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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Here you will find information about our class, what we are learning about as well as any photographs of the exciting things we get up to.

Our Twitter page: @StmariesY1


R.E. - We have been learning about how we can be Christ's hands and feet on earth. We have also be looking at our families and belonging.


English - We are currently reading "Rapunzel". 


Maths - We are looking at “one more” and “one less” 


Science - We have been looking at our 5 senses and labelling body parts. We went outside to find examples of things we can touch, see, smell and feel. Miss McCabe also brought in some chocolate for us to taste!


Topic - We have been looking at "Old" and "New" kitchens.


Art - We have been looking at colour mixing and creating animal patterns.


P.E - We have P.E every Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their name in all their belongings!


Reading - Please ensure your child reads their reading book with you every night.


Spellings - We will give spellings out every Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Use the Look / Cover / Say / Spell / Check method to learn spellings.

