The Adventure of Life...
is to learn!
Keep an eye on our class page to see our wonderful work in Year 6!
Week beginning Monday 13th July
Good morning Year 6,
I cannot believe that this is your LAST EVER WEEK in Year 6. You’ve all been amazing and risen to every challenge that you’ve been set. You will all be missed greatly from St. Marie’s and we wish you all the best for your journey into High School.
Whether you are in school or not, you will all be able to watch the leaver’s video so please make sure I have your photographs and memories by TOMORROW at the latest, otherwise I will not be able to put you onto the video. It will be a lovely memory for you to keep and look back on in years to come.
For the last time, I will be setting you some final tasks to complete, all about your time with us.
Please make sure that you’ve returned all books and anything belonging to school. Over the Summer, do keep up with your reading, spellings and times tables in order to give you the best start with your new lessons in your new school.
Your tasks for the week:
From Mrs Woods
Week beginning Monday 6th July
Good morning Year 6,
I hope those of you that are back in school are enjoying being back! For those of you that are at home, you will find your work below as usual. Don’t forget that all of the reading books that you borrowed from school back in March need to be returned to school as soon as possible.
As you have only got two weeks left of Year 6, I will start setting you transition activities to get ready for your move to High School. There will also be a letter going out to parents about a leavers video we will be creating, and I will be setting you all a little thinking task on Purple Mash – check your emails this week!
Don’t forget:
• Your prayers
• Daily exercise – Stuart continually uploads new videos so keep an eye out for them
• Reading
• Times tables – feel free to challenge me or your friends to rock slams!
• Spellings.
Your tasks for all of the different subjects are below:
Q Why do you think Jesus was so concerned with the sick and needy?
Q Why do you think the people scolded the blind man?
Q How do you think the blind man felt?
Q What was Jesus’ attitude to the blind man?
Q What do you think Jesus meant when he said, ‘Your faith has made you well’?
Q How do you think the blind man felt when he could see?
I have set a Mashcam 2Do, where I would like you to create a news report for the Jericho Times, explaining what has happened in this event.
Transition to High School:
As always, feel free to send me any work you are proud of. If you want to ask me anything about your move to High School, please email me and I will help out as much as I can.
Next week, we will focus on looking back over our amazing times at St. Marie’s!
Have a lovely week everybody,
Mrs Woods
Polish Translation Competition
Mrs Filipowska would like to invite any Polish children to take part in this year's 'Polish Spotlight' competition which is a special strand of the prestigious Stephen Spender Prize. The competition is open to all UK citizens and residents and the entry is free. Entrants will be given a selection of poems from which they will be invited to choose one Polish poem to translate into English. They don't have to be fluent in Polish to take part. There are three age categories for entrants: 18-and-under, 14-and-under and 10-and-under.
This is an exciting project and a wonderful opportunity for your pupils to demonstrate not only their translation skills but also to raise their awareness of bilingualism. It would also be a perfect remote learning activity for EAL pupils. Moreover, there are cash prizes and publications to be won, too! The deadline is 17th July 2020.
Please refer to the attached documents for additional information or visit http://www.multilingualcreativity.org.uk/polish-spotlight/ There are videos and links to the poems on this website. There is a letter and tips on translation on the documents below.
Over this next half term, I will be setting tasks including these daily lessons from BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy. These websites are doing daily lessons for children of all ages so you are welcome to do more than the ones I set. They include a mixture of topics every day and children all around the country are taking part.
BBC DAILY LESSONS https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1
OAK DAILY LESSONS https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-6/#schedule
Week beginning 29th June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend. For some of you – welcome back to school today! If you are in school, you do not need to complete this online work. If you are not in school, please complete all of the work below throughout the week (remember, it does not all have to be done on Monday!).
Don’t forget:
• Your prayers
• Daily exercise – Stuart continually uploads new videos so keep an eye out for them
• Reading
• Times tables – feel free to challenge me or your friends to rock slams!
• Spellings.
Your tasks for all of the different subjects are below:
Y5 and Y6 -- Le vent et le soleil!
Watch this story with French and English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmzKdNw2fHw
Read this easier version in French in the powerpoint "The wind and the sun". Identify and write down the French for the following words:
- the wind; - one day; - stronger then you; - the man; - the coat; - the wind blows; - it is cold; - the sun shines;
- I am hot; - angry
Can you do the weather quiz? (click to see the questions and click on the correct answer)
I hope you all have a lovely week, whether you are in school or at home.
Mrs Woods
Week beginning 22nd June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend are you are all well.
Remember with the work I set for you, to spread it out throughout the week and don’t try to complete it all today.
Don’t forget:
• Your prayers
• Daily exercise – Stuart continually uploads new videos so keep an eye out for them
• Reading
• Times tables – feel free to challenge me or your friends to rock slams!
• Spellings.
Your tasks for all of the different subjects are below:
Learn/revise the names of sports in French with the powerpoint presentation. Make a note of the names of sports on paper with "le", "la" or "l'" in front of them, so you know which are masculine (with "le"), feminine (with "la") or starting with a vowel sound (with "l'"). Which ones are harder to remember? Which ones are easier?
In French, write down at least five sentences to say which sports you practise (make some up if needed!). They will all start with "Je fais" as in the powerpoint).
In French, write down at least five sentences to say which sports you like or don't like. They will start with "J'adore" or "J'aime" if you like them and start with "Je n'aime pas" or "Je déteste" if you don't like them.
Have a lovely week everybody and continue the fabulous work!
I am so pleased with all of the work you have done.
Mrs Woods
Week Beginning Monday 15th June
Good morning Year 6,
Well done again for all of your super work last week – this week’s format will be the same. It was great to see you all get organised and spread the work out throughout the week. And thank you to those of you that sent photographs of your work – you’re wonderful!
Each day, you will need to continue to complete:
• Your prayers
• Daily exercise – Stuart continually uploads new videos so keep an eye out for them
• Reading
• Times tables – feel free to challenge me or your friends to rock slams!
• Spellings.
Your tasks for all of the different subjects are below:
Y6 --Je fais un sandwich!
Learn to order your favourite sandwiches in French! First go through the powerpoint presentation "Je fais un sandwich" (you can hear the words by clicking on the arrows next to them). Practise saying the words in French.
On the worksheet "Je voudrais un sandwich" (remember "Je voudrais" is "I would like" in French) complete the sentences with as many different types of sandwiches as you can (don't always reuse the same words!).
