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Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to Nursery! We are so excited for the upcoming year. We have got lots of exciting things planned and cannot wait to share these experiences with you! All of the Nursery children have settled in very well and they are really enjoying their time in Nursery.

Please note:


-All children must bring a water bottle into school each day. This bottle should contain only water and should be clearly labelled with the child's name on. 

-PE will take place every Thursday morning. All children who attend Nursery in the morning will need black PE pumps which must be labelled and put into a draw string bag. 

-Our weekly parent/guardian drop in session takes places on a Thursday after school. Please feel free to drop in with an queries and questions or to see your child's learning journey. 

-Please ensure that you are logged onto 'SeeSaw' for upcoming events, photographs and home challenges.


We look forward to the upcoming year! 

Miss Scott & Mrs Ellor 

Autumn 🍁🍂

People who help us 👮🏿🚓🚨🚔

We are Jesus’ hands & feet 👋👣

Family 🏡

All about me 👧🏾👶🏼👦🏽
