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Year 1

Here's a little note from your new teacher


 to Yea1

All reports have been sent via email to the email addresses that were given to school. Thank you

A little message from me

Still image for this video

Your final work for your last week in Year 1



Task 1: Find your weeks spellings and write them in sentences. Remember they must have capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and be neatly written on the line.


Green group                                                       Blue group                                                       Red group

Sheep                                                                    cup                                                                     milk

Sleep                                                                     cop                                                                     sulk

Sweet                                                                   cut                                                                      bulk

Street                                                                    keen                                                                   honk

Treat                                                                     kill                                                                      trunk

Dream                                                                  skin                                                                    think

Steam                                                                   sky                                                                      desk

Reach                                                                   sack                                                                   risk

Eve                                                                        neck                                                                   frisk

Here                                                                      pick                                                                    tusk

These                                                                    sock

Theme                                                                  luck


Task 2: As this is our last week in Year 1 I want you to think about the year we have had. I have attached a worksheet all about your memories from this year called English my memories.


Task 3: This year we haven’t had a day where you can meet your new teacher and complete some fun activities with them so instead I want you to complete the booklet I have attached for your new teacher. I will send all of these to your new teacher to see.      


Task 4: I have set you the final 2 chapters of the story and quiz on Ned and the Three Bears. Make sure you read them carefully before completing the quiz.


Task 5- For your final English task of year 1 I want you to watch the story of Repunzel for the final time.

I then want you to order the pictures of the story called English task 5 pictures and then write what happens in the story using the pictures to help you on the worksheet called English task 5. This will be your last piece of writing so let’s make it the best you possibly can do. Concentrate really hard on making sure if makes sense and you have included capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and making sure your letters are sitting nicely on the line.    



Maths : This week in maths we are going to recap some of the things we have learnt this year so each day will be different.

Task 1: Today we are looking at addition and subtraction.  You should be an expert at this now but let’s just remind our selves how we find the answers. Find your maths group and see if you can answer these without adult help. Use a hundred square to help you.

Triangles and squares - 24+11=     33-12=    35+15=     42-10=     39+17=     41+9=    37-13=     29-14=     41-19=     38+16=

Hexagons and Pentagons – 64+29=      55-25=      71-32=       64+ 26=        52-19=           63-28=         55+20=       72-30=        48+22=         58-29=

Circles -   11+6=      15-9=         4+12=         18-11=         15+5=          13-6=       18-8=        6+10=        5-5=          20-14=


Task 2: Today we are going to look at addition and subtraction word problems. Your child may need help reading these. These are called Maths task 2. Do you remember how we work them out?

 - Read it twice

- Underline the important words (the numbers, what you are doing to the numbers add/ share/ subtract/divide/multiply, what you need to find out total/amount/each) 

- Find the answer

- Explain the answer (for example you may say “because 72 subtract 11 is 61" )

I have set circles there own word problems. These are called Maths task 2 circles.


Task 3 : Today we are going to check our number bond knowledge to 20 and play a game I have set you on purple mash. Remember a number bond is where you add numbers together to make an amount.  I then want you to write out as many number bonds to 20 that you can think of. This could include 2 numbers when added together make 20 or be extra clever and use 3 numbers when added together make 20. Use objects around your house to help you.     


Task 4 : Today we are going to use our doubles knowledge to answer these questions. However first I want you to play this hit the button game. Click the option with doubles to 10. Play this 3 times and see if you can beat your time and score.

I then want you to complete the questions based around doubles called Maths Task 4.   


Task 5: For our last maths task we are going to look at halves. I first want you to play this hit the button game. Click the option with halves to 10. Play this 3 times and see if you can beat your time and score.

I then want you to complete the questions based around halving called Maths Task 5.   


R.E - As we have come to the end of our school year, I want you to think about 5 things from this school year that you are thankful to God for. I want you to write a special thank you prayer using the worksheet called R.E.


P.E - I know how much you enjoy our Go Noodle dance videos so I have found some new fun ones for you to do for our last week. Enjoy!


Phonics – I had a lot of emails saying how much you all enjoyed our phonics games last week so I have found some more for you. Parents your child will need you stay with them to check the words are correct. See if you can be a genius and read the words without sounding them out!


Science - To finish of our science lessons we are going to continue looking at herbivores, omnivores and carnivores but look at this with dinosaurs! Can you remember what a herbivore eats? What about a carnivore? I have attached a powerpoint called science powerpoint and a venn diagram worksheet for you to complete.


Art – As this is the end of our time in Year 1, I want you to draw a bucket list of all the fun things you want to do in the summer holidays. For example you may draw you at the beach, you playing with your family or a book you really want to read. Fill your bucket up with lots of things. I have attached a blank bucket and a bucket with examples in.


The final thing for me to say is I am so thankful that I got to be your teacher in Year 1. I have loved teaching you and seeing you grow in knowledge and confidence. I can not wait to see you all in September when you are going into Year 2. I bet you will be even taller!  Like I said in my video, you have worked so hard and I hope you have enjoyed the year too. Keep up the hard work everyone and have a lovely summer.

Stay safe

Mrs Green

Week beginning 6th July

Good morning Year 1. Can you believe we are in July already? Hasn’t this year gone quickly. I am as always very impressed with your work from last week so  big well done to you. Your work for this week is underneath and any worksheets and powerpoints are underneath the weeks work. Just a reminder that you must complete all the work and can email me at any time via purple mash.

English –

Task 1 – I want you to find your spelling group and write your spellings in sentences. Don’t forget your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you use the word and or because in your sentence to make your sentences even better?


Blue group                                                Green group                                            Red group

Snail                                                           step                                                           shaft

Wait                                                           strip                                                           drift

Rain                                                            stop                                                           tuft

Again                                                          strum                                                         belt

Tray                                                            spend                                                        bolt

Sway                                                          spring                                                        cult

Stay                                                            spot                                                           pant

Stray                                                           sprung                                                       hint

Take                                                           splat                                                          font

Name                                                         splash                                                        hunt

Made                                                         splosh

shade                                                         splint


Task 2 – I have set you your next chapter about Ned and the three bear along with the quiz. Make sure you read it very carefully before answering the questions. I have noticed that everyone is improving with these reading and answering questions tasks I set so keep it up!


Task 3- I want you to write a diary entry about what you have done over the past 2 weeks. Think about what you did on each day. Was there anything special you did? Who did you see? What was your favourite thing to do? Did you do anything extra special? Are you enjoying not being in school and working from home? How do you feel about not being in school? Is there anything else you want to write about? Please make sure your sentences have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Do your sentences make sense? Read them out loud to check. Make sure you sound out your words carefully (parents please encourage your child/children to do this). Can you include the word and or because? Can you include a question mark in your sentence? Ask an adult to read it after you have read it to check it is fantastic – although I am sure it will be.


Task 4 – Time to revisit Repunzel. Before you watch the video to remind yourself can you remember anything about the story? Your first task is to tell an adult what you can remember. Then I want you to watch the video

I now want you to think about your favourite part of the story. Why is it your favourite part? Is it because of the characters In it? I want you to write about this favourite part of your story on the worksheet called English task 4. Retell this part of the story and why it is your favourite part. I want you to write 5 full sentences about this. These must have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

After this I want you to think about your least favourite part of the story. Why is it your least favourite part? I want you to write 5 sentences about what happens and why it is your least favourite part. I have left a space for you to draw a picture of each of these parts.


Task 5 – Your last English task is to look at the worksheet labelled English task 5 which asks you to write out the sentences with capital letters and full stops. Think about what words need capital letters. Names of people, places, days of the weeks and months and beginning of sentences always have them. You must always end your sentence with a full stop. There is also a section at the bottom to use your imagination. I can’t wait to see your work.



Task 1 – To finish of our sharing from last week we are going to use what we did last week with sharing and division and use them to work out the word problems. Do you remember how to work out word problems?

- Read it twice

- Underline the important words (the numbers, what you are doing to the numbers add/ share/ subtract/divide/multiply, what you need to find out total/amount/each)  

- Find the answer

- Explain the answer (for example you may say “because 12 shared between 2 is 6”)

 I have attached an example called maths task 1 example. I want you to use objects at home to work out the word problems I have attached called maths task 1. All of the word problems are sharing/division.  


Task 2 – We are now going to look at positional language. I have set you a powerpoint to work through called maths task 2. I then want you to get a teddy or any toy and ask an adult to tell you to turn it left, right, clockwise, anti clockwise, 1 whole turn clockwise, 1 whole turn anti clockwise, half a turn clockwise and half a turn anti clockwise.


Task 3  -  For task 3 we are going to focus on left, right, forwards and backwards.  I want you to watch this song and join in with the turns.

Then there is a treasure map called Maths task 3. Follow the directions and write where you land. Think carefully about your left and rights!  


Task 4 - For this task we are going to look at  turning clockwise and anti clockwise. But which is which? Look at the powerpoint called Maths task 4. I have also set you a nice activity for you to turn the different animals the correct ways. This activity is called maths task 4.


Task 5 – For your final maths task we are going to use our positional language (left, right, forwards, backwards, clockwise and anticlockwise) to answer the questions on the worksheet I have made for you. First of all I want you to watch this video

Then look at the worksheet called Maths task 5 and use your super brains to answer the questions.   


Phonics – This week I want you to play these new phonics games I’ve found.


Music – I have attached your music for this week. This week we will be looking at being by the sea side. I love being by the sea side, do you?


Science – We looked at herbivores, omnivores and carnivores what seems like a lifetime ago so I think we need to recap what these are. But first of all what do herbivores, omnivores ad carnivores eat? Can you remember? Tell an adult what you can. I then want you to watch this song do you remember it? Join in if you do. I then want you to look at the powerpoint with an adult. After this I have set you a 2do on purple mash to sort the animals into the groups. Remember venn diagrams? Well this is one of them.


R.E This week we are going to look at being kind. Jesus told stories called Parables. This Parable is about Jesus showed great kindness to someone who as very ill and no one would go near. I first want you to watch this video

I then want you to answer these questions in your home school book.

  • What was wrong with the sick man?
  • What did people say to Jesus about this man?
  • What did the man want Jesus to do?
  • What did Jesus do that was kind?
  • How could you be kind today? Write and draw a picture of how you will be kind to someone.


Geography – This week we are going to look at the seven continents of the world! I first want you to watch this video which explain what continents are and where they are

I then want you to look at the powerpoint labelled geography seven continents. You will need an adult to read the information to you. After this I then want you to use the worksheet labelled geography and see if you can identify where the seven continents are.


I hope you enjoy your work this week. Stay safe

Mrs Green

Week beginning 29th June


Good morning Year 1. I know it was very warm last week so I hope you were all safe in the heart. It is important to stay cool and keep hydrated in that heat. Although I did see a drop in the work that was completed so please ensure that you do complete it. Remember we would usually be in school and completing work so must still do this whilst at home. Your work for this week is as follows.



Task 1 – Find your groups spellings and write them in a sentence. Why not have your own spelling test at the beginning and the end of the week to see if you have learnt your spellings!

Blue group                                                         green group                                               Red group

Cannot                                                                smash                                                              shed

Below                                                                 smith                                                               self

Inside                                                                  smog                                                               hand

However                                                            smug                                                                bend

Backpack                                                            sneer                                                               wind

Treetop                                                              snip                                                                  fund

Windmill                                                             snug                                                                 fast

Footpath                                                            snot                                                                 nest

Bathroom                                                          swam                                                               must

Weekend                                                            swing                                                               lost

Dishcloth                                                            swung

toothpick                                                           swell


Task 2 – I was really impressed with your Neil Armstrong Mash cams on purple mash so I have decided to set you another mash cam. This time is about Florence Nightingale who we have also spent a lot of time learning about. See if you can remember anything about her before watching this video to remind yourselves I expect 10 sentences.  Think about what she became famous for, what she could see, hear, smell, touch and feel whilst she was in the hospital. What happened when the war was over? You MUST write in full sentences. Writing “smell dirt” is not a full sentence. “I can smell dirt.” would be a full sentence. Remember you are pretending you are Florence Nightingale.


