Now Spring has arrived, our Eco Committee and Eco Warriors are busy putting the whole school to work!
All of the children enjoyed 'Waste Week' where we looked at how we can all reduce the packaging that we use and how litter can impact upon the environment.
As always, our eco-warriors are busy completing 'Switch-Off' and litter picking around the school. The raised beds are being prepared for planting our vegetables and the flower boxes are filling up nicely. Our internal garden, under the watchful eye of St Francis, has been cleared and planted up. Our herbs are growing nicely and we have carefully chosen plants and flowers which are useful to insects.
The insect and bug houses that were created in the Autumn term will start to be used by all manner of creepy crawlies as the temperature rises and the children will keep an eye out for what they can see.
As the Eco committee continually strive to become even more 'Green' we have made links with an ECO salon in Bury called Gronn whose owner is an Eco ambassador for Bury. Some of our Eco warriors will be visiting the salon to see how a local business saves energy and reduces their environmental impact.
As the weather improves, the children will be taking their learning outdoors and taking part in the 'outdoor classroom' initiative. Let's hope that the sun continues to shine!