Tell me and I'll forget, teach me and I'll remember, do it together and I will learn.
Benjamin Franklyn
We are really looking forward to working with you all this year. Just a few brief things for us to mention;
Please make sure all your child's clothes and PE kits are fully named!
Children will bring a reading book book and key word book home within the next week. They must read at home every night as well as practise the words in their key word book. They must bring this to school in their book bag everyday.
PE is Thursday with Mr Cowling, please ensure their PE kit is in school.
Drop In Sessions are Thursday 3pm-4pm, where you can look at your child's learning journey, ask us any questions or just have a chat to us!
We look forward to working with you all this year
Miss Mallalieu and Miss Renzulli
Hooray! Let's Go On A Holiday!
This term we will be looking at our local area, using maps and identifying features. We will also look at different countries from around the world. We will compare and contrast these places focusing on the weather, environment and features. We will also look at different types of vehicles and will have opportunity to make our own models using the junk modelling.
In Maths we will revisit number bonds to 5 and learn these off by heart. We will also investigate different ways to make 10. We will revisit 2d adn 3d shapes as well as length and weight.
In RWI we will continue to work in our groups, focusing on the next sounds we need to learn.
In Religion we are going to read The Good Samaritan, reflecting on helping others, as well as learning about different World Religions.
Children continue to need their reading bag in school everyday.
For the next few weeks we are going to be looking at Growing, then minibeasts before finally looking at Spring.
Bears and Beasts
This term we are going to be learning all about Sea Creatures and then moving onto Pirates.
In English we will read Suprising Sharks, learning different facts about them. As well as stories like Commotion in the Ocean and the Rainbow Fish.
In Phonics we will continue to practise reading 3 letter words, and will begin to write these words using our 'Fred Fingers'.
In Topic we will learn facts about sea creatures, learning about their habitats. We will also investigate floating and sinking. We will learn about the historical figures of Blackbeard and Anne Bonney, who were both pirates.
We can't wait to get busy this term...