You should now be able to order your favourite sandwich in French! Can you draw or use a photo of it and label it? (in French, too!)
Have a lovely week, and remember to send in work that you’d like me to show!
Mrs Woods
Week beginning Monday 8th June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend despite the bad weather!
Your work this week will be a little bit different as I will be putting ALL of your work online on a Monday morning for the whole week. I suggest that you look at the tasks and decide which ones you will do each day. Set yourself a little timetable to keep your work organised.
Each day, you will need to continue to complete:
Your tasks for all of the different subjects are below:
Y5 and 6 -- Vegetables revision!
Revise/learn names of vegetables with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzDp5TvtTDU
Go through the French vegetables powerpoint to test yourself. Can you work out and write the six sentences (in French) at the end of the presentation? To help you, remember "J'aime"= "I like", "Je n'aime pas"= "I don't like". Use "et" for "+" and "mais" for "m".
Don’t forget, this work is to be spread out over the whole week! And remember, you can send me pictures of any work that you are proud of throughout the week. If you need anything, you can still get hold of me through 2Email.
Good luck, work hard and have a lovely week.
Mrs Woods
Friday 5th June
Good morning Year 6,
Friday again! Please start your morning with a prayer and some exercise.
Today, I would like you to complete your own spelling test (or with members of your family) using Stuart’s Literacy and Fitness video.
Please also remember to read your books and work on your times tables too! I have set you all a Rockslam on TT Rockstars – see if you can beat my score!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – As always on a Friday, please complete your weekly maths challenge, and remember, your family can get involved too! Find the challenge attached below.
English – Your writing task today is going to be a balanced argument. As home learning will be coming to an end for many children, I would like you to write a balanced argument on the pros and cons of home learning. Remember to set your work out in paragraphs, think of your cohesive devices (how to link your paragraphs together) and think of your arguments carefully. I have given you a checklist and some useful words/phrases to use below. Here is a video with reminders on writing a balanced argument https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zm3nvcw
Art – We are going to look at another artist’s style today – MC Escher and Tessellations. Look through the Powerpoint below and have a go at creating your own tessellation artwork. We will be doing more of this on return to school, so this is your practice time.
Have a lovely day and weekend,
Mrs Woods
Thursday 4th June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you are well and continuing your hard work – I am so pleased with the work that you are handing in!
Please begin your day with your prayers and your daily exercise.
Remember to complete your times tables, spellings and reading today too.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Please complete this daily lesson on comparing fractions, decimals and percentages https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrkw2fr
English – I have set a ‘developing tray’ task for you today on Purple Mash. You have not tried these before and they take a lot of thinking. It is a little bit like a very long hangman! Look carefully at the words and see if you can guess which letters are missing. You gain points for guessing the correct letters but lose points for guessing incorrectly. How many points will you score?
Computing – You have three tasks on Purple Mash, two of which are practicing your typing skills. The third task is linked with online safety and how to respond to a SPAM email.
Music – Below, I have attached this week’s music tasks from Mrs Hypolite.
Have a nice day everybody,
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you are all well, start your day off with your prayers.
Please remember to complete:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below is a ‘Crosspuzzle’ (a bit like a crossword but using your maths skills!). I would like you to recap your long multiplication and division skills to solve this puzzle. You will need to complete your working out – if you get stuck, ask an adult for a bit of help. Remember, you were ALL very good at this skill before we finished school so work hard and think carefully.
English – Open the document below for your English group and complete the reading comprehension all about the Battle of Hastings. The answers are at the bottom for you to mark once you have completed the task.
Science – Read through the Powerpoint below to find your task on ‘Classification keys’. The work I would like you to complete is on Purple Mash (and might take a bit of thinking!) Good luck!
Work hard and have a nice day,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning Year 6,
Please start the day with your morning prayers – think of yesterday’s collective worship and use this in your thoughts.
Are you still managing to complete some form of daily exercise? Why not do it outside today in the sunshine while it is still here.
Remember to read your books, complete 15 minutes on TT Rockstars and work on your weekly spellings.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Watch this clip on probability (how likely something is to happen) https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zx9k7ty and then I would like you to complete your 2Dos based on probability on Purple Mash
English – Below, I have attached two documents for you to complete, one is work on semi-colons, and the other is work on colons. Make sure you read the ‘hint’ box before you begin as a reminder of how to use them.
French – Here is your weekly French work from Madame Schofield:
Y6 -- Food revision!
Enjoy your day,
Mrs Woods
Imogen has sent in this wonderful descriptive piece of writing which I would like to share with you all - Enjoy!
The Wrecker
By Imogen
This monster is called a Wrecker. Well that is what people call him. Bad nickname right? His tail is like a wrecking ball, sharp and spiky and looks terrifying. His hand and arm are not normal. In the past, the times he described as dreaded nightmares, he lost an arm in a battle. Long ago, when he hid in the dark backstreets, hiding from haters. A group of teenagers found him curled up behind some bins. So, they laughed and mocked him and then, after calling him at least five mean names, they threw a can at his eye. It was horribly wounded, so he couldn’t see. He ran off, scared for his life, and never slept in backstreets again. He was just an innocent monster, why hurt him? Another time, he was walking past a tip when a cat jumped out and leapt at his face. He screamed, but as he was a monster, it came out as a roar. No one heard and certainly no one wanted to save him. So, because of the call of distress, more cats came. Now, a lot of stray cats joined in, (surrounding him in a circle of cats) they were hissing and scratching. All of them made a screeching noise as if to say, “It’s a deal!”
That was because next, they all attacked his arm. Gnawing and pulling, his arm fell off and he was left, crying under a bin bag. He looked hideous on the outside, but inside of him there was a heart. Someone just needed to find that out…
Whilst cautiously walking round the streets, the monster checked all around himself. Little did he know that shortly someone had plans in store for him and would save him.
The doctor ran, faster than he had ever run before. But, careful to say excuse me and sorry to people he bumped into. He had seen the posters and graffiti that had been made about the monster. He researched him and found out his location. All he had to do was rescue him.
At last, he spotted a small ball wrapped up in a ripped up, old, green blanket. The monster was gazing into the sky. Staring at the shining stars and blinking as the rain droplets fell on his scarred eye. Not paying attention to the world anymore as the atmosphere drifted away. Not seeing the doctor kneel beside him. Not hearing the whispering of a calm doctor.
