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Weekly Certificate Award

Week ending 12th June 2024


NurseryAll of Nursery for being sports day super stars!
ReceptionRuairi Prue and Emma Hodgson for being fabulous, caring members of our class
Year 1Muhammad Waqas for being a kind friend!
Year 2Grace Lin for being really helpful to other children and staff. Well done Grace!
Year 3Aizah Afzal for being a kind and caring member in our class! Superstar!
Year 4

James Feszczur for being a good team player!

Year 5

All of Year 5 for very polished and professional performances of their dance during Superstan!

Year 6All of Year 6 for their brilliant performances in our play!
Mr McRaeElla Bowerbank for putting 100% into her dance for the show!
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