Task 3 – Time to find out what happens in the next chapter of Ned and the tree bears. I have set you the quiz for you to complete after. You MUST read the story twice before answering the quiz.


Task 4- I want you to watch the story of Repunzel again We do this so that we become really familiar with the story and build up a bank of familiar stories.

In the story Repunzel lives in a tower and can’t escape. I want you to think about if you were trapped in a castle what would you like there. Are there any particular games or toys? What colours would you like there to be in there? What would your bed be like? What favourite food would you like there? Would there be anyone in there with you trapped in the castle? Would you have a pet? I want you to write 10 sentences. Use your imagination! I have attached a castle worksheet underneath for you to complete this on.


Task 5 – Your last English task for the day is to correct the spellings in the sentences. The words have been circled so you know which they are. These words are trick words and can’t be sounded out. The worksheet is at the bottom of the weeks work.



Task 1 – This week we are going to focus on sharing. First of all we are going to remind ourselves how to do this. I want you to watch this video.

I then want you to complete the worksheet I have attached under the weeks worth of work called task 1.


Task 2 – Today I want you to get different amounts of objects and share them between 2, 3 or 4 people. Remember when we share objects they need to be shared into equal groups. This means each group has to have the same amount.

I then want you to find out if you can share these amounts equally;

15 objects between 3 people

15 objects between 2 people

7 objects between 2 people

6 objects between 4 people

12 objects between 3 people

If the answer is no then why not?


Task 3 - We are going to continue looking at sharing. First of all I want you to look at the powerpoint I have attached called task 3. I then want you to  complete the worksheet called task 3. Remember when we share objects they need to be shared into equal groups. This means each group has to have the same amount.


Task 4 – I want you use your knowledge on sharing to complete the worksheet I have titled sharing task 4. Remember you must share the objects equally. Use objects around your house to help you with this. If you aren’t sure then have a go.


Task 5 – We are now going to look at how sharing is actually division. Watch this video to explain this to you.

After you have watched this I want you to go back to your work you did in task 1 and write these using the divide by sign. For example if you had 12 shared by 2 is 6 then you would write 12 ÷ 2 = 6


Geography – This week we are going to look at the cities in the four countries in the United Kingdom. I want you to watch the video, look at the games and complete the quiz on the BBC bitesize website

I then want you to complete the worksheet on labelling the cities in the UK and colour in the different countries in different colours.


R.E - As you know today (Monday 29th June) is the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. We have already looked into the of Saint Paul but now I want you to look at a story of Saint Peter. I want you to watch this video all about Saint Peter.

After watching this I want you to write a prayer about what you are thankful for. Say this prayer tonight before you go to bed.


Science – This week we are going to look at the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees. I first want you to watch this video

And then look at the power point I’ve put at the bottom of the weeks work called deciduous and evergreen trees. Finally I want you to go on a safe walk and see what trees you can see. Do you think these trees are evergreen or deciduous? How many evergreen trees can you see? How many deciduous trees? Make a tally and let me know which you saw more of.


P.E – For your P.E this week I want you to make an assault course for someone to complete in your family. This could include jumping, catching, climbing, crawling or a mixture of all. Why not ask a family member to video you doing this so I can share it on our school website!


Music - I have attached your music work from Mrs Hypolite for week.


I hope you have a lovely week and stay very safe.

Mrs Green

Week beginning 22nd June 2020


Good morning Year 1. I want to tell you how proud I am of each and everyone of you for working so incredibly hard whilst we have not been in school. You have taken to not being in school really well and have continued with your learning. I can definitely tell that you are nearly ready to go in Year 2. What clever clogs you all are. Don’t give up trying and keep focussing really hard on your work.

Below I have set you your work for the week. Make sure you are also going on Ed Shed EVERY day as I am keep track of who is doing this and completing the work I set. Also please make sure you are practicing counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 each day. Use a hundred square to help you if you are not sure.  



Task 1- Your first task is to find your spellings and write them in sentences. Make sure you have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Blue group                                                  Green group                                    Red group

Ball                                                               grab                                                       room

Fish                                                               green                                                     moon

Seed                                                             grow                                                      cool

Sun                                                               grub                                                       boot

Football                                                       press                                                      food

Sunset                                                          print                                                       wood

Water                                                          prop                                                       good

Garden                                                         pram                                                      look

Basketball                                                   trap                                                        took

Ladybird                                                      tree                                                        shook

Jellyfish                                                        truck

flowerpot                                                    trip


Task 2- We learnt all about Neil Armstrong so I have set you a mash cam on purple mash and I want you to write what Neil Armstrong felt when he landed on the moon. Remember to write as if you are Neil Armstrong. Think about what he could see/smell/hear/touch and feel, was he happy or any other emotion? What did he say when he walked on the moon? Who was he with. I expect 10 sentences for this.


Task 3- I want you to re-watch the video of the Repunzel story.

Whilst you are watching it I want you to think about what Repunzel looks like. What shape and colour are her dress/hair, does she look happy, is she small/tall? In your home school book I want you to draw Repunzel just like she looks in the book and then writer 10 sentences with super adjectives (describing words that we talked about the other week). Remember they must make sense, have capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. I would love to see the connective and in your sentences too.


Task 4- Our now book we are going to look at on purple ash is called Ned and the Three Bears. Doesn’t that book sound like another you may have read? Read it twice before answering the quiz.


Task 5- Your last task is to use the writing worksheet I have attached at the bottom of the works worth of work. It asks you to draw a picture and write about someone who has helped you. This could be someone who has helped you with your work or it could be someone who as very kind to you at home or at school. It is your choice who you write about. Please write who they are, what they did and how this made you feel. Make sure you write in full sentences. This means the sentences should make sense, have capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


Task 1 – This week we are going to recap counting in multiples and then move onto making arrays and multiplication. First of all let’s start by counting objects in multiples of 2 and 5. This is easier than counting in multiples of 1. I have attached a document under the weeks worth of work with objects on. We have previously looked at these before so your child should know what do however here is a video to remind them.


Task 2 – Now I want you to look at your work from yesterday and write the pictures as calculations. For example the first question showed 5 bananas + 5 bananas so underneath I want you to write 5+5=10. Do this for all of the questions.


Task 3 – Today we are going to look at arrays however you have actually been using arrays in the past 2 activities! I want you to look at the power point I have attached called arrays task 3. I then want you to look at the document I have attached called task 3. This task talks about arrays as additions which is what we did yesterday.


Task 4 -I now want you to look at this video which explains how to use your multiplication (which is a fancy word for times tables) to see how much is in an array. Remember arrays must be the same amount across and the same amount down.

I then have included a worksheet for you to have a look at called arrays task 4. It talks about repeated additions (which is what we did on task 2 and task 3 for example 2+2+2=6) and the multiplication that goes with this.

For example;

2+2+2=6 is the same as 2 x 3 = 6


Task 5- I want you to use what you have learnt over the week to complete the final work sheet. This is called arrays task 5. If you are unsure then look at the power point and video that I have included. After this I want you to try making different arrays with objects at home and see if you can work out the calculation and multiplication for these.


P.E - Many parents have told me how much you enjoyed our zumba 2 weeks ago. So for our P.E this week I have found you 3 songs that have dances. Try all 3 and let me know which your favourite is.

Zumba I like to dance

 Move and freeze dance

Go noodle one scoop


Geography – Last week we looked at the 5 different oceans around the world. I first want you to watch this song to remind yourselves about these.

We are now going to look at the different layers of the oceans. I have attached a power point explaining the different levels and the animals you usually find here. I have also included a worksheet for you to write about the different layers of the ocean and include facts about the creatures you find on these layers.


IPC – This week we are going to be looking at the different countries in the United Kingdom. I first want you to look at this information on the bbc website.

I then want you to complete the labelling worksheet under the weeks work and label the UK.


R.E – On the 29th of June it is the Feast of St Peter and St Paul. I want you to learn all about St Paul. Watch this video and see how Saul changed and became Paul and then answer the questions below in your home school book.

  • What did Saul think at the beginning?
  • What did God want Saul to do?
  • What did Jesus say to Saul?
  • What happened after Jesus has spoken to Saul?
  • What happened when Saul became Paul?


I hope you have a lovely week. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Monday 15th June

Good morning Year 1. As I mentioned on Friday I will now be putting work up on a Monday morning for the whole week. You can choose when to do the work but it must all be done over the course of the week along with completing your spellings on edshed every day. I will list your activities by subject below. I also want to mention that the children who are not returning to school need to please drop any reading/library books back into school. There will be a box in the main office entrance for your to drop these in.


English –

Task 1 – find your spelling group and put each spelling in a sentence. Don’t forget to use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and make sure they make sense.

Blue group                                               Green group                                      Red group

Party                                                               creep                                                   oat

Very                                                                crisp                                                     goat

Story                                                               crush                                                   coat

Study                                                               crab                                                     boat

Happy                                                             dress                                                    road

Silly                                                                  drip                                                      load

Teddy                                                              drop                                                     moat

Funny                                                              drum                                                    toad

Lady                                                                free                                                      goal

Baby                                                                frill                                                       moan

Tiny                                                                 frog

pony                                                                frump

Task 2 – Write a diary entry about your weekend. What did you do? Who did you see? What did you play? What was your favourite part? Include anything else that you want to. Remember you must write in full sentences. This is very important.

Task 3 – I want you to use your art work of the animal you have drawn and describe it. Where does it live? What does it eat? What colour/size is it? Does it sleep? Is it scary? Is it kind? I want you to really use your imagination for this. Make sure you write full sentences and remember your capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and adjectives that we talked about last week. You could also use the word ‘and’ in your sentences to make them even better. Parents please check the sentences and discuss these with your child.

Task 4 – When we are at school on a Friday we usually complete a power of reading writing activity along with become really familiar with the book. Therefore we are going to continue with this and start looking at a new book. This book is called Rapunzel. Some of you may know this story but is this version the same as the one that you know? Watch this video of the book.

I now want you to pretend you are Repunzel and you are locked in the tower. How do you feel? What do you do all day? Do you see anyone? Is it fun? What can you see? Remember you are Repunzel so you would be writing I and not she or her. I expect about 10 sentences for this. I want you to really use your imagination for this.

Task 5 – Time to find out what happens in the next chapter of year one and their winter walk.  Once you have read it 3 times I want you to then answer the quiz.


Maths –

Task 1 – We are going to continue looking at bar charts. You did really well last week with reading them but now can you your own bar chart? Under the weeks work I have attached a document with a bar chart. I want you to colour the right numbers with the information I have provided. Your parents may need to help you with this. The graph will show what colour is the favourite out of a group of children. Each block on the graph equals 1. I have done the first one for you.

Blue – 5

Green – 2

Yellow – 6

Purple – 1

Orange – 4

Pink – 3

Grey – 0

Turquoise - 4

Once you have completed your bar chart I want you to answer the questions

What is the favourite colour out of the group of children?

What colour is the least favourite out of the group of children?

Task 2 – This activity is based on venn diagrams. Remember these from last week and our IPC lessons? I have attached a document under the weeks work where you will need to put the shapes in the correct places. I have also attached a powerpoint to remind you of this.

