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Welcome to Reception Class

Here you will find information about our class, what we are learning about as well as any photographs of the exciting things we get up to.


RE - We will begin the year by reflecting on how we can be Jesus' hands and feet. We will then look at how we are special to God. October is the Month of the Rosary so we will talk about Mary and make our own set of Rosary Beads.


Phonics - In Read, Write Inc the children will begin to learn all single letter sounds and use these letters to blend words for reading. Children will all have brought home a reading book as well as a reading for pleasure book,

Maths - We are sorting and comparing objects, talking about colours, shapes and sizes as well as using the language of more, fewer and equal. We will also begin to look at the numbers 1-5, beginning to partition them into smaller amounts. 


Topic- Our new topic is Superheroes! We will talk about ourselves and families as superheroes, real life superheroes (eg. doctors, postmen etc) and finally look at our favourite superheroes. We will be having our own Superhero Day too!



PE- Each Thursday the children will participate in PE with Mr Heaton, a PE Specialist. All children need a PE Kit - white t-shirt, black shoes and pumps all named.


Please ensure your child has a school book bag that is in school everyday as we hear the children read throughout the week.


We are here to help, listen or just chat every night after school. Don't hesitate to come and speak to us.


Miss Mallalieu and Miss Renzulli

Chinese New Year

DT -Fruit jelly

Archaeologist Visit

People who help us- The pharmacist

Postman Visit
