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Religious Education

We Are Theologians!

St Marie’s RC Primary is proud to be a Roman Catholic Primary School and Religious Education is central to the whole life of the school. The Religious element permeates throughout the school day: in all aspects of school life, with the hope that the children will identify with and adopt such an attitude to life. We are committed to allowing pupils to explore their own faith and develop their relationship with God and what He wants them to be. We want our children to know that they are Children of God: loved, cared for and never alone. Our Catholic School has a unique and special role to play in the lives of the children. It works in partnership with the parents in bringing up their children in the Catholic Faith. We seek to foster a distinctive outlook on life rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His life of compassion for all. We aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, physical, personal and social development of all our children and help them to achieve their full potential and help to transform society through their faith.

Religious Education

St. Marie’s is a Roman Catholic School and religious education is provided in accordance with the rites, practices and observances of the Roman Catholic faith. It is expected that children admitted to the school will take a full and active part in the religious life of the school.

Parents have a right to withdraw their children from R.E. and Worship if they so wish. If this situation is to arise arrangements would be made with the parents to exercise this. Our school uses the Salford Diocesan Guidelines for Religious Education. Our celebrations include prayers in class, assemblies, year group Masses and whole school Masses in church.

We work closely with our parish church and parish priest. All aspects of education are a partnership and you have a duty to support your child a member of the Roman Catholic community. This support is needed when your child is preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Come and See Overview