Task 3 – we are going to look at capacity. You will already know a bit about this from Reception but to remind yourselves I want you look watch the videos on this link.   

I then want you to complete the worksheet labelled capacity task 3 underneath the weeks work.

Task 4 – Today I have another video for you to watch which focuses on the amount of liquid in a container. I want you to first watch this video

I then want you to look at the worksheet labelled capacity task 4 underneath the weeks work. Let’s see who can use their knowledge for these questions!

Task 5 – Now that you are real clever clogs with capacity I want you to find to containers/jugs around your house and decide which will hold more. Do this for 3 different objects. I then want you to shop your parents how you can fill a container full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. Finally I want you to complete the worksheet labelled capacity task 5 under the weeks worth of work.


Phonics – Over the course of the week I want you keep practicing your phonics so I have found some fun phonics based games for you to play along with a video of set 2 and set 3 sounds. See if you can say the sound before the lady on the video does.


Art – I want you to go on this zoo website and watch some of the videos of the different animals

I then want you to draw a picture of an animal using any features of the different animals. You can use felt tips, paint, pencil crayons or any other medium. Make sure it’s good as you will use it in your writing this week.


Science – I hope you enjoyed looking at the animals on the zoo website because we are going to continue looking at animals. I have set you a task on purple mash where you have to pick 3 different animals from the list on the task and research where they live and what they eat. You may even choose to include if they are a herbivore, omnivore or a carnivore. Please do NOT copy and paste the information you found but write it yourself.


IPC – We are going to focus on Geography and oceans in our IPC lessons for a couple of weeks. I want you to first watch the powerpoint that I have attached under the days work called oceans of the world and then watch the 2 links below.
I then want you to have a go at completing the worksheet labelled ocean worksheet.


 R.E – In our R.E this week I want you to look at the picture I have attached under the weeks work and think about Holy Communion. Holy Communion means being close to Jesus and God his Father.  It also means being close to each other.  We are all God’s children. After you have looked at this picture I want you to answer these questions.

- What do you see in this picture?

- who do you see in this picture?

- What is happening in this picture?

- What do people do who do not want to receive Holy Communion?


This is all of your work for the week. Please email me pictures of the work you complete and I am as always available by email.

Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Friday 12th June

Good morning year 1. Make sure you are reading every day, practicing counting, play on ed shed and complete all of the work I set you.


Maths – Today we are going to look at reading a venn diagram. We have used these before when we were sorting animals into herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. To remind you how to read these I have attached a video. Watch this and then play the game on purple mash.


English – I have set you the next chapter of our story about Year 1 and the winter walk. Remember to read it three times before playing the quiz. Good luck!


Phonics – Today I want you to practice your phonics. I has sent you 2 links of 2 different games. Try phase 3 on buried treasure but if you are feeling up for a challenge try phase 5. If you are asked for a username and password use march20 for the username and home for the password. This will enable you to play all the games free.


Have a lovely day and weekend. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Thursday 11th June


Good morning Year 1. Did you enjoy your zumba yesterday?


Maths – Well done with your tally work yesterday. Today we are now going to look at bar charts. The numbers up the side tell  you how many people and the words at the bottom tell you the colours or people. For example on the game you have been set on purple mash it’s different colours at the bottom and the amount of people up the side. Think carefully about the bar chart and if you are struggling then your parents can help you.


English – Today I want you to complete a reading activity where you answer questions. These are something that we all need to improve on. Your child may need some help with reading this, that is fine. Please encourage your child to read it 3 times before answering the questions and then use it to answer the questions.


Music – Mrs Hypolite has sent other some music tasks for you to do. Enjoy!


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Year 1. I was impressed with your halving and quartering yesterday, you tried really hard with this.


English – Today I have included a picture of an alien. I want you to write 10 sentences to describe the alien. Think about the adjectives that we talked about yesterday. Make sure you write in full sentences, use capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and your writing is sitting on the line.  Why not try to use the word 'and' to join two of your sentences?


Maths – We are now going to move on from this and look at reading tallies and graphs. I have set you a game quiz on purple mash. You need to read the data and answer the questions. Remember each line makes 1. Then the 5th one goes across the 4. We have looked at tallies already so you should be an expert at this.


P.E – Today would usually be P.E day so I have found you some fun Zumba exercises to do. Choose one of the links below or you could do all of them!

Zumba minions song

Zumba I like to move it

Zumba old town road


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Alien for describing

Tuesday 9th June


Good morning Year 1. I hope you enjoyed your work yesterday. Did anyone use the word ‘and’ in there sentences?


Maths – Yesterday you did really well with your math work. I have got some more questions for you to answer. They are mostly on halves but there is one at the end on quarters so make sure you are careful!


English – Today we are going to use adjectives in our sentences. Do you know what adjectives are? Follow this BBC Bitesize link watch the video, read the information and play the game. I then want you to write each of these words in a sentence. Make sure they make sense, have capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and also check that the letters aren’t to big. Also you need to make sure that you use cursive letters (letters with your get ready lines). The words are; short, green, smooth, terrifying, bitter, fluffy, huge, quick, fresh and thundering.


Geography – Your work today is to use the north, east, south and west to direct a bee bot to different locations on a game on purple mash. Click on challenges to pick the ones you want to complete. Make sure you use north, east, south and west when you are explaining these.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Monday 8th June


Good morning Year 1. I hope you have had a lovely weekend. Please start your morning with a prayer asking to everyone safe as we all start going back to school and to the shops. Don’t forget to play on Ed shed.


Maths – Our maths today is going to be using what we learnt last week. Make sure you have remembered your halves! I have attached a document with 4 activities/questions for you to complete.


English – It’s spelling Monday. Please find your group and write your spellings in a sentence. Don’t forget to use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Make sure you read your sentences to make sure they make sense.

Green group                                             Blue group                                           Red group

Class                                                                  vet                                                         high

Clip                                                                     vicar                                                      thigh

Cloth                                                                  volt                                                       sight

Club                                                                   vain                                                               tight

Black                                                                  have                                                             night

Blend                                                                 serve                                                            might

Blink                                                                   give                                                               light

Blunt                                                                  solve                                                             fight

Glad                                                                   twelve                                                         tonight

Glass                                                                  live                                                                fright

Glint                                                                   active

glow                                                                   evolve


Geography – Today we are going to learn about the points of a compass. Please watch this video and then play the game on purple mash. You need to be extra careful and get your thinking caps on.

We will be using this in our work tomorrow.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Math worksheep for 8th June

Friday 5th June

Good morning Year 1. I enjoyed reading your leaflets all about Bury. These were fantastic. I have attached pictures of the ones I received.


Maths – Today I have attached a document for you to complete, I want you to cut out the shapes and put them in the right sections. You are looking at the shaded part of the shape. And whether this has been cut into shaded into quarters.


English – It’s time for your next chapter in our book. Read it twice and make sure you read the questions and answers carefully. If you are struggling to read it then ask an adult to help you.


R.E – For our R.E today I have attached a story below. I want you to read it and then answer these questions in your home school book. Remember to write the full date in your books (Friday 5th June) with the title ‘A special meal for the parish family.

-What is the food and drink for the special meal?

- where did Clare and Tom take the food and drink?

- What are the people called that take up the special meal?

- What did Father James do with the gifts of bread and wine?

- What did the people reply?

- Have you ever seen this when you have been in Church?


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Look at our brilliant leaflets about Bury

Thursday 4th June

Good morning Year 1. I hope you are all well. Please remember you must play the games on Ed Shed every day. I have noticed that some people are not going on. Please make sure you go on everyday. 


Maths – You have done really well with finding half that we are now going to look at a quarter. A quarter is when you split something into 4 equal parts. We have discussed this in class before so you should be good at this. Here is a song about quarters. I have put a link to a song about quarters,  attached a powerpoint document about them and a document for you to print out and colour 1 quarter of the shape in.


English - Today I want you to write a leaflet all about Bury on purple mash. I want you to pretend that this leaflet is going to be seen by people that have never been to Bury so it needs to be really good and full of information. I want you to include what you can see, where the best place to eat is, what your favourite thing to do there is, what is the weather usually like, what school you go to, where you get your food from and anything else you want to share with the reader that would make them want to visit Bury.


Phonics – Today I want you to practice your phonics on this online game.

I want you to play phase 4 but if you are feel like you are up for a challenge then you can have a go at phase 5. Good luck!


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning Year 1. I really enjoyed reading your diary entries and seeing all the fun you have been having. Just remember to stay safe. Make sure you say your morning prayers thanking God for keeping you safe.


Maths – Today I have set you a game on purple mash about halving shapes, pictures and numbers. Remember when you half something it has to be two equal parts. Good luck!


English – As our topic is I’m alive I want you to think about what you are grateful for. I want you to write 5 sentences about each thing you are thank full for. For example I am grateful that I am healthy and can sit in my garden in the lovely sun. Make sure you use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Sit your writing nicely on the line and don’t make it to big.


Music – Mrs Hypolite has sent in a another music task for you to complete. I have attached a document for you to practice your musical talents with. Have fun!


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Music work for the 3rd June

Tuesday 2nd June


Good morning Year 1. I loved seeing all your work yesterday. I know the weather is lovely and you probably want to be playing outside but it is important that you must also complete your work.


English – Today I have set you a diary entry on purple mash to complete. I know it says summer holiday but I want you think write about your May half term. When you are writing think about what you did, what was your favourite part, what didn’t you like, what did you have to eat and who did you play with. These are only ideas so you can write about plenty of different things. You may write what you did each day! Please write in full sentences. Parents encourage your child to sound out the words and use their phonics books to help them spell any sounds they are unsure of.


Maths – Yesterday you did so well at folding the shapes in half making sure that each side was equal. Today I have attached a document and I want you to tick whether I have cut the shapes in half correctly. Look very carefully!


Science – Today we are going to look at living and non-living things.  Here are 2 videos to give you a better idea of what living and non-living things are.

Watch both of the videos and then play the game on purple mash


Have a lovely day and stay safe

Mrs Green

Monday 1st June


Good morning Year 1.


I hope you all enjoyed your half term and stayed safe. It has been very warm so I hope you all were safe in the sun, stay hydrated and wore sun cream. In addition to our normal maths and English work we are going to look at different animals which links with our new topic this term I'm alive. This week we our topic will include naming, labelling and sorting animals into different groups. Please remember that you should be reading everyday and completing your games on Ed Shed as I do keep a record of who has completed their work and been on Ed Shed.


Maths – Today we are going to look at halving shapes. We have already looked at halving them and we know already that when we half things there needs to be 2 equal parts that are the same. First watch this video about halving objects. I have attached a document below with 2d shapes. I want you to print it out and fold the shapes in half making sure that both sides are the same. If you don’t have a printer then you can draw your own shapes.


English – As it is Monday it’s time for spellings. I want you to find your group and write spelling in a sentence. Don’t forget capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

Blue group                                                      Green group                                               Red group

Catch                                                               sleep                                                                 see

Fetch                                                                slip                                                                     free

Notch                                                               slop                                                                   three

Hutch                                                               slug                                                                   sheet

Branch                                                             plan                                                                   fleet

Bench                                                               plug                                                                   sweet

Pinch                                                                plum                                                                  sheep

Torch                                                               pluck                                                                 sleep

Each                                                                 fleet                                                                  creep

Reach                                                               flip                                                                     deep

Coach                                                              flop

touch                                                               fluff


Science – Today I want you to pretend you are a zoo keeper. I want you to research how to look after your favourite animal including what they eat and drink, where they sleep, how you would care for them and would you play with them along with anything else you want to tell me about your favourite animal. On purple mash I have set you a task where you can put your face into the face of a zoo keeper and write all your research into the speech bubble. Remember you must not copy and paste the information but write it in your own words.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

1st June math work

Friday 22nd May

Good morning Year 1. Well the weather was lovely again yesterday. Did you enjoy it? Next week is half term so I wont be putting any work on the class page. I will start putting work on again on the 1st June.


