Please note:
-All children must bring a water bottle into school each day. This bottle should contain only water and should be clearly labelled with the child's name on.
-PE will take place every Thursday morning. All children who attend Nursery in the morning will need black PE pumps which must be labelled and put into a draw string bag.
-Our weekly parent/guardian drop in session takes places on a Thursday after school. Please feel free to drop in with an queries and questions or to see your child's learning journey.
-Please ensure that you are logged onto 'SeeSaw' for upcoming events, photographs and home challenges.
We look forward to the upcoming year!
Miss Scott & Mrs Ellor
Autumn 🍁🍂
People who help us 👮🏿🚓🚨🚔
We are Jesus’ hands & feet 👋👣
Family 🏡
All about me 👧🏾👶🏼👦🏽