The doctor tapped the creature's furry body, startling him slightly. It turned around and closed its eye. (The other eye was sore.) It braced itself for another round of bullying. He could imagine the nasty comments piercing through his skin like bullets. But all it heard was a gentle man’s soft words. Soothing his ears and pain, the monster slowly sat up. The man knew from that day on, that he would become best friends with that monster.
He took the monster back to the safety of his house, and brought it into a special room. The light blinded the monster so the doctor dimmed it a little. He started off with talking to the monster and asking him lots of questions, in the monster’s opinion they were a bit strange; they were actually normal. After the questions, the doctor stitched up his poorly eye and then started building a robot arm. Metal and electric, sparks and paint, it was chaos! Then it was complete. His whole body was fresh and fixed. (He had a bath at the doctor’s house.) For once in his life the monster felt love. Now he lived with the doctor and his wife and two adorable children. They were a proper family.
Monday 1st June
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you have all had a nice half term. This is your final half term as Year Six! Let’s make the most of it.
Please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Please complete this daily BBC lesson on converting fractions into percentages https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvcny9q Complete the work in your home learning books.
English – Check your 2Dos on Purple Mash – I have given you the next chapter of ‘Film Seen’ and a multiple choice quiz. Then I would like you to complete the 2do of ‘What happens next?’
RE – Yesterday was the Feast of Pentecost. I would like you to start off by going through this collective worship about receiving the Holy Spirit. https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/receive-the-holy-spirit
Then, I would like you to watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwJJJoSGw84 and complete the activity sheet below.
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Year 6,
How are you all today?
Please complete your weekly spelling test using Stuart’s videos – use the common exception words! We will try these activities together when we return to school.
Please make sure you continue to read your books throughout half term – have you started any new ones? Enjoy sitting and reading in the sunshine.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Please complete your Friday Family Maths Challenge (document attached below)
English – Use the picture prompt below to create a monster to write about today. Really think about your descriptions – can you use expanded noun phrases? Similes? Metaphors? What is your monster’s story?
Art – Use this BBC Bitesize lesson to explore some different forms of artwork – Printing, collaging and painting. Follow the instructions to create your own piece of artwork that tells a story. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z47fvk7
Remember to send your art and stories to me and I can share them on the class page.
I will not be setting any work next week as it is half term. Enjoy your time off, have fun and stay safe.
I hope to see you all again soon,
Mrs Woods
Thursday 21st May
Good morning Year 6,
Today is Ascension Thursday. Thinking back to the work you completed on Monday on the Ascension, I would like you to use this collective worship to focus your prayers today https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/primary-subscription/assemblies/assembly-2020-05-18/2020_05_18_assembly_for_home/
Please remember to complete:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Have a go at this BBC Bitesize daily lesson on dividing decimals by integers. Watch the videos and complete the activities in your home learning books. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmbxhbk
English – We are starting a new book on Purple Mash called ‘Film Seen’. Read chapter one, answer the multiple choice quiz and then complete some work on your favourite films (see 2Dos)
Science – Use this BBC Bitesize lesson to learn about ‘adaptation’. Complete the activities in your home learning book https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjf3rj6
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning Year 6,
Please start your morning with your prayers and some form of exercise.
Today, I would like to see as many of you as possible on the Hive Game at 2pm – we have had lots of different people at the top of the leaderboard but now I would like to see everyone involved! The code today is: 279992
Please continue with your daily reading and times tables too.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – You have two 2Dos on Purple Mash on estimating angles and working out missing angles in a triangle.
English – Today’s English task is on personification. Read through the presentation which will give you reminders on personification and then find the document below which will give you your tasks.
History – Use this BBC Bitesize lesson to learn about the very famous, and very interesting Tudor King – King Henry VIII. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4b8jhv
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Year 6,
Please start off your morning with a prayer.
Remember to go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkD37J7Y_BtIYZd4ZcG5osA to complete your daily exercise with Stuart. More videos have been uploaded so make sure you have a go at these.
Today, please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below are some more maths problems for you to solve – remember, these are using your reasoning skills so write down your method and check your working out thoroughly.
English – Please open the correct document below for your English group. This work is all about parenthesis. Read through the information at the top of the worksheet and have a look at the examples given. Then you can either complete the work in your home learning books or print out the worksheet if you have access to a printer.
French – Here is this week’s French work from Madame Schofield. The worksheet to accompany this is attached below:
Y6 -- Numbers up to 1000 revision!
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Monday 18th May
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you have all had a nice weekend.
Start your week with some physical exercise – hopefully you can show me your favourites in a couple of weeks!
Today, please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – On Purple Mash, I have set two different tasks linked with 3D shapes and angles.
English –Below, I have attached a reading comprehension on Colonel Tom Moore, the 100-year-old war veteran who has recently raised over £30million for the NHS. Please read the report and answer the questions in your home learning books.
RE – This week (on Thursday) marks the day of the Ascension, when Jesus returned to be with his Father in Heaven.
Before Jesus returned to his Father, he promised his disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit to enable them to continue to spread the Easter message and be his witnesses.
In the Acts of the Apostles account of what happened after the Resurrection; the writer describes Jesus’ return to his Father in symbolic language.
Read through ‘Acts 1:6-14’ which is attached below. Then I would like you to go onto your 2Do on Purple Mash to write a diary of what happened in the Upper Room. Write about your beliefs, your feelings, your experiences etc.
Have a nice day,
Mrs Woods
Friday 15th May
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you are all OK. Begin your day with your prayers.
As it is Friday, I would like you to give yourself a spelling test challenge using this week’s spellings and Stuart’s videos. The longer the words, the more exercises you will have to do! Give it your all.
Today is the last day of the TT Rockstars battle – I know all of the teachers will be working hard to push up our scores today so make sure you have contributed to your team.
Yesterday, Imogen won the Hive Game. Well done! I will plan another contest next week.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Please find ‘Friday’s Maths Challenge’ below. Remember, you can complete this with members of your family too if you wish.
English – For your writing task today, I’d like you to use the image I have attached below for a wonderful piece of story writing. I have again attached the document for the different sentence types – how many of these can you include?
D&T – Food technology is part of your D&T objectives. I am giving you a task today (which may run on through the weekend) to design and create a Mexican meal. Below is some information about Mexican food, along with your design outline for your 3-course meal. Then I’d like you to create your designs in real life (maybe with a little help from your family!) Send me some photographs of what you create and I will post them onto our class page. Good Luck!
Have a nice weekend everybody,
Mrs Woods
Thursday 14th May
Good morning Year 6,
How are you all today?
