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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

Here you will find information about our class, what we are learning about as well as any photographs of the exciting things we get up to.

Our Twitter page: @StmariesY1


Year 1 are raising money for a charity very close to our hearts ~ Cystic fibrosis. We are running 5 laps of the playground to raise as much money as we can!


R.E. - We have been learning about how we can be Christ's hands and feet on earth. We have also be looking at our families and belonging.


English - We are currently reading "The Last Wolf". We have been on an adventure in the outdoor classroom to try and find a wolf!


Maths - We have consolidated our knowledge on "one more" and "one less". We are now looking at the "part-whole model" and working on our number bonds to 10.


Science - We have been looking at our 5 senses and labelling body parts. We went outside to find examples of things we can touch, see, smell and feel. 


Topic - We have been looking at "Old" and "New" kitchens. Miss McCabe's Nana came to visit us to show us some kitchen items from the past. We really enjoyed it!


Art - We have been looking at colour mixing and creating animal patterns.


P.E - We have P.E every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their name in all their belongings!


Reading - Please ensure your child reads their reading book with you every night.


Spellings - We will give spellings out every Friday to be tested on the following Friday. Use the Look / Cover / Say / Spell / Check method to learn spellings.



A special visitor from Miss McCabe’s Nana to tell us about kitchens from the past!

Year 1 have been exploring Diwali and have enjoyed creating a Rangoli!

We have been exploring 2D shapes this week!

Year 1 have enjoyed a visit from Santa today!

Year 1 are ready for their Christmas play ✨🎄

Year 1 are really happy to have been awarded a golden ticket to attend Polar Express day! We have enjoyed designing our own hot chocolates, pyjamas, bells and elf hats. We finished the day with a hot chocolate whilst watching the film. 🚂🎄

We have finished our DT lessons by making a Christmas card with a moving star🎄

We have enjoyed looking at our favourite toys to start our History topic off!

We have had lots of fun exploring the museum and looking at toys from the past!

We have loved taking part in World Book Day activities!
