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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 Class Page

Class Teacher: Mrs Woods and Mrs McGrath

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Rashid and Miss Taylor


Here are some important updates and reminders for the year: 


  • Homework will be set every Friday and should be returned by the following Friday.
  • Spelling Tests will be set weekly. Tests will take place on Fridays.  

Fluency and Recall Practice: 

  • Weekly practice of Times Table Rockstars and Hit the button is expected to support fluency and recall skills. These activities will help students become more confident in their mathematical abilities. Division facts are essential to master decimals/ percentages and fractions.
  • Also please use spelling shed to practise all spellings.

Physical Education (PE): 

  • PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the Autumn term. 


  • Reading is expected to be done nightly. Students in Year 6 are responsible for independently recording their reading in their new Reading Log. 

SATs Preparation: 

  • Throughout the year, additional homework will be set to ensure that the children are properly prepared for the summer assessments (SATs). This will help them feel confident and perform their best during these important assessments. 
  • Your child will be provided with Sats booklets which will be the focus of homework. Weekly pages for homework will be put on Seesaw.

Our New History Topic

As we begin our new History topic of ‘Britain at War’, we have spent some time exploring different artefacts from the Imperial War Museum. We can’t wait to learn more through this unit!

Autumn Term - Dance 

In our dance lessons this half term, we created an amazing routine in canon - we even added pompoms to it on our last lesson! 
To link our dance to our history work, we also created sequences which portrayed details of Ancient Greek History…