Today, please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths –The document below is a recap of Ratio and Fractions. Within the document, there are different levels of difficulty, starting easier and building up to be more difficult. Work through as many as you can – will you be able to complete it all? The answers are at the bottom for you to check at the end.
English – Your grammar work today is linked with ‘Homophones’. Remember, these are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Find your worksheet for your group below.
French – Here is your weekly work from Madame Schofield. The sheet is attached below.
Have a nice day everybody,
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well. Please begin your morning with a prayer and some form of exercise.
Please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below are three pictures with different maths problems on. Solve these problems in your home learning books.
English – I have set the final two chapters of ‘A Bridge on Fire’ followed by the chapter quizzes and a book review on Purple Mash.
Science – Below are a selection of documents. Open the one named ‘Presentation’ first and read the information and instructions about classification. The presentation will then explain which documents you need and what to do with them. If the lesson says ‘In groups’, or ‘with a partner’, try talking to someone in your house about the question it asks.
Good luck and have a lovely day,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning Year 6,
Think of the reflections in your RE work yesterday – use this for your prayers today.
Have you been taking part in more of Stuart’s videos to keep fit and healthy?
Please ensure you have done 15 minutes of your times tables and spellings – remember you are in a TT Rockstars battle against the teachers this week!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Use this BBC Bitesize daily lesson to work on multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by integers. Watch the videos as a guide and complete the worksheets given on this page https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbh6hbk
English – Open the two documents below. One is a poem for you to read, and the other is the questions for you to answer. You can either answer them in your home learning book or print the booklet out if you have access to a printer.
Computing – I have set you a few computing tasks today. The first two are continuing to work on typing skills, ensuring you are using the correct fingers for certain letters. The second task I would like you to do is responding to emails about certain issues e.g. from strangers, cyber bullying etc. Think carefully about your responses and what advice you would give in your reply.
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Monday 11th May
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you all had a nice weekend.
This week would have been a big week in school – SATs week! Keep up all of your hard work and you will get the chance to show your amazing capabilities when we return to school. I have attached a picture below as a little challenge to mark this week.
Please remember:
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below, I have attached ‘The Mystery of the Brilliant Breakfast’. You need to solve all of the clues to find out what is the most brilliant breakfast. I will post the answer this afternoon.
English – On Purple Mash, I have set a 2Do in which I would like you to complete an author fact file. This could be an author you admire, or the author of the book you are reading right now.
RE – First of all, I would like you to use this link https://www.tentenresources.co.uk/hide-and-seek to take part in some daily worship. This video is like the ones we would normally see in our Monday morning assemblies.
Then, as May is the month of Mary, I would like you to read through the powerpoint below and create your own prayer to Mary in your home learning book. There is also an extra challenge on the powerpoint of making your own Rosary Beads – get creative!
Have a nice day,
Mrs Woods
Thursday 7th May
Good morning Year 6,
Please start the day with your prayers and some form of exercise. What has been your favourite way to keep fit and healthy so far?
In the Hive Game yesterday, Jess was our winner! Well done! The last game of the week is at 2pm today with this code: 226526
Please remember your times tables and reading. There is a BIG contest on TT Rockstars next week – TEACHERS vs CHILDREN! All of the teachers are currently practicing very hard so we can be the winners!
Did anybody manage to learn the Horrible Histories song?
Your tasks for today:
Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Use this link to find ‘Summer Term – Week 3’ and lesson 4 on mixed addition and subtraction of fractions. Watch the video as a quick recap on fractions then complete the activity.
English – Use this BBC Bitesize lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbd7mfr to work on using personification in a setting description. Watch the videos and complete the activities too!
History/VE Day – Have you and your family got anything planned at home tomorrow for VE day? Today, I’d like you to go back in time to 8th May 1945 and plan the street party you would’ve had on that day. Follow the instructions in the powerpoint and complete the sheet that I have attached below. There is also some bunting you could print out and decorate your house with!
I will not be setting you any work tomorrow as it is a bank holiday – so enjoy yourselves in the sunshine, celebrate VE Day and have a lovely weekend with your families.
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 6th May
Good morning Year 6,
As this week is a special week for remembering World War 2, I would like you to think of the war veterans in your prayers today. Were any of your relatives in WW2?
Please spend time working on your times tables, spellings and reading. Today’s Hive contest will take place at 2pm with this code: 720279
Did you make a wartime recipe yesterday? How did it go? Thank you to those who sent photographs – I will put them onto our class page later.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Linking with VE day and rationing, your maths work today is a ration book shopping list activity. Please find this activity below.
English – Below, I have attached a comprehension activity about VE Day. Please make sure you choose the correct document for your group.
Music – Again, I have attached some more music work to have a go at from Mrs Hypolite. These are all VE Day themed. I would also like you to watch this link below which is a VE Day Horrible Histories song. Try to learn this song and perform it to a member of your family!
Have a lovely day,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you are all OK. Start your morning with a prayer.
Please remember to practice your spellings on Spelling Shed. Tomorrow, we will have a Hive contest using your weekly spellings – who will win this time?
Please also read your reading books and keep up with your times tables.
Friday is a very special bank holiday for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day – The end of WW2. Throughout this week, I will be setting work based around VE Day. See your first one below.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – On Purple Mash, I have set two 2Dos based on volume and capacity. Please complete both of these tasks and remember to click hand in at the end.
English – Below is a presentation on ‘pronouns’ that I would like you to read through first, then choose the attachment for your English group and complete the sheet in your home learning book. The answers are at the bottom so you can mark it when you’ve finished.
French – Madame Schofield has sent some French work to be completed:
Do revise French school subjects with this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZhDqiss7wM and this one (more difficult!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtoXzwmp2qw
Complete the worksheet about French subjects and try and answer (in French!) the following question:
"Quelle est ta matière préférée?" (can you say why, too?... -- TIP: The second video gives you great ideas!)
History/D&T – As it is 75years since the end of World War 2, I would first like you to watch this video https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-ve-day/z7xtmfr to learn a little more about what VE Day is. As you scroll down, there are lots more videos about WW2 to watch too.
Below, I have attached a ‘Wartime Recipe Booklet’ – remember people were on rations during the war and could only access certain amounts of certain foods. Have a look through the recipe booklet and I would like you to choose a recipe to make on your own (or with the help of your family). Please send me photographs of what you’ve chosen to make!
