A few reminders:
- Your child needs a full P.E kit in school.
- Your child needs their book bag in school every day.
- your child needs a water bottle in school every day
- We have P.E on a Monday and a Thursday.
- Spelling tests are every Friday and spelling books need to be in school for these.
- Please read with your child every night and ask them some of the VIPERS questions from the booklet in your child's reading record.
If you are unsure of anything then please don't hesitate to ask
Mrs Green
In our maths lessons we will be looking at place value within 100. We will be partitioning numbers into tens and ones and ordering numbers too. We will also be looking at adding and subtracting using tens and ones to help us.
In our english lessons we will be looking at the book Pattan’s Pumpkin which is an Indian flood story. We will be doing lots of work around this book including writing a setting description, thought bubbles, letters, poetry and instructions. We will also be learning about adjectives and nouns to help us with our writing.
in our R.E lessons we will be looking at new beginnings. This will included new beginnings that we have had and new beginnings that God has made. We will look at lots of scriptures and stories from the Bible which will help us to think of special prayers we may write and say and lovely pieces of art work. We will then move on to looking at signs and symbols.
Our topic this half term is Pakistan and India. We will learning all about the different continents and oceans in the world, learning about the United Kingdom and about the capital cities within the UK. We will also be learning lots of facts about Pakistan and India and compare these countries. To start our topic we had a popadom party where we tried lots of foods from both of the different countries, listened to some music from the different countries and started learning some interesting facts.
In our science lessons we will be learning all about plants. We will learnt about the different parts of the plants and their jobs, the life cycle of the plant, what the correct conditions for a plant to grow in and many more interesting things about plants. We will also carry out an investigation about what light plants need to grow the tallest. We have already started our predictions for this too!
In design and technology we will be looking at smoothies! We will try some different smoothies, look at the different eye catching packaging and design our own smoothies and packaging. Please make sure you hand your letter back to me with any allergies.
This term we will be reading The Dark by Lemony Snicket, The Great Fire of London by Margaret Nash and Jane Cops and The Princess and the White Bear King by Tanya Robyn Batt. We will be using the The Write Stuff to plan and write plot points based on the FANTASTICS. We will also do independent writing using conjunctions, adjectives, different punctuation, different sentence types and suffixes.
This term we will be leaving about multiplication and division, statistics and using graphs, shapes and their properties, fractions and measurement. We will use different math equipment to help us explore and understand these different parts of math and build on our prior knowledge.
In our RE lessons we will be learning about the different books in the Bible and talking about different stories and their meaning. We will also be learning about the baptism of Jesus. We will then start talking and learning about what and who we are thankful for, the last supper, how and why we praise God and how we can spread the good news of Jesus and God.
In science we will continue learning all about materials. We will be continuing our learning about different materials and their properties, investigating the dark, reflective materials and learning about scientists.
During this spring half term we will do lots of exciting learning based around the Great Fire of London. We will be looking at timelines, learning about events and causes, acting out these events and writing newspaper reports along with many other things.
In this spring term we will be learning about maps. We will be using maps and compasses to find different countries and continents, using aerial photographs to look at landmarks and also making our own maps!
Summer term
In our English lessons we will be reading some very exciting books including The Robot and The Bluebird, Florence Nightingale and The Moth. We will continue our plot points based on the book to form a narrative, be writing expanded noun phrases, writing letters, writing in role and writing reports based on these. We will be keeping working on making sure we are using the correct tenses, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops and using conjunctions correctly to join out sentences.
In our Maths lessons we will be learning about position and direction, capacity, time, temperature and lots of investigations. We will be having a focus on problem solving during this term to make sure that we understand what techniques to use to answer problems. In addition to this we will be recapping all the other parts of maths we have already covered.
We have lots of exciting learning to cover in our R.E lessons this term. We will start by learning all about the Ascension of Jesus and Doubting Thomas. In addition we will be talking about how we can spread the word about Jesus and how people have already done this and learning about lots of other faiths. We really enjoy our R.E lessons and love discussing, making and writing all of our thoughts and ideas.
In our Science lessons we will be learning all about living things and their habitats. This will include revisiting play growth and planting seeds, talk about the different between things that are living, dead and things that have never been living, looking at different habitats and what animals and plants are more suited there, identifying and naming a variety of plants and animals in their habitats and discussing how different animals obtain their food from plants and other animals. We will be doing lots of exciting practical lessons.
We have a very exciting History topic coming up which we will learn all about significant figures from Histoy! This will included a few famous nurses that you have probably heard of called Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. We will also learn about Robert Peel who is a local Historical figure!
In Geography we will be learning about environmental issues which will include indect habitats and changing landscapes. This will include learning about what are natural resources and how we use them, talking about environmental issues, why and how we can protect the environment, looking at insect habitats and looking at how we can improve the school grounds. I think you can agree this all sounds very exciting.
In D&T we will be making freestanding structures. We will be looking at other free standing structures and discussing what we like and can use in our own work and then designing, making and evaluation our own structures.
In our Art lessons we will be using clay, experimenting with a variety of materials, joining recycled, natural and manmade materials and exploring a range or malleable materials. Keep your eyes peeled for our incredible art work.