Tell me and I'll forget, teach me and I'll remember, do it together and I will learn.
Benjamin Franklyn
We are really looking forward to working with you this year, and can't wait to get to know you and your children. Here are a few things you need to know;
Please make sure all your child's clothes and PE kits are fully named!
Children will bring a reading book book and key word book home within the next week. They must read at home every night as well as practise the words in their key word book. They must bring this to school in their book bag everyday.
PE is Thursday with Mr Cowling, please ensure their PE kit is in school.
Drop In Sessions are Thursday 3pm-4pm, where you can look at your child's learning journey, ask us any questions or just have a chat to us!
Many Thanks
Miss Mallalieu and Miss Renzulli
Once Upon a Time...
In Communication, Language and Literacy we are reading lots of traditional stories like The Gingerbread Man, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears as well as reading stories with a little twist like Little Red by Bethan Woollvin and the Gigantic Turnip. We will use these in all our provision areas, having the 3 Bears Cottage for our role play. We will enjoy retelling these stories using the story language and repeated phrases.
In Understanding the World we will think about floating and sinking as well as different materials. We will also look at the different farm animals in preparation for our trip to the farm.
In Expressive Arts and Design we are going to use different materials to make our own cottages and boats in the workshop, as well as painting our favourite story characters.
In Religion we will be learning about our Mother Mary for the month of May, as well as looking at Pentecost.
In Maths we will work with numbers to 20 and beyond, as well as adding and subtracting different numbers together.
In PSED we will continue with Jenny Jigsaw.
The children continue to work in their Read Write Inc groups, where they are recognising single letters as well as the digraphs sh, th, ch, ng, nk, ay, ee, oo, oo, igh, ow. They are then using these sounds to help read and write simple words. Reading each night is very important to help embed the skills we have learnt at school.
This term our topic is Full of Beans- ll about growing, minibeasts and food
In Understanding the World we will learn about growing different plants and flowers as well as what they need to grow. We are having a "who can grow the tallest sunflower?" competition. All children will take one home and see how tall yours grows. We will be investigating where fruits and vegetables come from and what they need to grow. We will look at signs of Spring as well as investigating different minibeasts.
In Expressive Arts and Design we are going to use different materials to draw and make our own flowers- pastels, paints and junk modelling. We are going to listen to Spring music and create our own dances up.
In Communication, Language and Literacy we will read the books Yucky Worms and Handa's Surprise. We will use these books to inspire our writing!
In Religion we will visit St. MArie's Church and look at all of it's beautiful features. As well as going on our own Lenten Journies to prepare for Easter.
In Maths we will add numbers together, as well as investigating the numbers 9 and 10. We will even begin to learn these number bonds!
In PSED we will continue with Jenny Jigsaw.
The children continue to work in their Read Write Inc groups, where they are recognising single letters as well as the digraphs sh, th, ch, ng, nk, ay, ee, oo, oo, igh, ow. They are then using these sounds to help read and write simple words. Reading each night is very important to help embed the skills we have learnt at school.
This term our topic is 'Out of this World'- space, monsters and other beings!
In Understanding the World we will learn about the Earth as well as some of the other planets in our Solar System. We will learn about different astronauts, including Mae Jemison, as well as their roles and experiences.
In Expressive Arts and Design we will use design and make our own rockets using the junk modelling. We will listen to different types of music including Gustav Holst "The Planets", using instruments to create our own music as well as making our own movements to it.
In Communication, Language and Literacy we will read the books Astro Girl and Whatever Next, retelling the stories, predicting what might happen next and discussing characters and setting.
In Religion we will look at the Church and its features. Hopefully we will be able to go for a walk to see St Marie's Church, meet Father Foley and see the beautiful features for ourselves.
In Maths we will continue with the numbers 4 and 5, partitioning into smaller amounts, comparing as well as adding and subtracting from these numbers.
In PSED we will continue with Jenny Jigsaw.
The children continue to work in their Read Write Inc groups, where they are recognising single letters as well as the digraphs sh, th, ch, ng, nk. They are then using these sounds to help read and write simple words. Reading each night is very important to help embed the skills we have learnt at school.