Have a nice day,
Mrs Woods
Monday 4th May
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend. Start your day with your morning prayers please followed by some form of daily exercise. Have you tried some of Stuart’s latest videos?
Please complete 15 minutes of your times tables, spellings and make sure you read your books. The new spellings that I have set on Spelling Shed will be the ones I test you on in the Hive Games this week. Get learning!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Using BBC Bitesize lessons, I would like you to complete the daily lesson on ‘Order of operations’ (BODMAS). Use this link to find your work. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb48d6f
English – Serial Mash 2Dos – I have set the next two chapters of ‘A bridge on fire’ along with the multiple choice quizzes. Then following this, there is a task for you to complete about ‘Feeling nervous’, which is linked to these chapters.
RE – Continuing to think about being a ‘witness’, think about someone else who witnessed Jesus after his resurrection – Thomas. Read the information below about Thomas and complete the worksheet in your home learning books.
Have a lovely day,
Mrs Woods
Friday 1st May
Good morning Year 6,
It’s Friday again! Like last week, I would like you to use this week’s spellings, along with Stuart’s Literacy and Fitness video to give yourself a spelling test. Or someone in your family might like to choose the words for you.
Please complete your daily times tables, spellings and reading too.
Yesterday Jay won the Hive spelling game! Well done Jay.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below, I have attached your Friday Maths Challenges, similar to last week. Some of these are family challenges - see who you can get involved!
English – For your writing task today, I’d like you to use the image I have attached below for a wonderful piece of descriptive writing. Let your imaginations run free! I have attached the document we sometimes use in school for the different sentence types – how many of these can you include?
Art – Today, I would like you to spend some time studying the famous artist: Henri Rousseau. Look at the presentation below about his artwork, then I would like you to create your own piece of art using his work as inspiration. There is a template for you to use if you wish. Send me photographs of your finished pieces later!
Music – Mrs Hypolite has sent some ‘Music at Home’ activities for you to try. Open the music document below and have a go at these activities.
Enjoy your day and have a lovely weekend with your families.
Look after yourselves and each other,
Mrs Woods
Thursday 30th April
Good morning Year 6,
How are you all today? Please begin with your morning prayers.
Have you managed to all have a go at Stuart’s online PE lessons? Remember to search for SC Education on YouTube.
How many books have you managed to read whilst we’ve been off school? Remember, if you fancy a change, you could always access audio books on David Walliams’ website https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Please complete 15 minutes of your spellings and times tables.
The winner of yesterday’s Hive contest was Imogen, followed by Emily and Jay as a close 2nd and 3rd - Well done!
Today’s code is 974095. Remember to log on at 2pm.
Your work for today:
Maths – Linked with your maths work from the past two days, I have attached a ‘Statistics’ document below which will test your knowledge on pie charts, line graphs, venn diagrams etc. It is quite long – try your best! The answers are at the bottom for when you finish.
English – Comprehension on The Diary of Anne Frank. Choose the correct document below for your English group, read the information and answer the questions that go with it in your Home Learning books. There is an extra document called ‘Challenge Yourself’ – try this one instead of your group one if you fancy an extra challenge.
Geography – Use this BBC Bitesize daily lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4dxt39 to complete some work on our world. The videos and activities will take you through map skills and will recap some of the work we have done recently in class. Spend a little time on Google Earth too – where will you explore?
Have a lovely day all,
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning Year 6,
Where has that lovely sunshine gone? I hope you are all well. I am yet again, very impressed with the work that is coming in. Keep it up!
Have you said your prayers this morning? Pray for the people who are lonely and do not have their families through this strange experience we are going through.
Make sure you complete some form of daily exercise, along with your reading, times tables and spellings. This afternoon’s Hive Game will begin at 2pm using this code: 780006
Your tasks for today:
Maths – I have set you two 2Dos on Purple Mash linked with Statistics. Read the descriptions of the graphs and their uses, and match them to the correct graph from the choices.
English – Today’s grammar work is all about word classes. Read the information below to remind yourself about the different word classes and then complete the booklet. The booklet is quite long, so it might take you a couple of days to complete this.
Science – Continuing with our Science topic of ‘Living things and their habitats’, I would like you to continue to work on the classification of animals. The powerpoint below explains your tasks, and then I have attached a worksheet for you to complete where you will create a new animal and classify it.
Have a productive day,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 28th April
Good morning Year 6,
How are you all today? Begin your day with your prayers for somebody in need.
Remember how important it is to keep fit and healthy – make sure you do some daily exercise, whether it is Stuart’s challenges, PE with Joe, Yoga or dance classes. Healthy body = healthy mind!
Please complete your spelling and times tables practice as well as reading your book. I will begin the Hive Games again tomorrow.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Open the document below about Pie Charts and read through it. Then I would like you to have a go at the two activities that are with it. The answers are at the bottom of the sheet so please try to complete it first and mark after.
English – I would like you to complete some grammar work on conjunctions and their role in subordinate clauses. Open the documents below and complete the conjunction activity sheet in your home learning book.
Computing – Using your coding skills and knowledge of algorithms, try to navigate the child through the Minotaur’s Maze on Purple Mash. Check your 2Do section.
Computing – 2Type. It is important for speed and accuracy, that you are typing using the correct fingers for each letter. Try the activity I have set for you on Purple Mash.
Have a nice day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Monday 27th April
Good morning Year 6,
I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend with your families.
Start the week with a prayer of hope – what do you hope for in your lives?
Try some of the common exception words with the ‘Literacy and Fitness’ video on Stuart’s YouTube channel – some of these words are very long so it will be a great bit of exercise for you today.
Remember to spend some time reading your books and practicing your times tables.
Your work for today:
Maths – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/On the White Rose website, click on ‘Summer Term – Week 2 – Lesson 3’ on problem solving. Watch the video and complete the activity which I have attached below.
English – Set as a 2Do on Purple Mash. I have given you chapter 3 and chapter 4 of ‘A Bridge on Fire’ to read and some quizzes and activities to go with these chapters.
RE – Our RE topic this half term is ‘Witnesses’. Today I would like you to think about who witnessed Jesus after his resurrection. Read the story below about ‘The Road to Emmaus’ and I have set you a ‘2Create a Story’. Think creatively when retelling this story – can you record your voices or sounds? What images will you use?
Have a nice day everybody.
Mrs Woods
Friday 24th April
Good morning Year 6,
As always, start the day with your prayers and some form of exercise. As it is Friday, why not complete a spelling test in the form of exercise with Stuart? Here is a reminder of the link. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkD37J7Y_BtIYZd4ZcG5osA
Well done again on the Hive Contest yesterday – the last two winners have been Imogen and Jess.
