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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 

2022 - 2023

We are so excited to have you all in our class this year - We can't wait to see all the great things you will achieve in year one!


Here is some important information:

Spellings -

Sent out every Monday (via spelling book)

Test on Friday


PE -

Every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school and is fully labelled with their name. Your PE kit must have:

A plain white shirt, black shorts, PE pumps. You may also send in plain black tracksuit bottoms for the colder months.


Reading -

Children will take home 1 book a week. You must read every night at home and sign your child's reading record when you have done so. Please send their book bag in every day - books will be changed on a Monday.


Please send a water bottle in every day and ensure all of your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their name.


If you ever have any questions please feel free to have a chat to us after school and we will be happy to help 


We look forward to working with you this year!

Miss Scully, Miss Hopkinson and Mrs Begum

Summer term 


We went on a walk around our local area! We saw lots of great places!


Spring Term

Welcome back! We have lots of exciting things planned for spring term including some special extra terrestrial visitors 👽


In maths this term we are focussing on addition and subtraction! We have been using counters, blocks, tens frames, numicon and lots of other resources to help us. We have also been looking at expressing numbers as tens and ones. 
We have started to look at length and height as well.

Number bonds!

Using base ten

Length & height



We have had a very exciting morning in year 1! Mr McRae rang Miss Scully and told her about an incident in the playground! We went to investigate and found an alien had crash landed ! We hope she’s friendly….

Luckily she is a friendly alien! Her name is Beegu and she is not supposed to be here! We thought she might be hungry so we made her some jam sandwiches with instructions. We tried them as well to check they were good!


Our topic this term is everyday materials - we will look at the names and properties of different materials and do some experiments with these to test them!


In our history lessons we have been learning about old and new toys! We were lucky enough to visit likely toy museum - we had lots of fun and found out lots of new things about toys from the past.


Making palm leaves

Autumn Term

Welcome to Year 1! We have had a brilliant first week settling back in, getting to know our new teachers and exploring our new classroom. 


We have an exciting term ahead! Our topic is...


Long, Long ago!

In Religion - We are learning about families! Our own families, our school family and our Church family.

In English - We are focusing this half term on "Rapunzel" by Bethan Woollvin, "The Last Wolf" by Mini Grey but we will be reading many other books too! We are going to be writing lists, diary entries, instructions and much more!


In Maths - We are looking at place value of numbers to 20 - Ordering, counting and comparing numbers. We will also look at finding 1 and 10 more and 1 and 10 less than different numbers. We will also look at simple addition and subtraction and understanding what the different symbols mean (+ - +)


In Topic - We will be learning about how things have changed from long ago to now! Did kitchens always look the way they do now?


In Science - We will look at the seasons across the whole year and how these change. As well as this, we will be learning about parts of our body and what these different parts can do!




We have been looking at 2D shapes in maths! We went on a shape hunt around school and tried to find different shapes in every day objects. We are learning the names and properties of these shapes!

We have been looking at fact families! We can use these to help us with all kinds of addition and subtraction. An example of a fact family would be - 






Take a look at some of the work we have been doing!

We have been learning how to partition a number using the part whole model. This is where you have the whole number at the top and then “split” it up into 2 numbers.

We have been learning how to correctly spell and form numbers up to 20!