English – I have set you chapter 3 in our story of Class 1 and the Winter Walk and the quiz to go with this. Make sure you read the chapter carefully and read the questions carefully too.


Maths – Today I want you to find your Maths group and answer the calculations using a 100 square. Make sure you check to see if it is a + or a -. Take your time.

Triangles and squares - 24+11=     33-12=    35+15=     42-10=     39+17=     41+9=    37-13=     29-14=     41-19=     38+16=

Hexagons and Pentagons – 64+29=      55-25=      71-32=       64+ 26=        52-19=           63-28=         55+20=       72-30=        48+22=         58-29=

Circles -   11+6=      15-9=         4+12=         18-11=         15+5=          13-6=       18-8=        6+10=        5-5=          20-14=


P.E – Have you been keeping up with your morning exercise? Well you need to make sure you do it today! Mr Cowley has set a new task for you all.

Good luck!


I hope you have a lovely half term. Stay safe

Mrs Green

Thursday 21st May


Good morning Year 1. Did you enjoy the sun yesterday? I hope you stayed safe, used sun lotion and kept hydrated. As always I have been so impressed with your work and it is lovely to hear all of the lovely stories from your parents.


Maths – Well done on your addition yesterday but today we are going to look at subtraction. Remember which way do our jumps on the hundred square? Backwards! Today I have set you another game on Purple Mash all about subtraction. Use a hundred square again to help you and make sure you count backwards. Good luck and take your time!


English – Today I have set you a comprehension task. You need to read the information about baths first of all. Now remember what I always say? Read it twice! Then have a look at the questions. Parents if you read the information with your child/children, then read the questions to them and then see if they can answer. Look back at the information if you are struggling as all of the answers are in there.


R.E – Today is Ascension day. This is the day that Jesus returned to heaven to be with his father , God. I have attached a powerpoint with a time line from Palm Sunday to the Ascension of Jesus. I want you to look at the powerpoint with a parent. I then want you to think and write about how you would feel if you were one of the disciples and saw Jesus go back to heaven and why. For example you may write ‘I would feel upset because I would wanted Jesus to stay with me on Earth’. Write these in your home school book.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Wednesday 20th May


Good morning Year 1. I hope you are all well. It is meant to be a lovely day out today so make sure you enjoy the sun whilst staying safe.


Maths – Today we are going to go back to addition. This time the numbers are going to be bigger so I want you to use a hundred square to help you. You can find one of these on google by searching 100 square. Take your time and don’t rush. It is more important to get it right than rush these. Circles I have set you a slightly different game as that is your level that you need to concentrate on. Remember everyone that you must jump before you say the number. For example 5+3= you would start on  number 5, jump to 6 and say 1, jump to 7 and say 2, jump to 8 and say 3 and your answer  would be 8.


English – Today I want you to correct these sentences I have attached below the days work. Read the sentences and write them in your home school book with the correct capital letters and full stops. Remember capital letters are used for names too. There are 2 sheets. You must do both. Good luck!


Phonics – I hope you have remembered your phonics! Let’s put it to the test by playing this game. Click the Phase 4 words or for an even harder challenge try the Phase 5 words.

The real words go to the green dragon and the nonsense words go to the red words. Encourage your child to sound out the word so you can hear it before choosing the dragon.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

English work for 20th May

Tuesday 19th May


Good morning Year 1. I hope you enjoyed your tasks set for you yesterday. I loved seeing some of your pointillism art work yesterday. I have attached the ones I received underneath the days work to show you how amazing they are!


Maths – You did really well yesterday with your math work so today I have set you a similar task but with subtractions. Remember to take your time.


English – Today we are going to use our imagination. I want you to close your eyes and imagine you have walked into your favourite park. This could be one that is close to your home or one that is a little bit away. I want you to think about what you can see, hear, smell, touch and feel. What is your favourite thing to do there? Who do you go with? When did you go last to the park? What equipment do you play on there? Why is this park your favourite? Write 10 sentences in your home school book. Remember to sound out your words carefully, use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Also make sure that you sit your letters on the line and concentrate on making them the correct size. For example a capital letter is a big letter and a lower case letter is a smaller letter.


Science – Today in science we are going to look at plants again. We now know what seeds need to grow and we can label them but today I want you to watch the video below and then on purple mash I have set you a 2do about describing how the seed grows. I want you to write what happens at the different points. For example you might say ‘The roots soak up food and water’.



Just a reminder that I have sent the children who attend Polish Club another email from Mrs Filipowska.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Our Pointillism art work

Monday 18th May


Good morning Year 1! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Mrs Casey and I are missing seeing your lovely smiley faces each morning. Start your morning with a prayer to Our Mother Mary thanking her for the lovely weekend you have had.

Don’t forget everyday your should be playing on Ed shed, counting forwards and backwards from various numbers, counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and also looking at your phonics book.


Maths – We haven’t looked at additions for a long time so today we are going to focus on addition. Some of the calculations may be simple 4+12= but others may be ___+12=16 or 4+___=16. Take your time when working these out. Use a 100 square if you need to.


English – It’s Monday which means it’s spellings day. Find your group and write a sentence with each of your spellings on. Then go to EdShed and test your knowledge on these. Don’t forget to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and to sit your writing on the line! I am going to set an extra challenge for green group and blue group. I want you to include the word ‘and’ in each sentence for each spelling. Remember it only goes in your sentence ONCE!


Blue group                                         Red group                                 Green group

Walk                                                       sail                                                  scalp

Milk                                                        tail                                                   help

Silk                                                          nail                                                  yelp

Sulk                                                         main                                               gulp

Thank                                                     train                                                lamp

Wink                                                       drain                                               chomp

Blink                                                       paid                                                 stump

Trunk                                                      maid                                               limp

Desk                                                       raid                                                 clasp

Frisk                                                        aid                                                   crisp

Tusk                                                                                                                lisp

Risk                                                                                                                 cusp


Art – Today we are going to be artists. I want you to watch this video all about pointillism. This is a type of method artists use to paint pictures. It consists of lots and lots of small dots. Towards the end of the video it shows you how to make a tree using pointillism. I want you to use the technique shown in the video to do your own. I know now everyone has paints at home (me being one of them) so you can also use felt tips. I can’t wait to how fabulous your art work is.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green

Friday 15th May

Good morning Year 1! I was so impressed with your acrostic poems yesterday. Good job Year 1! Don’t forget to be exercising. Why not try this exercise challenge with Mr Cowley


I had another email yesterday telling me what a brilliant job another child had been doing. Well done to Jett for being really helpful at home especially helping his mum with jobs around the house. He has also helped his dad pot new flowers for their hanging basket and listened really carefully when helping.


Maths – You have done so well on your longest and shortest this week so let’s finish it of with a purple mash game. I have set a 2do for you to complete on this.


English – Today we get to find out what happens in the next chapter of the book we started reading last week. It was called Class One and the Winter Walk. I have also set you a quiz to do about this chapter. Remember to read it twice before starting the quiz. Good luck!


R.E – as you are aware May is the month of Our Lady Mary. Today I want you to write a prayer to Mary. You can thank her for something that has happened to you, ask Mary to help someone who is sick or ask for help on something you are worried about. Say your prayers today at any time. This could be after you have wrote it or before you go to bed.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe

Mrs Green

Thursday 14th May


Good morning year 1! A lot of parents emailed me today to tell me what fantastic things their children have been up to. Well done to;

Lily for helping Mummy and Daddy. She has been making her bed in the morning and helping Daddy in the garden. She has also been helping her mummy cut up the pepper for her tea and was very careful with the knife.

Maliha for being super good at helping to tidy up around the house. Your parents are so proud of you for happily getting on with the school work she is set.

Olaf for being really helpful in the kitchen and making asking every morning if he can make his parents a cup of tea or coffee! He has been playing with his brother Igor and has been teaching him some words in English. He has also been cleaning up the garden and helping his dad with small work on the car.

Mikolaj who has helped his mum clean an hoover his room. He has also been teaching his brother Davie how to count and the alphabet. In addition to this he has been helping his to share and has been saying, “sharing is caring”.

Elliot for being a really good helper. He has been helping his mum carry the food shopping and has helped to put all the clean towels away.

Aleksander for helping his mummy with the cooking and baking. He has been chopping vegetables using a sharp knife and being very careful with this. He has helped make some delicious food. In addition he has been walking every day and has been doing tricks on his bike.

Harry for helping his daddy clean the stinky bins. He has also been helping in the garden with the hosepipe. I hope he didn’t get anyone wet!

Martin has been really helpful helping his mum to clean up.

Emilia has been really kind and helping to look after her cat and kitten.


Maths – It looked like you really enjoyed your measuring yesterday. Today I want you to use your measurements and write this objects were bigger or smaller. For example you might say.

  • The tv was longer than my shoe.
  • My shoe was shorter than the T.V
  • My sofa is the longest object in my house. 

Do this for 6 different objects. I know a couple of you did this yesterday along with your measuring work but today I want you to use different objects around your house. Send me picture of your work. Have fun!


English – Today we are going to learn about acrostic poems. We have previously talked about different poems in school but this one is a new type! Watch this video below explaining what an acrostic poem is.

I have also attached pictures of 2 that I made. One of them has words around that I want to be. Another has sentences about the human body. You can base yours around anything to do with humans. Have a think about the first letter and chose a word with that letter to start. Have a go and don’t give up. I have set you a 2do on Purple Mash with the ‘human’ acrostic poem.


Phonics – I want you to play your phonics game that you had yesterday but I want to see if you can beat your score!  

If you are in mine or Mrs Caseys Read Write Inc group please click the top/first link. If you are in any other Read Write Inc group then please click the second link.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe

Mrs Green

Wednesday 13th May


Good morning Year 1! I only had 3 parents email me telling me what extra special things their child have been doing over the past 8 weeks. I am sure that your child/children have done a lot of extra special things. Email them in to me so I can mention them in our morning work.

Well done to Ava for keeping her room tidy all the time!

Well done to Logan for keeping his bedroom tidy and learning to cook pasta Bolognese, chicken curry and steak pie! Yum!

Well done to Oliver for always helping his mum and dad at home. For tiding his room even when his brother makes a big mess (oh no!). In addition he help to look after his brother with his work and using his knowledge of spelling and reading in his play.


English – I’m going to set you another book review to do on Purple Mash. We did one of these at the start of our online learning but now I want you to pick another book and write about it. Let’s see who’s writing has improved. Remember you must use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Sound out your words carefully. Write about what happens in the story. Think about the beginning of the story and what happens. Do this for the middle and then for the end. Then I want you to write why someone should read this book. What can you say to make them read it?


Maths –Today lets have a bit of fun with our math. I want you to measure different items around your house with different objects. For example you might measure your sofa using hands! Or your T.V with your remote. My T.V Is 8 remotes long which is shorter than my sofa which is 15 hands long. Watch this video before you do this to give you some ideas. Write these in your Home school book.


Phonics – Today lets try something a little bit different. Let’s play a game. This is very similar to the Obb and Bob game we play at school sometimes. This one is called Odd and Bob. Follow this link below. When you click play it will ask you to choose your words. Click ‘revise all’. Feed Odd the words that aren’t real (alien words) and feed Bob the real words. Good luck!