At 2pm today, log onto Spelling Shed Hive Game and use this code 942760 Who will win the last game of the week?
Remember your 15 minutes of times tables and reading also!
Your work for today:
Maths – Below, I have attached your Friday maths challenge from the White Rose. Get your family involved as the questions get trickier! I will put the answers on later this afternoon.
English – Have a look at the photograph below. This is your writing focus for today. Read through the instructions on what I would like you to write about then have a go at your character description of the Mad Hatter. If you are doing it on a computer or a Purple Mash writing frame, feel free to email it over to me. If you are hand-writing it, you are welcome to photograph it and send it to me too! Think about how we would draft our writing in class – how will you get your best piece of writing?
Geography - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrkx6v4 Use this link to BBC Bitesize to complete this geography daily lesson on ‘Settlements’. You can complete the activities in your home learning books.
Wellbeing – Also from BBC Bitesize, use this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zj2grj6 to watch the videos and begin to consider your move to Secondary School. You might want to use these thoughts and feelings from these activities to inform your dairy entries for today.
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine. Stay safe.
Mrs Woods
Thursday 23rd April
Good morning Year 6,
How are you today? Have you still been writing a daily diary entry?
Please take some time to say your prayers today – there are a lot of people who will need them around the world.
Stuart has created some new PE activities for you to try this half term! Use this link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkD37J7Y_BtIYZd4ZcG5osA (or search SC Education on YouTube) to watch the videos and follow the instructions. There are record sheets to go with these exercises for you to fill in. Have a go at the ‘Literacy and Fitness’ video to work on your spellings whilst keeping fit and healthy. Maybe challenge your family to join in too?
Remember your daily spellings, times tables and reading!
Our Hive Game yesterday was a great success so we are having the same again today, 2pm on Spelling Shed Hive Game with this code: 767497
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Have a look below at the photo attachment. I would like you to solve these number brain teasers – what is each animal worth? I will post the answers this afternoon.
English – Serial Mash – On Purple Mash, read Chapter 2 of ‘A bridge on fire’ and complete the activities that go with it (set as 2Dos)
Science – As part of the ‘Living things and their habitats’ unit, we will begin to look at classifying animals. Look through the presentation I have attached below and have a go at the worksheet. You can complete this work in your home learning book.
Keep up the hard work.
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 22nd April
Good morning Year 6,
Say a prayer for those people who are suffering and lonely in hospital today.
How has your Easter break been? I have received some wonderful photographs of your baking and craft activities – you’re fantastic!
After all of our rest and eating chocolate Easter eggs, we need to get back into our daily routine so remember to start the day with your exercise, whether it is Cosmic Yoga, PE with Joe or Dance Classes with Oti Mabuse (they’ve got some great movie soundtracks to dance to!)
I’d like you to spend 15 minutes on your times tables this morning, and 15 minutes on your new spellings on Spelling Shed too. Don't forget to keep up with your reading - how many books have you managed to read up to now?
I am setting up a Hive Competition for 2pm this afternoon. We all need to log on at the same time with this code: 421481
I am in the competition too – I hope you’re feeling competitive.
Your tasks for the day:
Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Use this link to go onto ‘Summer Term – Week 1’ lessons. You will find a lesson on angles. Please watch the video and complete the work in your home learning books.
English – On Purple Mash, I have set you a grammar 2Do linked with the active and passive voice. If you need to recap what the active and passive voice are, use this link to read about it and watch a short explanation in a video clip https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-are-active-and-passive-sentences
RE – As we would normally complete on return to school after Easter, I would like you to complete some work on Jesus’ Resurrection. I have set this as a 2Do, with a video to watch and a task of writing a letter to a friend, explaining exactly what has gone on. Remember your Y6 writing skills – I will be looking closely with my checklists.
Have a lovely and productive day,
Mrs Woods
Well done this half term everyone – it has been a very different one to normal but you’ve risen to the challenge and impressed me so much!
Over the holidays, keep up with your reading, times tables, spellings and SATs books.
If you want to get creative or work on gaining a new skill, why not have a go at baking or gardening whilst the weather is nice? I know I’m going to! Here is a link to put your skills to the test https://www.jamieoliver.com/features/category/get-kids-cooking/
Also, if you’re keen to keep busy over the holidays, I will attach some optional activities below to keep you entertained.
Have a lovely Easter with your families, relax and stay safe.
Mrs Woods
This week is the most important week in our faith - Holy Week - The week leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Throughout this week, I will be setting you daily RE tasks, but as well as that, I will be setting you an Easter themed craft or baking activity each day. Some of these crafts may take longer than one day to complete. I will be choosing winners for all craft activities – good luck!
Wednesday 8th April
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and started the day with a prayer. Maybe you could reflect using your collective worship from yesterday? There were some AMAZING examples – I will choose a couple to put onto our class page later.
Don’t forget your daily reading, times tables, spellings and exercise.
Your tasks for today:
English – Below, I have attached a document called ‘The Last Supper – By Leonardo da Vinci’. Read the information, study the picture, and then there are some questions for you to answer and a sketch for you to create. Complete this work in your Home Learning books, but feel free to email photographs of your drawings if you’d like to.
RE – On PurpleMash, have a look at your 2Do for today ‘2Create a story’. I would like you to watch these short video clips https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z8vcd2p https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zrfgkqt and create an animated story of the Last Supper.
Art – I would like you to create a piece of artwork showing the events of Good Friday. Below are some examples but I would like you to use your own creativity and art skills using the media you have at home e.g. paints, collage, drawing/colouring, sketching, chalks etc.
Wednesday’s craft activity:
Design and create an Easter card for your family or for a neighbour – this can be something your work on for a few days and give it to them on Easter Sunday!
Remember, any work you are particularly proud of, I’d love to see it!
I will post another message again this afternoon about the holidays.
Have a nice day,
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 7th April
Good morning Year 6,
Watch this video for your morning prayer and reflection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhZgije-n0U
Have you completed your morning exercise, spellings and times tables today? I’ll be looking for some of you to give rewards to on Spelling Shed for your big scores.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – I have attached a maths problem below which needs you to solve the mystery of the Easter Bunny costume. Please solve the puzzles and find out who stole the costume! Send me the name via email on PurpleMash.
