Welcome to Year 1!
Our Twitter page: @StmariesY1
Year 1 are raising money for a charity very close to our hearts ~ Cystic fibrosis. We are running 5 laps of the playground to raise as much money as we can!
R.E. - We have been learning about how we can be Christ's hands and feet on earth. We have also be looking at our families and belonging.
English - We are currently reading "The Last Wolf". We have been on an adventure in the outdoor classroom to try and find a wolf!
Maths - We have consolidated our knowledge on "one more" and "one less". We are now looking at the "part-whole model" and working on our number bonds to 10.
Science - We have been looking at our 5 senses and labelling body parts. We went outside to find examples of things we can touch, see, smell and feel.
Topic - We have been looking at "Old" and "New" kitchens. Miss McCabe's Nana came to visit us to show us some kitchen items from the past. We really enjoyed it!
Art - We have been looking at colour mixing and creating animal patterns.
P.E - We have P.E every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their name in all their belongings!
Reading - Please ensure your child reads their reading book with you every night.
Spellings - We will give spellings out every Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Use the Look / Cover / Say / Spell / Check method to learn spellings.