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Miss Marsh & Miss Renzulli


'Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.'



Summer Time!




 Summer Term Theme


This half term the children are going to learn  about all kinds of transport. 

They will:

  • Talk about different transports we have been on.
  • Read stories about cars, trains, aeroplanes.
  • Make labels for transport.
  • Play with different types of transport.
  • Look at the length and weight of objects.
  • Make loud and soft music 
Look out for our EYFS assembly soon...

After reading the story of 'The Bog Baby', we decided to go and look outside to see if we could find any Bog Babies in our school grounds. Look what we found! Reception children are very excited about being able to care and look after a Bog Baby. We are going to return it at the end of the week. Reception children have also been busy making their own Bog Babies out of play dough!

The children have been learning all about the life cycle of a frog and the changes that take place. They have also learnt how to draw frogs and here are some examples of their fantastic frogs!

Logan impressed me with his 'Talk book' by writing a sentence!

To celebrate 'World Book Day' reception class enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate whilst listening to stories. The children certainly enjoyed coming to school dressed in their pj's. The teachers did too!

After visiting St. Marie's church and looking at the stained glass windows, we decided to make our very own. Don't they look beautiful!

Reception children have been learning all about our church and what it means to belong to a Parish. We went to visit St. Marie's R C Church and had lots of fun finding out about and naming the special features of our church. Father Francis made us all feel very welcome and at the end of the session reception children sang a song for him and then together we prayed.

In RE, Reception children have been learning about the meaning of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. To signify Shrove Tuesday they helped to make pancakes. The children took turns to mix the mixture and also noticed how it had changed from a bowl of flour, eggs and milk to a bowl of creamy liquid!

Look at our fantastic models!

On Friday, in PE, Mr Cowling showed the children how to use a hockey stick. The children were very good at changing the direction that the ball went in and also the speed at which they moved!

By mixing sand, salt and warm water together we made sand clay. We enjoyed squashing and squeezing it into different shapes.

I have changed a piece of paper into a sweet bag. I used sellotape to stick the sides together! Fantastic work!

We had lots of fun changing the shape of our bodies into lions, gorillas and tigers. We also changed the expression on our faces. Can you see any angry faces?

Happy Valentine's Day

This week is wellbeing week. To start our week off, we talked about the things that make us happy. Look at these very happy playdough faces that Jett and Martin have made.

Last week in reception class, we celebrated Chinese New Year. The children really enjoyed making lanterns and Chinese dragons and had great fun making music and dancing! Vincent's Mum and Grandma kindly made Chinese crackers, which were in the shape of a Chinese fan. They were delicious!

Reception children have really enjoyed working together as a team and have created some excellent dens!


 Autumn Term


 Reception children are beginning to settle well into their day to day routines. They have been busy exploring their new environment and have enjoyed playing in the home corner, the water and sand areas, our reading corner and creative area. They have also had much opportunity to explore the outdoor area.  We sing and read stories every day and during snack time the children enjoy chatting about the lovely things they do with their families. 


Our topic this first half term is 'All About Me'. The children will be studying the 7 areas of the foundation stage to cover the Early Learning Goals.


1. In Personal, Social and Emotional development  we will help the children to adapt and settle in to their new day to day routines.


2. In Communication and Language we will encourage the children to develop the confidence to speak and listen in small groups. Please remember to return your child's talk book each Monday morning.


3. In Literacy the children will have weekly shared reading sessions where they will begin to develop early reading skills. e.g. talking about the pictures and main characters, making simple predictions. In phonics, they will learn how to read phase 2 'letters and sounds' and how they can be blended and segmented to read and spell simple words. The children will have lots of opportunities to practise writing the letters of the alphabet. The children will try out their writing skills on whiteboards, in their books and in their play. The children will also learn how to write and spell their name correctly. 


4. In Mathematics  the children have already learnt many songs relating to numbers and counting.  They will learn how to count forwards and backwards and will begin to learn how to write and form their numbers correctly. The children will explore 2D shapes and pattern. 


5. In Understanding of the world the children will be encouraged to talk about themselves and their families. They will learn that everybody is 'unique' and special. The children will talk about change and how they have changed since being a baby. In technology, they will use  '2simple' programme to develop their learning and computer skills. During the second part of the term we will learn about bears and toys. 


6. In Expressive arts and design the children will develop the confidence to explore colour. They will learn how to mix colours together to create a new colour and how colours can be used to create a desired effect. The children will independently select their own resources. They will have the opportunity to mix different materials to create texture and to add interest to their work.

In music, the children will be introduced to percussion instruments and will build a repertoire of simple songs. 


7. In Physical the children will take part in a weekly PE session. This will take place on a Friday morning with our  PE teacher, Mr Cowling. They will cooperate in and play a variety of games to help develop their coordination, agility and awareness of space.

In class, the children will be encouraged and supported to correctly use a pencil and a pair of scissors. Any extra practise at home would be beneficial! 


In RE lessons the children will begin to understand how precious we are to God and that God knows and loves each and everyone of us and that he knows us by name.


If at any time you would like to speak to an adult then please feel free to come in at the beginning or end of the day.


Keep checking back on our class page for photographs and pictures of the wonderful things we do in Reception!


Mrs M Nicholson

Reception teacher





It may be cold outside but that didn't stop us from building a fantastic den!

A Wriggly Nativity. What a fantastic performance! I am so proud of all of the children. Over the past few weeks they have worked very hard to learn lines and new songs. They all looked fab and sounded great. Well done children!

Thank you to all of our families who were able to attend our Christmas craft morning. It was a wonderful session and delightful to see the smiles upon the children's faces. The classroom was sparkling with creativity. Thank you.

During art week we looked at the work of Jackson Pollock and had lots of fun trying to recreate some of his art work! We got very messy with the paint and tried string painting, marble rolling and drip painting.

We have remembered those who fought in the war and who lost their lives by saying a prayer for them. We also created pictures of poppy fields.

Horus Birds of Prey came to visit us and we met three gorgeous owls. Flint, Nugget and Matilda. We learnt lots of interesting facts about owls. At the end of the session we really enjoyed holding Flint.

Look at me!

We have been reading the story 'Owl Babies' and have created some amazing pictures of the baby owls. We have also used oil pastels to create the dark, dark woods!

As a class, we composed our very own poem about the dark woods. We added sound effects using percussion instruments and performed it in front of Mrs Robinson.

The children used a variety of materials to create their own 'dark woods'.

In mathematics, we have been learning all about numbers. We pretended to be 'number detectives' and went to look for numbers in our school environment. Here are some of the numbers we found. Can you read them? Why don't you go on a number hunt in your house. You could take photographs of the numbers you find and bring them into school.
