favourite… Keep dancing!

Please remember your daily spellings, times tables and reading.


Today’s tasks:

English – please complete your Purple Mash 2Do which is on modal verbs.


Art – choose an interesting object from your house and sketch it carefully, thinking about how to add shading.  Watch this video to get some ideas.


Maths – complete the following maths mat covering Year 5 work that we have already covered.  Record your answers in your Home Learning book.



Maths Mat

Wednesday 25th March

Good morning Year 5. I am so pleased to see so many of you working hard at your tasks!    

Don’t forget your daily tasks…


Today’s task:


Maths – complete the code breaker below to find out 'What kind of dinosaurs write romance novels!'


English – complete your 2Do on Purple Mash.  You need to choose a planet and write a fact file about it.  Before you start, research some facts about it.  You could include:

  • What does the planet’s name means?
  • What colour is the planet?
  • How far away from the sun is it?
  • How long does its orbit around the sun take?
  • What are the minimum and maximum temperatures?
  • Is there any life on the planet?  How do you know?
  • Does the planet have any moons?
  • Any other interesting facts about the planet?

RE – in your Home Learning book, write a prayer thanking God for all our dedicated doctors, nurses and other NHS workers.  You could pray for other people who you may be worried about and ask God to help your family or others.  Think about how you will start and end your prayer. 


Maths Code Breaker

Tuesday 24th March

Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well. 

Each day remember to:

  • log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes.  Take part in our battle where the boys are against the girls!
  • spend 15 minutes practising the spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • read a book
  • don’t forget to keep fit and healthy using the Joe Wicks YouTube workouts for children daily.


Have a look on David Walliams' website as he is reading one of his stories everyday at 11am.  Look for the section called 'Elevenses'.  You might enjoy reading along if you have his book!


Today’s task:

Maths – Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning website for Year 5

Watch the video for lesson 1: Decimals up to 2 decimal places.  Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to find the questions.

Heptagons – Complete questions 6 – 9 in your Home Learning books.

Trapeziums and Rhombus – Complete questions 1 – 5 in your Home Learning books.

Octagons - Complete questions 1 – 4 in your Home Learning books.

English – complete your 2Dos on Purple Mash.  You need to read chapter 1 of a story called ‘Around the World in 80 minutes’.  When you have read it carefully, answer the quiz questions in the other 2Do.


Monday, 23rd March

Good morning Year 5. I hope you are all well. 

Each day remember to:

  • log onto the TTRockStars website for 15 minutes.  Take part in our battle where the boys are against the girls!
  • spend 15 minutes practising the spellings set for you on the Spelling Shed website.
  • read a book
  • don’t forget to keep fit and healthy using the Joe Wicks YouTube workouts for children daily.


Today’s task:

Maths – complete your 2Do on Purple Mash

English – start a diary in your Home Learning Book.  Think about what has been happening in your house for the last few days.  How are you feeling? What are your thoughts? What are your hopes or fears?  Remember your Year 5 writing skills.


Inspired by Miss Knox's favourite pop up book, we designed and made our own pop up pages persuading other children to read our favourite book for World Book Day.

World Book Day costumes!

Year 5 enjoyed a wonderful afternoon watching and listening to the Halle Orchestra at Bridgewater Hall.

Rhapsody in Blue

Still image for this video
Year 5 have learned their first note on the flute this week - a B. Our music teachers helped us to accompany George Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ linked to our Music Week focus on this piece.

We have created our own cityscapes of New York inspired by Rhapsody in Blue.

Look at some of the creative homework we have received linked to our Music Week piece on George Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’!

Year 5 have had a very successful block of swimming lessons for four weeks. Every single child in the class achieved a distance badge ranging from 5m up to 1000m.  Well done children, you showed determination and perseverance and did your best!
Year 5 have made a fantastic start to our swimming lessons this week!  Everyone has been happy to go into the water and have all been trying their best.  We are getting lots of exercise by walking to and from the swimming baths every day for 4 weeks.