Welcome to Year Five!
On this page we will share with you some of the activities which we have completed in class, along with any news or exciting events which take place.
Watch this space ...
We also have a TWITTER page, so make sure you check on there too!
Homework is handed out each Friday and due in on Wednesday.
Spellings are given out each Wednesday and tested on Monday.
P.E. this half term is Tuesday - remember your full P.E. kit!
Regular reading is extremely important - read your home reading book, a little each night! Also try to find books that you love and READ THEM FOR PLEASURE!
Next week is fast approaching - here are the songs we must learn for the SUMMER PRODUCTION.
The audio files are attached here and you have all the words in your pink booklets.
Make sure you practise over the weekend, ready for our performances next week!
Believe it or not, Year 5 ALL stayed silent for a whole hour this morning! Mrs Hodgson and Miss Knox could not be more proud and impressed (and a little surprised!). We would be grateful if you could now collect in all sponsor money and send it into school as soon as you can. We are looking forward to letting you know how much money we raise for our chosen charity 'Pens for Kids UK'.
We were really lucky in Year 5 as we did some FIRST AID training!
Millie's Trust, a special charity, came into school to teach us some FIRST AID!
We learnt how to ring an ambulance; how to use a defibrillator; and how to give CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to adults, children and babies. Click here to remind yourselves:
RE - Palm Sunday Prayer and Liturgy
We gathered together to share a special class Prayer and Liturgy, focussing on the events of Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday is the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, to the shouts of:
“Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
It was a celebration, because the people recognised Jesus as their King and their promised Messiah!
We thought about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and listened to some of our friends reading the Sacred Bible Scripture from the Gospel of St. Luke 19: 28-44.
We thought about what it would have been like to be one of the crowd in Jerusalem on that joyous day!
This led us to think about the special people in our own lives, who bring joy to us and how we can bring joy to others in return.
PE - Dance
RE - St. Valentine's Day Prayer and Liturgy
We gathered together to share a special class Prayer and Liturgy, focussing on the Feast Day of St. Valentine and LOVE.
St. Valentine lived in Italy, in the 3rd century – born: AD 226; died: 269. He was a priest, who lived in very dangerous times for Christians.
St. Valentine is the patron saint of love and marriage (and beekeepers).
We thought about LOVE and took our reading from 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.
We read the Sacred Scripture together and then thought of what Jesus did to show us that He LOVES us and what we could we do to show our family and friends that we LOVE them?
RE - Advent Stay and Pray
We gathered together to share a special STAY & PRAY, focussing on the third week of Advent.
The third week of Advent is known as Gaudete Sunday and symbolises JOY!
We lit three candles on our Advent Wreath, whilst singing the first three verses of ‘Light the Advent Candle’ together.
Then we thought about the Shepherds’ visit to Jesus and listened to some children reading the Bible scripture from the Gospel of St. Luke 2: 8-20.
We thought about the great JOY the shepherds felt at the sight of the new baby King.
We considered how we can bring JOY into the lives of others and each placed a candle around our nativity scene.
PE - Gymnastics
RE - Remembrance Day Prayer and Liturgy
We gathered together to share a special class Prayer and Liturgy, focussing on Remembrance Day and Love.
We remembered all those who have died in wars, their families and those who are still fighting today, in dangerous places, such as Ukraine and Gaza. We remembered them and their loved ones in our prayers.
We thought about why the act of remembrance is important?
Today we listened to two readings – both about love.
We want to learn from the past and be Christ’s hands and feet on Earth. Jesus’ most important message to us was that of love. The Bible talks a lot about love – in order to love, we must live in peace with one another. God wants us to live in peace, loving Him and our neighbours; our brothers and sisters.
Our first Sacred Scripture was from the Gospel of Mark:
Mark 12: 28-31 – The Greatest Commandment
Our second Sacred Scripture was taken from 1 Corinthians:
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 – Love is Patient
RE - Remembrance Day
HISTORY - Year 5's Roman Trip to Chester
On Thursday 12th October 2023, we went to Chester to learn even more about THE ROMANS.
This is where we went:
We had a fabulous time and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Here are some of the things we got up to!
We designed and made our own bread rolls.
On Tuesday 10th October 2023, Paul from the NSPCC came into school and did a workshop with us.
We met BUDDY (the speech bubble mascot) and learnt all about how we can stay safe.
We also learnt all about CHILDLINE.
MATHS - Roman Numerals
In Maths, we have been learning about and reading Roman Numerals. We completed a tarsia puzzle in pairs and had a great time working together!
In Year Five, we will be making our very own bread as part of our Design Technology work.
So far we have found out and researched the well-known bakers - Warburtons.
Mrs Dandy did a dough making demonstration for us!
We also watch videos of the famous TV chefs / bakers Nadiya Hussain and Paul Hollywood - they have given us some handy hints for our own bread baking!
We then practised our bread shaping skills - here are some photographs of us having a go ...
We went outside to practise our ROAD SAFETY skills.
We had to cross the road with nothing around, in between two parked cars and at a junction.
Starting on Monday 11th September 2023, Year 5 will have two weeks of daily swimming lessons at Castle Leisure Centre.
We can't wait to see how amazing you all are and how much you improve over the two weeks!
Remember your swimming things on Monday!
Year 5 will start their weekly flute lessons this year, with specialist teachers from Bury Music Service.
It won't be long before they can take their flutes home to practise ... enjoy the peace and quiet for now!