Sent out every Monday (via Ed Shed and Spelling book)
Test on Friday
Every Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school and is fully labelled with their name.
Children will take home 2 books a week. You must read every night at home and sign your child's reading record when you have done so. Please send their book bag in every day.
Please send a water bottle in every day and ensure all of your child's uniform is clearly labelled with their name.
If you ever have any questions please feel free to have a chat to us after school and we will be happy to help
We look forward to working with you this year!
Miss Scully and Miss Hopkinson
Today we had a special visitor. - an alien!! We found a crashed UFO outside our classroom. We investigated it and found a note it had written us - it was very hungry and wanted some jam sandwiches! We decided to make our own sandwiches and then write instructions for the alien so it can make its own! We hope it enjoys them as much as we did 😋
In our science lessons we have been investigating the properties of different materials! We are so amazing at our materials work that Miss Scully brought in her broken umbrella for us to help her fix! We experimented covering the hole with different materials to find out which material would keep us dry - we had lots of fun!
Year 1 really enjoyed looking at and reading a range of different books! We took part in a book swap and brought money for a book sale. We created our own bookmarks and also drew our favourite story book character on a potato! We had lots of fun!
Welcome to Year 1! We have had a brilliant first week settling back in, getting to know our new teachers and exploring our new classroom.
In science we have been learning all about ourselves! We did different activities to try out all our senses.
First we went outside to test our hearing and our sight! We could see things like birds, trees, grass and people. We could hear the wind, cars, other people and even a plane flying over us! We then tested our sense of touch by feeling different objects in the playground and using our scientific vocabulary to describe the feeling.
We also did a taste experiment. All the tables had a selection of fruit, we had to look at these pieces of fruit and then identify and classify them. We then used our sense of taste to find out if any of the fruits tasted similar, for example sweet or sour.
Using our senses of touch and smell around the playground!
In our maths lessons we have been focussing on our addition and subtraction using different objects to help us! Here are some pictures of us practising our addition and subtraction with counters.
We have also been looking at how we can group objects and ourselves! We went outside and put ourselves into groups based on different things such as hair colour, eye colour and many other things.
To start off our "Long, Long ago" topic we had a Fairy Tale Feast! We spoke about what fairy tales were and discussed which ones we already knew. We had our feast of gingerbread men, fairy cakes, jellybeans and other fairy tale themed foods! We then listened to some of our favourite fairy tale music. We all had a great time!