If you are in mine or Mrs Caseys Read Write Inc group please click the top/first link. If you are in any other Read Write Inc group then please click the second link.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Year 1. I hope you enjoyed yesterdays tasks. Don’t forget to start your morning with a prayer. As we are in the month of May make sure your pray to our Mother Mary. You could thank her for keeping you safe or ask her for some help and guidance.

I hope you are all being really kind to your family and helping them out at home. Parents why not email me with anything extra special your child/children have been doing at home to help you. This could be helping to clean up or making sure they say please and thank you all the time. I will mention these tomorrow in our morning work section.


Maths – Today is slightly different. I want you to click on this white rose website and watch the video on Lesson 2.

Next to the video you will find an activity sheet and underneath this are the answers. Fill it in and send me a picture of it. This is something we haven’t discussed before so have a go.


English – Today I want you to write a ‘Dear Diary’ entry. I want  you to think about; what you have been doing over the past 8 weeks, have you enjoyed being at home, have you missed school, what has been your favourite part, who are you missing seeing the most, what are you excited to do once this is all over. Write this in your home school book and send me a picture. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, writing on the line, using and in a sentence ONCE and making sure your sentences make sense. Please do not use commas in your writing and focus on the things I mentioned in the previous sentence. We need to make sure we have these skills perfect before moving on to commas.


IPC – Today we are going to look at litter/rubbish, how it is dangerous and what we can do to stop it being dangerous. Watch this video about how it can be harmful and dangerous to people and animals and what we can do about it.

Then on Purple Mash I have set you a task to write about litter. I want you to include what happens when you drop litter onto the floor and what we can do about it. I expect 10 sentences for this work. Please let your child type the work and help them with any really tricky words but encourage them to sound out the words. Don’t forget to write in sentences, use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Read each sentence after you have wrote it to make sure it makes sense.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe.

Mrs Green

Monday 11th May

Good morning Year 1. Did you all enjoy your long weekend and celebrating VE day nice and safely?

I have started to notice that children aren’t going on Ed Shed! Please remember you must go on this every day. If you don’t do your spellings on Ed Shed that is fine but there are other words for you to practice on there. In saying that I have notice a lot more children completing work on Purple Mash! Well done Year 1. Just like last week I am going to give 100 honey pots to all the children who have completed ALL the work on Purple Mash And have gone on Ed Shed every day. Well done too Jakub, Olaf, Mikolaj, Chineye, Jett, Elliot, Oliver, Apolonia and Ella.

Don’t forget to also be doing your daily phonics videos on Youtube.


English – Today we have new spellings! Find your group and then use your spellings in a sentence. Don’t forget to practice these on Ed Shed too.

Blue group:                                          Green group:                                                       Red group:

Fell                                                            milk                                                                 herd

Fill                                                              silk                                                                   fern

Staff                                                          sulk                                                                  kerb

Stuff                                                          bulk                                                                 term

jeff                                                            thank                                                               singer

Off                                                             wink                                                                jumper

Stuff                                                          think                                                                cure

Graph                                                        trunk                                                               pure

Elephant                                                   desk                                                                 secure

Dolphin                                                     risk                                                                   sure

Trophy                                                      frisk

Photo                                                        tusk


Maths – You have all been doing so well with your money that I am going to set you another task on this so ensure our knowledge is fantastic on money when we return to school.


Science – Today we are going to learn about how gorillas. We will be looking at how they live, what they eat and why they are endangered. I have set you a task on Purple Mash to complete. Read this document with your child

Please do not copy and paste the information. Read it with your child and see what they can remember. If they are struggling then read the information again. Encourage your child to sound out the words. It doesn’t matter if they are not spelt absolutely correctly. Some of the words (i.e words like species) may need your help to spell. That is fine! As long as your child has a good go at sounding out the words and learning all about gorillas. Gorillas are fantastic animals so enjoy learning about them.


Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Green


Thursday 7th May


Good morning Year 1. I hope you enjoyed learning all about VE day. If you didn’t get chance to finish it yesterday why not finish it today. Don’t forget to put it up on your doors for everyone to see and celebrate with you. I would love to see pictures of this so I can put them on our website. Tomorrow is a bank holiday so there wont be any work given to you. Instead enjoy the sun (I hope that I haven’t jinxed it!) and have fun celebrating VE day. Make sure you are still playing on Ed Shed everyday as I keep a record of who plays on it and completes the work.


Maths – I have set you another money change game. See if you can be a bit quicker this time with answering the questions. Some of you may even have a harder game than yesterday! Good luck everyone!


English – First of all, join in the daily phonics lessons on Youtube with Ruth Miskin. It’s time to start a new book. This book is called Class One and the Winter Walk. Read the first chapter and then answer the questions on the quiz I have also set you. Remember read it twice before completing the quiz questions.


R.E – May is the month of Mary. If we were still in school our Prayer area would be in honour of Mary. The tradition of dedicating May to Mary has been a tradition for many many years.  I have attached a powerpoint all about Mary and the month of the May. After you have read this with an adult I want you to either draw your own Rosary beads or print out the one I have also attached and colour this. We will be doing more work on this throughout the month of May. (documents are below) 


Have a lovely long weekend. I will be putting work back on for you on Monday the 11th May. Stay safe

Mrs Green

R.E powerpoint and picture of Rosary Beads

Wednesday 6th May

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Don't forget your morning prayer this morning. Why not ask God to help watch over someone that you are worrying about. 


Maths – I am really impressed that you have remembered all we discussed about money. Today I have set you a giving change game on Purple Mash. You need to figure out how much change you need to give. Think about your number bonds and then how you can make this amount. I have set different math ability groups different games. For example If you had given a shop keeper 10p to pay for a 8p toy this would be 10p – 8p =2p. How can we make 2p? Remember the coins we have. Don’t rush this and take your time.


English – In our Power of Reading last term we were looking at the story of Bob the Man on The Moon and about his day to day life. We all really enjoyed this story. Today I want you to watch this video of someone reading the story to you and then in your own words retell the story in your Home School books. Think about what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story. Remember to let your child/children sound out the words but encourage them to use finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and to write neatly on the line. Your child can use their phonic booklet to help them remind themselves of the sounds if they can’t remember how to spell it. Send a picture of your work to me on Purple Mash.


History – Friday marks the 75th anniversary of VE day. Do you know what VE day is? Watch this video to find out all about it

After you have watched this, I want you to make some bunting. I have attached a template for VE day bunting below. You could print this out and colour/paint it or make your own. Why not put up on your front door on Friday to celebrate this historical day. I would love to see the pictures of your bunting up on your front door.


I loved seeing your pictures yesterday of your cooking and helping your parents. I have attached a slideshow of your wonderful cooking and instructions. Well done Year 1.



Stay safe

Mrs Green

VE day bunting template

Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Year 1. I hope you enjoyed yesterdays work, I was really impressed with your work on Jaguars becoming endangered. Jaguars are fascinating animals and from the comments that a lot of parents left it sounds like the children really enjoyed finding out this information. Have you all been keeping up with your exercise? Why not join in with Joe Wicks today. Send me a picture of you joining in. You may even see it on our Class page!


Maths – You did really well with your money task yesterday. Today I have set you another money task on Purple Mash. This one you need to see which coins you add together to make amounts up to 20p. Remember take your time again.


English - Today I want you to make some food with a family member. For example this could be crispy cakes, a fruit salad or a sandwich. I then want you to write a set of instructions on how to make this. We have previously discussed using the word first, then, next and finally. Use these in your instructions. Don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and writing neatly on the line. Write your instructions in your Home book. Make sure you write the full date at the top of the page (Tuesday 5th May) along with the title ‘How to make……’. Send me a picture of these along with pictures of you making the food.


Music – Mrs Hypolite has sent in more fun Music tasks for you to complete. I have attached the document for you complete under the days work.


Don’t forget to go on Ed Shed every day to practice the weeks spellings and to be practicing your phonics with the Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc videos on Youtube.

Stay safe

Mrs Green


Monday 4th May

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to May! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Start your morning with a prayer saying thank you to God for the brilliant weekend you have had.

I have been looking and keeping track of who completes all the work I set on both Purple Mash and Ed Shed. These children I am really proud of for doing this every day last week and therefore will be getting 100 honey pots each. Well done to; Jakub, Martin , Jensen and Lily. I can see that quite a lot of children are not completing the game on Ed Shed. You must also do this along with the work I set you each day.


Maths – This week we are going to focus on money. We already know our coins and have looked at adding different coin amounts together. Today I have set you a game on Purple Mash. You need to work out if you can use one coin to make the amount or if you need to add two or more coins to make the amounts. Take your time and don’t rush. Use your counting on skills to do this.


English – Today I want you to find your spellings and write them in a sentence. Make sure you use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Your writing needs to be of course on the line and your sentences need to make sense. Make sure that you are still playing on Ed Shed. Remember I do give out honeypots for children that complete all of their work every day on both Ed Shed and Purple Mash.

Green group                                           Red Group                                                   Blue Group

shaft                                                            air                                                                      slip

drift                                                             fair                                                                    stuck

soft                                                              hair                                                                    send

left                                                               pair                                                                    sock

salt                                                               chair                                                                  pass

belt                                                              stair                                                                   less

wilt                                                               lair                                                                     boss

cult                                                               she                                                                    fuss

pant                                                             he                                                                      jazz

hunt                                                             me                                                                     frizz

font                                                              we                                                                     fuzz

hint                                                              be                                                                      buzz


Science – This week in our science and IPC lessons we are going to be looking at endangered animals. This means that the animal is in danger of being extinct (there aren’t any of them anymore). I want you to read the information on this website with a grown up and then fill in the fact file on Purple Mash about endangered Jaguars. Please do not just copy and past the words straight from the website. Read it together and think about what you can remember. Adults you are there to help but do not tell them what to write or write it for them.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Friday 1st May

Good morning Year 1. I have been so impressed this week with all the work you have been completing. It is a very strange time to be at home and not at school but you are doing this really well and I am so glad to see your work and all of your smiling faces. I know you will be missing your friends but it is very important for us all to be safe. This wont be forever.


I hope you are still completing your phonic videos on Youtube.


Maths – For our final time lesson on time we are going to look at quarter to on a clock. Watch this video before completing the game on Purple Mash


English – It’s time for our last chapter in the story of Zara and Her Lost Cat. Read the final chapter and then answer the questions.


Music – Today Mrs Hypolite our music teacher has sent in our music lesson. I will attach the document she has sent in. Open it and follow the video links she sets you. I hope you enjoy this.


Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Mrs Green


Thursday 30th April

Good morning Year 1. Who enjoyed completing the P.E challenge with Mr Cowley? Here is a different video looking at throwing. Please do this with a soft object in your house and make sure you it is safe to do so.

Polish Club – I have sent everyone in Polish Club a email on Purple Mash through 2Email with a booklet from Mrs Filiowska who runs the club. Let me know if you are unclear with any of this.


Maths – You have all completely shocked me. Now I am going to set you a game on Purple Mash where you will need to look at the clocks and decide what time they are. All of the clocks show quarter past. Watch the video below before you play he game.


English – I have set you programme on Purple Mash to describe a park. As you load the 2do where you complete your work there SHOULD be a little video to watch about a park. If this doesn’t load you can google a park video or use your imagination for your writing. Think about what you can see, hear, taste, touch and feel. Just like the previous days please DO NOT use commas in your writing. You need to concentrate on capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and most importantly that your writing makes sense. Also please encourage your child to sound out the words instead of telling them how to spell each and every word. They must also do ALL the typing. I can see that the parent's are starting to take over with the typing. 