RE – I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash to create a Collective Worship slideshow that we could use each year during Holy Week. Think carefully about prayers, hymns, stories and reflections that you could include. I will choose a couple to put onto our class page so that other children in the school can use it at home.
Tuesday’s Craft activity:
DESIGN AN EGG COMPETITION – I would like you to get your creative heads on and design an egg (as we have done in school before!). Below are some examples, but I am sure that you can think of more creative and exciting eggs to design. Good Luck!
Delicious Easter Nests – Use this link to follow the recipe to make tasty chocolate nests. I am going to make these this afternoon too - make sure you share your tasty treats https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/shredded-wheat-nests
Have a lovely day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Monday 6th April
Watch this video on Palm Sunday using this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zvxn34j
Think what it would have been like to be there on that day, welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem. For your task today, you are going to take on the role of a news reporter, standing in the crowds waiting for Jesus to come and then witnessing his arrival and celebrations.
Consider what the people in the crowd were saying, the sounds and sights of the event, how you felt, what Jesus was doing and saying etc.
I have set this task as a 2Do Mashcam. I’m looking forward to the wonderful work you create today.
Monday’s craft activity:
You can do this with your family if you wish. I would like you to begin to create an Easter garden. This can be done in a box, a plant pot, a bowl or whilst the weather is nice, you could create something in your own garden and photograph it. Below are some examples of Easter gardens.
Good luck with your tasks for today. Don’t forget to say your prayers – could you find the passage in the Bible all about Palm Sunday? Maybe read this to a member of your family.
Mrs Woods
Friday 3rd April
Good morning Year 6,
How are you all today? I hope your diary is beginning to fill up after two weeks of home learning.
Have you said your prayers today? Be thankful for God’s wonderful world and all of the wonderful things and people in your life. Remember, this Sunday is Palm Sunday – why not make something to put in your window this weekend?
Our top scorers this week are:
TTRockstars – Jessica, Oliwia, Jay and Sebastian
Spelling Shed – Felix, Ronnie, Jessica and Jess
A special mention and well done to Julia, Imogen and Kamila for sending in some amazing work throughout the week.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – As we would often do in school on a Friday, I have set you some arithmetic questions. As in class, give yourself 30minutes to complete this (use a timer on your phone/tablet/watch etc). I will post the answers this afternoon so you can check your score. Let me know on 2email what scores you get!
English – Your writing task this week is a colour poem! On PurpleMash, open today’s 2Do to find your instructions. I would like you to use a range of similes, alliteration, personification and metaphors. Remember to punctuate your poem correctly and remember to write in verses. Check any unknown words in a dictionary (or online dictionary). I can’t wait to read them!
Computing – I have set you two 2Do tasks where you need to debug the programs – can you work out where the mistakes have been made?
Well done for your hard work this week again. Have a lovely weekend with your families, stay safe.
Mrs Woods
Thursday 2nd April
Good morning everyone,
Who needs your prayers today? Think of those in need today when you are speaking to God.
Wake your body and mind up with a morning PE lesson before you begin your work. Have you been choosing dance, PE with Joe or something different? Why not think about the Yoga we have been doing in school and work on these exercises?
Begin your work-time with your reading book, spellings and times tables. I will share our top scorers again tomorrow – it’s a close contest!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Below I have attached some reasoning problems for you to solve. These questions are similar to the ones we work on in our morning maths during registration. Please write our answers in your Home Learning books.
English – On PurpleMash, I have set you some work on ‘Serial Mash’. Read chapter 1 of ‘A Bridge on Fire’, then there is an online quiz for you to complete, along with some questions which I have attached below to be completed in your Home Learning book.
Science – As part of our ‘Light’ topic, I have attached two files below on light. One is a task to investigate shadows and the direction the shadows will go depending on the position of the sun. The other task if for you to make your own sundial. In the document, it explains how to do this. Please send photographs of your sundials in action!
Well done Year 6 – I am so pleased with your work!
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 1st April
Good Morning Year 6,
How are you today? Start your day with your prayers please.
How is your exercise going? Have you tried any of the dance classes yet? The GIRLS are winning on TTRockstars – only 3 days to go! Keep up with your daily reading, spellings and times tables.
I hope you are still entering into your diary every day – it will certainly make for an interesting read in the future!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Please complete the maths puzzle below. Send me a 2email to tell me the highest score you can get. I will let you all know who found the highest! Good luck.
English – I have attached two documents below. One is a learning PowerPoint presentation on main and subordinate clauses. Please open this and read through it first. Then I would like you to complete the worksheet in your Home Learning book, by completing sentences using subordinate clauses.
Research Task – I would like you to research a famous inventor and his/her inventions – this could be an inventor of anything that is well-known and well-used. Once you have done your research, complete a slideshow about this person and their achievements (set as a 2Do on Purple Mash).
I have also set a 2Do called 2Quiz. I would like you to design a quiz based on the research you have carried out. I will try your quizzes after I have read your slideshows and learnt about the inventors – will I get full marks?
Keep up your hard work – I am extremely proud of your determination and perseverance.
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 31st March
Good Morning Year 6,
Start off with a morning prayer please. Why not thank God for how lucky you are?
How are you all today? Are the daily PE sessions making a difference? Your hard work online is really impressing me – keep it up!
By now, I am hoping you have nearly finished one of the novels you took home from school. Your English work will be linked with this today.
Have you managed to listen to any of David Walliams’ stories yet? Here is a reminder of the link: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Use this link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ and click on Lesson 2 of Week 2 ‘Ratio and Proportion Problems’. Watch the video and then complete the activities which I have attached below.
English – I have set you a book review on Purple Mash in your 2Dos. Please complete this review based on one of the books you took home to read whilst you are not in school. I am looking forward to hearing about the books that are keeping you entertained!
RE – Use this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwkznTGOFAc to watch the Stations of the Cross shown with puppets. Whilst watching, reflect and pray as we would in collective worship. Then, I would like you to draw and explain the Stations of the Cross. Try to think creatively with your images – you could sketch, paint, create sculptures, freezeframes etc. Remember, any work you are particularly proud of and want to share, please take a photograph of it and email it to me on Purple Mash.
I have already received lots of photographs of great work - well done in particular to Kamila, Julia and Ronnie who have sent many photographs of their fabulous work!
Have a lovely day everyone,
Mrs Woods
Monday 30th March
Good Morning Year 6,
I hope you all had a nice weekend and are staying safe at home with your families.
Make sure you start each day with your prayers. You could start today with the prayer you wrote last week.
