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Meet the Governors

The Governing Body meets once a term. Its members are volunteers who play an important part in working with all members of our school community. They oversee the work of the school and working with the Head Teacher, ensure it provides an excellent education for all our pupils. It has 12 members.


There are no pecuniary or material interests. This is minuted at FGB and Sub committee meetings 


Diversity Statement

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We collect diversity information from our governors and depending on current data, can use this to:

* target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity

* develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation

* prioritise training and awareness raising in identified areas

* address potential 'blind spots' through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks.


Our Governing body is made up of various faiths, ethnicities, ages and genders. However, we are unable to publish specific information as it would mean that individual members of the governing body are identifiable.


Mrs V BerryChair of Governors/Foundation Governor ( supported by A Testa: Associated Board Member)
Mrs A Testa - outgoing ChairAssociate Board Member
Mr G McRaeHeadteacher
Mrs M NelsonFoundation Governor
Mrs V DaltonFoundation Governor
Mr A JattaFoundation Governor
Mr M McManusFoundation Governor

Foundation Governor

Fr W FoleyEx- Officio
Mrs S SmithLA Governor
Mrs K ZielazowskaParent Governor
Mrs R MahmoodParent Governor
Ms M MallalieuStaff Governor
Mr J SachuFoundation Governor


Governor Individual Area of Responsibility


Name of GovernorArea of ResponsibilityLiaising WithReporting To
Mrs M Nelson (supported by Mrs A Testa)Children Protection/SafeguardingSafeguarding OfficerResources (Health & Safety)
Mrs V DaltonSENSENCOProgress -Curriculum
Mrs S Smith (supported by Mrs A Testa)LiteracyEnglish Co-ordinatorProgress -Curriculum
Mrs S SmithMathsMaths Co-ordinatorProgress- Curriculum
Mrs M NelsonEary YearsEYFS Lead (M.Mallalieu)Progress -Curriculum
To Be Appointed (S Smith overseeing)Health & SafetyHead TeacherResources- Premises (Health & Safety)
Mrs V BerryRE GovernorHead Teacher/Fr FoleyProgress -Head Teacher
Mrs V DaltonWork Life BalanceHead TeacherResources -Staffing & Personnel
Mrs S Smith (supported by Mrs A Testa)Looked After ChildrenSafeguarding OfficerResources- Premises (Health & Safety)
Miss M MallalieuPupil PremiumHead TeacherResources- Finance and Progress- Curriculum
Mrs S Smith (supported by Mrs A Testa)Training DevelopmentHead TeacherResources- Staffing & Personnel
Mrs S SmithLA Link Governor

Chair of Governor

Head Teacher

Full Governing Body

Governor Committees

The Committees of the Governing Body meet once a term or as necessary. They report to all Governors at a full Governing Body meeting. They have a variety of functions.