IPC – As part of our topic ‘I’m alive’ I want you to watch the video of what plants need to grow. I then want you to draw a picture of a plant in your Home School book and write what plants need to grow. For example ‘A plant needs________to grow’. Send a picture of your work to me through the 2Email on Purple Mash.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Year 1. I have noticed that some children are not doing there work that I set them and are telling their parents they aren’t doing it! I am really shocked at this! You must do all of your work. Even though you aren’t at school this is not a holiday and you must still do all of your work just like you would do in school.

Today instead of Go Noodle today our P.E coach Mr Cowling has set more P.E challenges on his You tube channel. Why not try this spinning challenge


Maths  - You are doing so well with your clock times. I now want you to write what you do at the different times of the day on the worksheet below the days work. For example if the clock shows 9 o’clock you could write ‘At 9 o’clock I have my breakfast.’ Take a picture of your completed work and send it to me via Purple Mash.


English – I’ve set you another describing task on Purple Mash. Imagine you are in a fairy land. What can you see, hear, smell, feel and touch? Are you a fairy? Can you hear something coming your way? Are your friends there? Write in full sentences making sure you read them to make sure they make sense.  Write between 5 to 10 sentences. Remember please don’t use commas in your writing.


Science – Today I have set you a task on Purple Mash to label the different parts of a plant. Watch this video first and then label the different parts.


Have a lovely day. Stay safe

Mrs Green


Tuesday 28th April 

Good morning Year 1. Did you enjoy your Go Noodle dancing yesterday? Why not try a different one today.


Maths – Well Year 1 you have surprised me again with your fantastic clock work. Today I want you to write the times that the clocks are showing. (The worksheet is underneath the days word) It will either be ___o’clock of half past___. You can either print out the worksheet or draw it in the books. Take a picture of this and send it via 2Email on Purple Mash. You can find this by clicking on




2Email (again)

Then the picture of the envelope with an arrow in at the top right hand side.


English – This gorgeous weather reminds me of the beach! Today I want you to watch the video, draw the scene at the top of the page and write 5 to 10 sentences describing the scene. I expect to see capital letters in the correct place, finger spaces, full stops in the correct place and adjectives (describing words). Please avoid using commas in your writing as it is important for your child to work on writing sentences that make sense, using capital letters, finger spaces and full tops correctly. Please also encourage your child to sound out their words and use their phonic book to help them with the sounds.


 IPC – I want you to go into your garden or outside of your house (as long as it is safe), draw a picture of them and write a list of all the living things you find. This could be the different insects or the different plants that you see.


Stay safe

Mrs Green



Monday 27th April

Good morning Year 1. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Why not try a Go Noodle dance routine this morning


Maths – The work that I set you on Friday wasn’t saved correctly so I have set it for you for today. Don’t forget everything I told you about half past clocks.


English – Don’t forget to join in your daily Read Write Inc lessons.

I have put your spellings on Ed Shed for you to complete the game on there to earn you some honey pots. I will be checking to see who has been on every day at the end of the week and reward them with honeypots. I also want you to find your spelling group and put the words into sentences. Think carefully about if the sentence makes sense.

Green group                                              Blue group                                         Red group

shed                                                             tell                                                        ear

fled                                                              fell                                                        dear

hand                                                            will                                                         fear

bend                                                            bull                                                        hear

wind                                                            full                                                         near

pond                                                            all                                                          bear

fund                                                             fall                                                       pear

fast                                                             ball                                                       wear

next                                                            tall                                                        tear

list                                                               wall                                                      swear

lost                                                             skin

must                                                           sky







R.E – Sundays gospel was the story of ‘The Road to Emmaus’. Watch the video below

We know that Jesus is the light that guides us so today I want you to draw a candle and decorate it however you want. I then want you to write how Jesus has guided you in your life. Use this to say a thank you prayer tonight.


Have a lovely day, stay safe.

Mrs Green

Friday 24th April

Good morning Year 1. Did you enjoy your yoga yesterday morning? Why not join in with Joe Wicks today, a lot of other children and myself. Yes you read right, I will be joining in too! Just a reminder that you need to complete ALL the work I set for you on Purple Mash, Ed Shed or in your Home School books. Keep practicing your reading book. You can also read other books on Purple Mash or any books you have at home and please make sure you keep practicing counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.


Maths – As you all absolutely AMAZED me with you o’clock I’ve decided to move onto half past. Half past looks different to o’clock. The big hand which is the minute hand is at number 6 on the clock. It has gone half way around the clock.


The smaller hand which is the hour hand is travelling to the next hour. For example this clock is showing it is moving from 2 to 3. Therefore the clock is showing half past 2. I have set a game 2do on Purple mash. You may need to help your child with these but take your time.


English – Don’t forget to do your Read Write Inc lessons on the youtube link that I sent on Wednesday. Lets read another chapter of Zara and the Lost Cat. As it has been a long time since we read the first 3 chapters I have set you 2Dos to reread the first 3 chapters before you read the 4th. I have also set you a quiz to do after reading the 4th chapter.


PSHE: Today we I want you to watch the SECOND video on this bbc bitezise webpage . Then in your Home School book under the title ‘Friendship’ I want you to draw a picture of your best friend and then answer these questions. Please write your answers in full sentences and NOT one word answers.

  1. Who is your best friend?
  2. What do they do that makes you happy?
  3. What do they do that makes them a good friend?
  4. How are you a good friend?
  5. What can you do to make you an even better friend?


Have a lovely weekend. Stay safe and God bless

Mrs Green

Thursday 23rd April

Good morning Year 1. I sent you all an email through Purple Mash through 2Email yesterday. You should have all received a notification about this. But you can find the 2Email add through the computing section on purple mash and then click on 2Email. Although I have set it so that the pupils can not send emails to each other.

Start this morning with a morning prayer thanking God for all Key Workers working really hard during this time and keeping you healthy.

I hope you joined in the Read Write Inc lessons on youtube. Do that every day to keep your phonics fresh in your head. 

I bet you all have been doing lots of running around and playing in the glorious sun so let’s slow it down and take part in some Cosmic Yoga. Here is one based on squish the fish!


IPC - This term we were meant to be focusing on the topic of ‘I’m alive’. This is a perfect topic for us to be focussing on right now especially whilst the Coronavirus is big problem in the world. Therefore today I want you to draw a picture of you in your Home School book with the title ‘I’m alive and thankful’ and write around it what you are alive and thankful for. For example; I am thankful for my family being safe.


English – At the start of the year we discussed the story The Gruffalo. I have set you a 2do on Purple Mash for you to describe the different parts of the Gruffalo. Remember to write in full sentences. Encourage your child to  sound out the words themselves and please do not write it for them.


Maths – You all did so well yesterday on telling the time. Today the clocks are all mixed up and not in the correct order. All of the clocks are o’clock as the big hand is pointing to number 12. Good luck with these clocks. Remember take your time.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Wednesday 22nd April


Good morning Year 1.

I hope you had a lovely Easter break and did lots of fun things with your family.

Mr Cowling, our P.E coach, has made a Youtube channel with some different exercises on for you to complete. If you search on Google for SC Education Ltd Youtube you will be able to choose an exercise to do.

Don’t forget to go on Ed Shed and complete the games with the word lists I have set for you. Remember I check this daily.


English – Today we are going to start with a little bit of Read Write Inc (phonics). Each day there will be a live video for the children to take part in. This is exactly the same as we teach it in school but these will be live video and will be available for 24 hours after the live session. These sessions will be available on this link which is the Read Write Inc Youtube webpage. If your scroll down on the page you will see the different sets of sounds (set 1 sounds, set 2 sounds and set 3 sounds).

If you are in Mrs Green (my group) or Mrs Caseys' Read Write Inc groups then I want you to pare in the set 2 lessons. The Speed Sounds and Word Time lessons go live at 10:00.

If you are in Mrs Heyes or Mrs Dandys Read Write Inc groups then I want you to take part in the Set 3 lessons. The Speed Sounds and Word Time lessons go live at 10:30.

If your child is unsure which Read Write Inc group they are in then please contact me through Purple Mash to check. Although they should all know.

Your next English task is to write a diary entry telling me what you have done over the 2 week Easter Break. Did you play lots of fun games? What were they? Did you go on a Easter egg hunt? Did you do any arts and crafts? What did you do? What was your favourite bit of it? Remember to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and to keep your writing neat and on the line. Use your phonics book for any sounds you aren’t sure on.


Maths – I have set you a game on Purple Mash where you will practice helping Mr Wolf tell the time. All of the clocks show o’clock. Remind your child that if the big hand is pointing to number 12 then this makes the time o'clock. The small hand tells you what o'clock it is. If the small hand is pointing to number 3 and the big hand to number 12 then it is 3 o'clock. This may something new to your child so may need some help with this. You can also practice around the house and ask your child what time the clock is showing to see if they have remembered o’clock.


Remember you can send any work to me through Purple Mash. I really enjoy looking at all of these. I especially enjoyed seeing when some children had a zoom video chat!


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Wednesday 8th April

Good morning year 1! I hope you enjoyed yoga yesterday morning. Today why don’t you make an obstacle course for a family member and yourself. This could be jumping over a frying pan or running around a ball in the garden. Make it fun!

I am still waiting for R.E assessments of Leonard, Asiya, Caileb, Chineye, Hamna, Talha, Noor and Umama. If you are in contact with them, please tell them it must be done as there is no exception for this. The details of the assessment are on Thursday and Fridays entry’s on this website. If you are in contact with them please tell them they must do this.


Maths – Today I want you to go on a shape hunt! This could be a 2d flat shape or a 3d fat/solid shape. Draw the objects you find and write what shape they are next to it. For example; a clock in your house would be a 2d circle shape, an ice cream cone (yum!) would be a 3d cone shape.


English – I’m going to set you your next chapter of Zara and the Lost Cat. Read the chapter carefully and answer the questions on the quiz. Don’t rush the story as you may miss the answers in the text!  


R.E – It is Good Friday this Friday and this is the day we remember Jesus dying on the cross.  I want you to watch the video below and then write a prayer to Jesus thanking him for his sacrifice and saying what you can do to make him pleased of you. Please send me a picture of these prayers through Purple Mash. Don’t forget to say this prayer tonight or on Friday.

If you haven’t already finished your Easter card, take the time today to do so.


As I mentioned last week, today is the last day I will be putting work on the website for 2 weeks. I will resume to do so on the 22nd April. Although you won’t have any work I still expect you to read every day with an adult, practise counting in multiples 2, 5 and 10, count on from different numbers forwards and backwards (for example 6,7,8,9 and 22,21,20,19) and keep practising your phonic book. You can also go on Purple Shed and play any games that you want to.

I will see you all very soon and be setting work for you on Wednesday 22nd April. Please don’t forget.

Stay safe and God bless.

Mrs Green

Tuesday 7th April


Good morning Year 1! I hope you enjoyed your R.E task from yesterday. I some lots of brilliant pictures of you washing your family members feet and also your super answers to the questions. Have you been remembering to start your day with a prayer?

For today's exercise why not try some yoga?


Maths – I think we need a little bit extra practise with yesterdays bond bubbles game on purple mash. Remember to pick the first option (numbers to 20). Use your adding on skills for this.