I hope by now, on our second week in, you are in a great routine of starting the day with 30 minutes of exercise, reading, times tables and spellings. If you fancy a change of exercise, Oti Mabuse (from Strictly Come Dancing) is uploading daily dance classes linked with different films – they are very fun and a great way to keep moving. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC58aowNEXHHnflR_5YTtP4g
Remember, the TT Rockstar battle is still continuing so keep working hard for your team. I have set you new spellings to work towards this week on Spelling Shed.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – In your Home Learning books, answer the questions below using the emoji codes! Can you make your own code up to try out on someone else?
English – Open the documents below. One is a poem for you to read, and the other is the questions that I would like you to answer in your Home Learning Books. I will post the answers tomorrow for you to check your work!
Art – While the weather is still fine, I would like you to complete some landscape sketching. This could either be done by sitting in your gardens, or doing it from a window in your house that has the most interesting view. In your artwork, focus on the beauty of the world and pay attention to detail. If you do not have any plain paper to complete this on, use your Home Learning Book.
Have a nice and productive day!
Mrs Woods
Friday 27th March
Good morning Year 6,
Well done to those who have completed ALL of their work this week – I am very proud of you. Try your last BodyCoach workout this morning to finish the week off in a fit and healthy way.
Our top scorers in Spelling Shed are:
Piotr and Ronnie!
Our top scorers in TT Rockstar are:
Jessica S and Jay!
Currently, the GIRLS are winning in the battle! Keep working hard on this daily.
Start the day with your daily reading, TT Rockstar and Spelling Shed to get your brains working.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – I have set you TWO 2Dos on Purple Mash linked with area and perimeter. Please complete these and hand them in.
English – Writing Task – I would like you to use the picture below as inspiration for a story in your Home Learning Book. Remember to use all of the writing techniques we discuss each week in class. Think creatively! If you want to upload a picture of your story, you can do so via 2email.
Art/PSHE – I would like you to design a poster to go in your windows at home, thanking all of the NHS staff and people looking after the sick in this difficult time. Think of how you could brighten their day when they walk past your homes. Make a difference!
Have a nice weekend with your families and stay safe.
Mrs Woods
Spelling Shed Hive Game:
I have set up a challenge to have between us all this afternoon on Spelling Shed.
Log in now and play with this code:
Thursday 26th March
Good morning Year 6,
Thank you for your hard work so far. I hope you’re keeping busy. Keep up with your morning exercises to get your mind ready for work.
How far have you managed to get through your chosen reading books? Keep working on your spellings and times tables on our online games. I will announce who our top scorers are for the week tomorrow! Remember, I am checking them daily. I hope you are all continuing with your diary entries too.
Use this link to listen to stories from David Walliams: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/ Each day at 11am, he is releasing a new book to listen to!
Your tasks for today:
Maths – I have attached a document below called ‘The mystery of the winning book day costume’. Open this document and solve the mystery. Please complete your working out in your Home Learning Book.
English – On Purple Mash, I would like you to plan for a debate on whether children should use social networking sites. Check your 2Do section. Once finished, why don’t you trial this debate with a parent or sibling?
Computing – As you are spending a lot of time online, completing online work, I would like you to have a go at a sorting activity linked with online safety on Purple Mash.
Good luck and keep up the hard work!
Mrs Woods
Wednesday 25th March
Good Morning Year 6,
I hope you are all well. Make sure you’ve done your daily exercise with Joe Wicks!
Well done for completing your online tasks up to now. Remember each day to continue with your reading book, take part in the TT Rockstars battle for 15 minutes a day and practise your weekly spellings on Spelling Shed.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Use this link https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ to find ‘Lesson One’ on Ratio. Watch the video and then complete the questions from the activity. Please complete the questions in your Home Learning Book.
English – Linked with our IPC topic of ‘Extreme Weather’, I would like you to complete a MashCam of a weather person, explaining the ‘extreme weather’ that the country/region is experiencing e.g. warning the nation of a hurricane or tornado. I have set this up as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
Computing – I have set you a coding task on Purple Mash called ‘Splatty Bug’. If you finish this and want to do more, have a go at FreeCode to develop your coding skills.
RE - In your Home Learning Book, please write a prayer for all of the sick people right now. Also think about all of the people who are helping us through this difficult time. Can you share this prayer with the rest of your family?
How are you feeling today? Make sure you log your thoughts and feelings in your diary in your Home Learning Book.
Mrs Woods
Tuesday 24th March
Good morning Year 6!
Have you started the day with a PE lesson? Head to Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel to complete your 30 minute daily exercise.
Today, make sure you read some more of your reading book, 15 minutes of TT Rockstars (are the boys or girls winning?) and 15 minutes practising your spellings on Spelling Shed. Remember, I am checking your online work activity daily to please make sure you are completing these tasks.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Long multiplication and long division activity. In your Home Learning books, find the product and quotient of these pairs of numbers:
2416 6439 8322 7482 4819 7461
18 25 17 23 34 42
English – On PurpleMash, complete a newspaper report about the closure of schools in the UK. This can be found in your ‘2Do’ section.
Science - please complete 4 pages of your Science SAT book. What Science topic will you choose to study today?
Have you remembered your diary entry? How are you feeling?
I am looking forward to seeing your work! Remember, you can email on Purple Mash if you have any questions.
Mrs Woods
Monday 23rd March
Good morning Year 6!
I hope you are all well and have started the day with a Joe Wicks PE lesson. If you missed it, go onto Joe Wicks’ YouTube page to have a go and stay fit and healthy.
Today, make sure you complete some of your reading book, 15 minutes of TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
Your tasks for today:
Maths – Log onto Purple Mash to find your work on reading timetables in your 2Do section.
English – ‘Box the Verb’ activity on Purple Mash – Also find this in your 2Do section.
PSHCE – Positive Feelings activity – Write and draw ways of showing positive emotions. Think about what you can be positive about today!
Remember, each day to log a diary entry in your Home Learning Book.
Mrs Woods
We have loved dressing up today and discussing and sharing our favourite books. We have used our characters to create our own book trailers. Here we are in action:
In Science, we have been working on a topic called 'Being Human'. In this unit, we have been investigating our heart rate and lung capacity. See us in action below:
Today, we had a visitor into our school, teaching us how to create objects out of willow branches. Our fish and baskets are going to be displayed around school. Keep an eye out for them!
Take a look at our wonderful baking skills and see our winning chocolate cupcakes!