RE - We will begin by reflecting on how we can shine like Jesus. We will look at the features of the Church as well as begin our Lenten Journey.
Phonics - In Read, Write Inc the children are now working in identified groups. All children have a reading book, and it is important that each night the children spend some time sharing their books and reading the words.
Maths - We are learning all about numbers 5-10, counting, matching and comparing them. We will also be looking at measure involving capacity and weighing.
Topic- Our new topic is Bears and Beasts where we will read The Gruffalo and We are Going on a Bear Hunt. We will learn all about different bears before having our own Teddy Bears Picnic.
PE- Each Thursday the children will participate in PE with Mr Cowling, a PE Specialist. All children need a PE Kit - white t-shirt, black shoes and pumps all named.
Please ensure your child has a school book bag that is in school everyday as we hear the children read throughout the week.