R.E – Today we are going to discuss the last supper in a bit more detail. First of all I would like you to watch the video

Now I would like you to set a meal out for you and your family just like Jesus did in the last supper. Enjoy this meal and then answer the questions below;

  • Who joined Jesus for the meal?
  • What did Jesus say after blessing the bread?
  • Why did he tell them to do this?
  • What did Jesus say after Jesus thanked God for the wine?
  • Who was going to betray Jesus?
  • How do you think Jesus felt when he knew knowing he was going to die?
  • Why was this meal called the Last Supper?
  • How did you feel when you had your meal?


Art – Make an Easter card for someone in your family. Give this to them on Sunday.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Monday 6th April

Good morning Year 1! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and remember to put your palm leaves out yesterday. I am glad that most children have now completed the R.E assessment, however these children need to complete it.

Asiya, Caileb, Chineye, Hamna,, Leonard, Mark, Talha, Noor and Umama.

If you are in contact with these parents please ask them to look on the school website and complete the R.E assessment today. The details of it are on Friday and Thursdays task.


Time to move onto todays fun activities. Today take your pick of Joe Wicks, Oti Mabuse dance classes or Go Noodle for your daily exercise. You may even decide to do 2 of these or all 3! I have also checked daily work and have given these children 100 honey pots for completing all of there work this week and have been on Ed Shed every day. Well done too; Olaf, Mikolaj, Joseph, Harry, Martin and Apola.


As you are probably aware, this is week is the run up to Easter Sunday called Holy Week so our activities will be based around the lead up to this.


Maths – Your math game on Purple Mash is a number bond game. This is where you add numbers together to made a number. The number you are trying to make will be at the top left hand side of the game. Your ball has a number and you fire it at one of the balls with numbers in to make the number at the top left. For example if you have number 7 as your number to make and had ball number 3 you would need to fire it at ball number 4. Sometimes the game will try and trick you and not have the correct number. Fire it any way because the number will come up. This game isn’t timed so take your time and use your missing number knowledge from last week.


English – I want you to find your spellings and write each of them in a sentence.

Blue group                                                 Green Group                                                      Red Group

step                                                                 zoo                                                                      boil

strip                                                                moon                                                                  soil

stop                                                                room                                                                   spoil

strum                                                             cool                                                                     coin

span                                                               good                                                                    join

spend                                                             look                                                                     Monday

spring                                                             took                                                                     Tuesday

sprung                                                            shook                                                                  Wednesday 

splat                                                               boot                                                                     Thursday

splash                                                             foot                                                                      Friday

splosh                                                             shoot                                                                   Saturday 

splint                                                               wool                                                                    Sunday




R.E – I want you to watch the video of Jesus washing his disciples feet. At this point Jesus already knew that he would die very soon and one of his disciples (Judas) would betray him and arrange his death.  Judas had arranged how he would betray Jesus but Jesus was not angry with him. Instead 4 days before his death, he gathered all of his disciples and insisted on washing their feet.

After watching this video I want you to first wash a family members feet. Take a picture of this and then answer these questions.

  • Who’s feet did Jesus wash?
  • Why did he want to wash their feet?
  • How do you think Jesus felt when he washed their feet?
  • How do you think the disciples felt?
  • Do you think Jesus minded if there feet were dirty? Why?
  • How did you feel when you washed someone’s feet?

Answer these questions in your home school book. I would love if you could then send me a picture of this on Purple Mash.


Don’t forget you must also be reading daily with an adult, practising counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and be going on Ed Shed every day.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Friday  3rd April


Good morning Year 1! I was really impressed with all the children who completed the R.E assessment yesterday. I have commented on each of your work. I’ve asked some you if you can do a little bit extra by labelling the picture (writing what you have drawn, for example if you drew a priest can you write priest next to him). Due to this being an assessment it MUST be completed, therefore these children must complete the assessment today;

Asiya, Alfie, Caileb, Chineye, Hamna, Jakub, Leonard, Mark, Talha, Noor and Umama.


The assessment from yesterday that must be completed today is;

R.E Due to having to finish the term of early, you will be completing your R.E assessment at home. This means parents that you must NOT help your child at all.

Your child must draw and label a picture of what happens the Parish Church gathers in Church. If your child says they don’t know ask them to think about Mass, who/what is there and what happens. Your child must draw the pictures of these things, label it and then write a sentence at the bottom of the page saying what we do when the Parish Church gather in Church.

Like I said, they must do this WITHOUT ANY HELP.  You must also send a picture of this into Purple Mash or attach it as a document and email it to the school office. Both options are available however you must send me a copy of it.

Remember your child’s work MUST be independent which means you can not help them in any way. It will not benefit them if you help in any way if you help them.

I also want to share some of the pictures I have received from everyone that brought a smile to my face over the past 2 weeks.



Photos that have made me smile

Your work today is


Maths – In your Home School book I want you to write out your number bonds to 10 and 20. These are 2 numbers that when added together make 10 or 20. Hexagons and Pentagons I’m challenging you to make number bonds to 20 with 3 numbers. For example; 9+4+7=20


English – It’s quiz time again. Read chapter 2 and answer the questions set about it. Good luck!


Science – On Purple Mash I have set you a game where you match the body parts with the 5 senses. We have discussed this in class so your child should be an expert.


As many of you are aware, On Sunday it is Palm Sunday. Today I want you to go into the garden and find a branch. If you can not do this then please draw a palm leaf, colour this and then cut it out. On Sunday Please put them on your window or door to celebrate Jesus. We may be physically isolated, but not separated. We are united as the Body of Christ. Watch this video and talk to your child about these questions.

- Where was Jesus travelling too?

- What animal did Jesus travel on? 

- Were the people happy to see Jesus?

- What did they wave when they saw Jesus?

- Why did they wave these when Jesus entered?  



I will be putting work on the website until Wednesday the 8th April. Sorry about the mistake in my last message.


Stay safe and God bless

Mrs Green



Thursday 2nd April


You have a very important R.E task to do today which must be completed and parents you must send a picture of this into school today! You can do this through Purple Mash or through the school office email address.

Take your pic of exercise today but make sure it wakes up your brain for todays work. I loved all the pictures I was sent yesterday of your R.E work and your English work. It was super. I will be posting some of your fabulous work tomorrow on our class page. 


Maths – I was so impressed with your math work from yesterday, nearly everyone got over 90%! Now we are doing to see if you can master this with calculations up to 20 with missing numbers. Just like yesterday, take your time and do not rush. Don’t forget how you worked these out yesterday.


English – In class we were reading the story The Last Wolf. In your Home School book I want you to draw a picture of a wolf and write sentences to describe what he looks like, what he likes to eat, where he lives and anything else important that you want to tell me about it. Don’t forget to write in full sentences, use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, sitting your letters on the line and think about the size of your letters.


R.E – Due to having to finish the term of early, you will be completing your R.E assessment at home. This means parents that you must NOT help your child at all.

Your child must draw and label a picture of what happens the Parish Church gathers in Church. If your child says they don’t know ask them to think about Mass, who/what is there and what happens. Your child must draw the pictures of these things, label it and then write a sentence at the bottom of the page saying what we do when the Parish Church gather in Church.

Like I said, they must do this WITHOUT ANY HELP.  You must also send a picture of this into Purple Mash or attach it as a document and email it to the school office. Both options are available however you must send me a copy of it.

Remember your child’s work MUST be independent which means you can not help them in any way. It will not benefit them if you help in any way if you help them.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Wednesday 1st April


Good morning Year 1. I hope you are all enjoying your second week of working from home. I know it can be a little bit weird that you have to still do school work when you are at home but it you MUST continue to do all of the work I set for you. Most of you are doing really well with this and I loved reading your book reviews yesterday. I had added some books to the list of book the I must read 😊.

This morning why not try to learn some new dance moved from Oti Mabuse who was on Strictly Come Dancing! If you follow this link you will be able to learn a new dance

She is also holding a live Youtube dance lesson at 11:30 but you can find them all on the link above

Remember, keeeeep dancing!


Maths – missing number calculations to 10. Remember to use a hundred square to count and find your answer, counting on using your fingers or is there a number bond that you know? Please do not panic about the race. The most important thing is how well you do on these calculations. I’m not looking to see who got the fastest, i'm looking to see who got the most correct, so DO NOT RUSH! Take your time and answer them correctly.


English – Can you write a diary entry about your week at home. What have you been doing? What was your favourite part of the week? What did you do at the weekend? Have you played and fun games? Who was in your house? What exercise did you do? Have you done any baking/drawing/science experiments etc? Are you enjoying completing your learning at home? Start your diary entry with Dear Diary. Don’t forget that you are writing what you have been doing. Most importantly don’t forget capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and writing neatly on the line. Try to use the word ‘and’ to join 2 sentences together. Remember this is your child’s work so they must do the writing and sounding out of the words. You are there to support them but not do the writing for them or tell them how to spell every word.

You can send a picture of these in to me on Purple Mash by clicking on work (at the top of the page) – my work – new – upload and then clicking on the picture that you have taken. You will need to put the picture on your laptop before doing this. Even if you are struggling to put it on Purple Mash I still expect this to be in your Home Learning books.


Art – Today I want you to go outside and find something that God has made. Perhaps a tree or a flower. Draw this in your Home school book. You could use paint, felt tips, crayons or be extra creating and use collage. Write the date at the top of the page with the title God’s world.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Tuesday 31st March

Good morning Year 1. Who enjoyed Go Noodle yesterday? Take a pick this morning if you would like to do Go Noodle again or Joe Wicks. You could even do both! I hope you have all said your morning prayers , thanking God for keeping us safe.

I have been on Purple Mash and commented on your Science task from yesterday. I was especially proud of Jensen, Logan and Maliha for using the word transparent!  Also a well done to Ava , Mark, Asiya, Harry, Apola, Ella, Leonard, Logan, Emilia, Martin, Aleksander, Oliver and  Jake for getting 90% or above of the answers correct on their Math work. 


That being said, I am incredibly proud of all the children in Year 1 for completing their work every day. This is FANTASTIC and will really make a difference to your learning when you return to school. WELL DONE!


Maths – Your math task is on Purple Mash. I have reset some of the additions to 20 for some of you. See if you can beat your score from yesterday. I have set some addition to 100 for some other children. Take your time answering these. Use a 100 square if you need to. These have been set to your child’s level so please support them with finding the answer but do not tell it to them.


English – Today your task is to write a book review of your favourite book. Think about what happened in the story, why should someone else read it, who was the author? Remember that this is your child’s work and they must type it and spell out the words using their phonic skills.


R.E – I want you to watch this story of the Good Samaritan and answer the questions below in your Home School book.

 Where was the Jewish man travelling to?

Who was the first person to find him on the road and why didn’t he help him?

Who was the second person to find him on the road and why didn’t he help him?

Who was the third person to find him on the road and what did he do?

How could you be like the Samaritan?


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Monday 30th March


I have been keeping track of who has been on Edshed and Purple Mash every day and completed all tasks set to them on that day. Because of this I am going to give these children 100 honey pots each on Ed Shed. These children are; Olaf, Aleksander, Mikolaj, Elliot, Oliver, Jensen, Martin and Maliha.


Let’s start the day a little differently, try some of these Go Noodle dance routines that we have done before in class

Copy the link into your web address bar and pick one of your favourites. Some of mine are Banana Banana Meatball, Dinosaur stomp and All I Eat is Pizza. 


Maths – I have put a game on Purple Mash with additions to 20. See how quick you can do these. See if you spot any number bonds!


English – Your task for today is to find your spelling group, write out your spellings in your Home School Book and then write them in sentences. Make sure they make sense!


Red Group                                                           Green group                                          Blue group

low                                                                       high                                                      smash

blow                                                                     thigh                                                     smell

show                                                                    sight                                                     smug

grow                                                                     tight                                                     smog

crow                                                                     night                                                     sneer

cow                                                                       might                                                    snip

now                                                                       right                                                     snot

down                                                                     light                                                      snug

town                                                                     fight                                                      swam

hold                                                                      tonight                                                  swell

                                                                           fright                                                  swing 

                                                                           sight                                                    swung


Science – Recently in Science we have been discussing materials. What they look like, what they feel like and grouping these in different ways. I have set you a game on Purple Mash discussing the Materials.


Just a reminder that you must also compete on Ed Shed daily, complete all tasks on Purple Mash daily and read every day with an adult. Try to discuss the book, discuss the characters and discuss what you have just read.


Stay safe

Mrs Green

Friday 27th March

Good morning Year 1. What a brilliant day to get our thinking caps on. I have looked and commented on all your written and art work from yesterday. I was especially impressed with Logan, Jake and Ava. The work you completed on the artist you picked was brilliant! I would tell exactly which artist you chose and who the picture was of. Big well done! Just to note, on the math work you wont need to save/hand this work in. I see who has been on the games and their scores.


As the sun is shining beautifully, I would love for you to go outside (in a safe area) and do some exercise. You could run in the garden, kick a ball, play catch with someone, play tennis or set an assault course for someone else to do.


English – I have set you a 2do on Purple mash (its through serial mash an app on there) to read chapter 1 of a book.  I want you to read the first chapter twice and then answer the quiz also on your 2dos on Purple Mash. Encourage your child to read the words and support them if they need help. Just like you do with their reading book. Some children will need no support with reading this and other will need a bit. Next week we will get chance to read chapter 2!


Maths – You did so well yesterday with one more and one less! Your challenge today is to now complete the game up to 100. Use a 100 square to help you if you are unsure.


R.E – As you know there are many key workers still out working. For example; nurses, doctors, delivery drivers, all hospital staff, postmen and women, shop workers. Draw a picture of one of these people and write a prayers saying thank you to God for all the help they are giving us during this unpredictable time. Please do this in your books Home School books and say this prayer tonight before you go to sleep.


I hope you have enjoyed your first week of working from home. It has been a big change for us all but seeing all of your hard work has really helped to put a smile on my face. Thank you. Stay safe over the weekend everybody.


God bless

Mrs Green



Thursday 25th March


Good morning Year 1. I was really impressed with the work handed in yesterday. I was especially impressed with Maliha’s alien description and Alfie’s seasonal tree picture. I have been told that some parents are wanting to contact me, if it is urgent please email the school email address and someone will respond shortly. I hope you are still exercising with Joe Wicks. I have seen a picture of Oliver on our St Marie’s Twitter exercising with his brother Milan. Keep it up boys!


Your work today is:

English – Your task today is to write a diary entry about what you did yesterday (Wednesday). Do this in your Home School book. Make sure you also write the date at the top of the page and write the title as Dear Diary. Remember you are writing what you have been doing. Don’t forget your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. I can’t wait to see these when you are back in school. Just a reminder that this is your child’s work. You are there to help but please encourage your child to sound out the words and use their phonics book for any sounds they are not sure on. This does not include any ‘tricky’ words that you can not sound out.


Maths – We have already learnt about on more and one less so let’s continue this with a game on Purple Mash. Use a 100 square if you are struggling. Remember one more means add one and one less means takeaway/subtract one.


Art – We have learnt about many famous people from the past. Now your challenge is to research a famous artist and decorate a face in the style of that artist on Purple Mash. Check your 2 Do’s. Try searching for Andy Warhol, Pablo Picaso or Georges Seurat for some inspiration. Don’t forget to write which artist you have used for inspiration.


On Ed Shed the current winners in each group are:

Blue group – Martin with 15,454,844

Green group – Jett with 3,978,186

Red group – Olaf with 2,955,076

I have given all 3 of you a 100 honey pots as a reward. All of the winners were boys. I think the girls need to step up their game!


You must complete ALL the work set every day. It is important that your child keeps up with their education and a keeps to a routine.


Stay safe and don’t forget to keep saying your prayers.

Mrs Green

Wednesday 25th March


I hope many of you tuned into Joe Wicks this morning and enjoyed the exercises that he had us all completing! I also saw that a lot more children had been on Ed Shed and Purple Mash yesterday. Remember to go on both Ed Shed and Purple Mash EVERYDAY to complete all of the tasks set. The tasks set go alongside reading your reading book everyday.


Maths: Your Maths work is set on Purple Mash. Keep up with the odd and even numbers. Remember it is the ones that tell you if a number is odd or even. Make a note of the odd and even numbers to use in your game on Purple Mash.


English: Read your phonics book to make sure you have remembered all of the sounds that you knew. I have also set a task on Purple Mash. This task is to describe an alien. This could have been an alien that Bob saw on the moon!  


Science: We have previously learnt about the 4 different seasons and how trees may look in them. On Purple Mash there is a seasonal picture for you to complete. You need to think about each season and how the tree would look. Don't forget to click Save As when you have done. 


You must complete all of the tasks I set you daily and I will check on both Ed Shed and Purple Mash. Keep safe.


Mrs Green


Tuesday 24th March


I hope you all enjoyed your tasks yesterday and are staying safe at home. Just a reminder, Joe Wicks is holding a live exercise class at 9:00 am for children all over the country. If you search for The Body Coach Joe Wicks you can join in too! I know I will be.


Maths – I would like you to look back at your multiples of 2, 5 and 10 from yesterday and write all of the even numbers that you wrote in one list and all the odd numbers in another. Don’t forget an even number is a number you can share equally and is always a multiple of 2!  In addition to this, I have set a game to identify odd and even numbers for you to do on your Purple Mash account. You were all given a username and a password for this. I will be check to see who completes these daily


English – Your task today is to write what you did on Mothers Day.

- Who did you see?

- What did you do?

- Did you give someone card/present?

- How did you make someone feel?

Try to use the word ‘and’ to join two sentences together. Please encourage your child to use their phonics book for any sounds they are unsure of.


Don't forget to compete against your friends and the rest of the school on Ed Shed daily. I can see that less than 5 children did this yesterday. 


Mrs Green


As you are aware, I will be putting work on this page daily for your child to complete. Don't forget to write these in your Home Book with the date at the top of the page. 


Monday 23rd March



Maths - Say (and then write) your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If your child is unsure then use a hundred square to help write these. If you type into Google 100 square there will be a lot to choose from. EXTRA CHALLENGE: Can you go past 100? Don't forget what we discussed with the hundreds, tens and ones. 


English - Spellings are to follow.

Blue Group                                                      Green group                                                           Red Group  

grab                                                                         free                                                                        burp

grow                                                                         tree                                                                       burn

green                                                                       three                                                                      turn

grub                                                                         meet                                                                      curl

press                                                                       sheet                                                                      hurt

print                                                                         fleet                                                                        you

prod                                                                         deep                                                                      your

trap                                                                          keep                                                                       my

tree                                                                          sheep                                                                     by

trot                                                                           sleep

truck                                                                        creed


Your task today is to first write out your spellings and then write each of them in a sentence. Don't forget to use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and making sure you sit your letters on the line. 

Don't forget to look on Spelling Shed (the link was in your letter) so you can complete the spellings games. You can compete against your friends and other groups. Use Stage 1 or look under more lists and assignment and you will see your group. 



- read everyday. 

- exercise daily.

- try to keep some sort of routine in the day e.g Get up, read, English, choosing time, lunch, Math, choosing time/Arts and crafts and exercise. 

- do something fun with your child. 


Stay safe. Mrs Green



Hello and welcome to Year 1. The children have been having lots of fun in their new class and have settled in very well. We have a fantastic Autumn Term coming up ahead of us with lots of interesting activities. Let’s see what we will be learning about…


In Religion – we are learning about families; our own, our school and our Church families.


In English – we are reading a variety of fiction books, such as The Gruffalo and other Julia Donaldson books. We will be predict what will happen in the stories, discuss the characters, plot of the stories and what the characters are thinking and feeling This will help your child understand the story better. We will be writing labels and lists as well as character descriptions.


In Maths – We will be looking at ordering the numbers to 100 and different ways to show these numbers. We will also be looking at different ways to make 10 and 20 by adding 2 numbers together.


In topic – we are looking at the topic “You are what you eat.” We are going discuss healthy foods, discuss a balanced diet a, look at where different foods come from and write instructions on how to plant seeds. We will also be discussing how to stay healthy with keeping fit and how being hygienic is important. Continuing on from this, we will be completing still life drawings of different fruits, designing a healthy meal and looking at where different foods come from.


Please don’t hesitate to talk to myself or Mrs Casey if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you and your children. Thank you for your support, Mrs Green.

A quick reminder that P.E is on a Tuesday and Wednesday and every child MUST have a P.E kit in school with them. Spellings will go home on Monday ready for our spelling test on Friday. Please also read with your child every night. This is very important as really impacts on your child. 

Thank you, Mrs Green

We have been very busy this half term! Take a look at what we have been doing.


Oh no! Look who came into school and scared Mrs Green! The children wrote some brilliant newspaper articles to inform and warn everyone about any more potential visits from The Gruffalo. We also gave this visitor a secret code name in case he heard us talking about him... Purple Prickles. 



Look at a couple of our fantastic reports!

We have been listening to the piece of music called In The Hall Of the Mountain King composed by Edvard Grieg. This piece of music was based around a boy running away from a scary troll king who lived in a cave. We have been writing setting descriptions of the cave, imagining what the troll looked like and describing it. We also listened to the music in our P.E lesson and imagined we were the boy escaping to the cave. We then moved around the hall rhythmically and used our drama skills to tell the story.

Fantastic work Year 1! 

We had our class Mass today. We discussed our families and how we could show them we loved them. Here are some of the things that your children said that they would do:

  • Help my mummy clean up
  • I will look after my baby brother and get things of the shelf when he can't
  • I will give everyone hugs. They like hugs


Some lovely ideas.


We have found an alien ship landing in school!

Luckily it had a name on the ship which has helped us to know who this ship belongs to. Beegu.

We have started to read the story about Beegu and found out that she is lost on Earth, nobody understands her or wants to be her friend. The children thought about what she might be feeling and said terrified, miserable, lonely, confused and frightened. 

We have decided to to write her a guide to Earth to help her navigate around this planet. Here are some pictures of the alien landing, our reactions and a couple of  pieces of our work. 

We have been making Autumnal collage pictures this week. We used our knowledge of the different seasons and discussed the different colours that we find on the trees in Autumn. I could not believe how many amazingly talented artists we have in Year 1. One pupil even said, "I'm going to do some leaves falling of the trees because that's what they do in Autumn." I am one very impressed and proud teacher!




Year 1 did FANTASTIC in our Christmas production of Prickly Hay this week. Well done to each and every person, you all played a very important part in spreading the news of how Jesus was born.

Year 1 were lucky enough to have a visit from three Year 6 prayer leaders today. They planned there own collective worship and delivered it very confidently. Well done and thank you to Anna, Emily and Piotr. 


We had a brilliant trip to the Robert Peel statue and the Bury Art Museum where we got to see some artefacts about Robert Peel and a lot of incredible art! We have been learning about famous people from the past and one of the people we have researched was Robert Peel. We couldn't believe that he was originally from Bury! On our walk to the museum we also got to see a castle and discuss who we thought may have lived in a castle. The children decided that it could have been Queen Victoria who we have also been learning about.



Year 1 really enjoyed World Book Day. We got to dress up as our favourite book characters (yes that includes Mrs Green and Mrs Casey), read lots of books and even design our own book mark. Take a look at our costumes and see if you can guess what book characters we are. 
