2018 - 2019
To go further than I thought.
To run faster than I hoped.
To reach higher than I dreamed.
To become the person I need to be.
A. A. Milne
Your teachers this year are:
Mrs. Hodgson
Monday to Wednesday morning
Miss Moores
Wednesday afternoon to Friday
What an exciting start to the year ahead!
Our IPC topic this half term links well with both our RE and Science.
We have begun the year thinking about the word 'family' and it's different meanings. We have thought about our own families, the church family, our school family and our local community as a family.
We have considered our immediate family in prayers and thanked God for the unique qualities each family member has to offer.
We have been thinking about our own families, creating family trees and considering what life was like for our ancestors.
We have started our new Science topic where we have begun investigating rocks and finding out how fossils are formed.
We have recently had our class assembly where we performed the song 'We Are Family' and sang the hymn 'Bind Us Together', as we celebrated our families and shared our learning with the rest of the school.
Watch this space for upcoming photographs and more news about our learning ...
Monday 5th November 2018 - Friday 9th November 2018
Claude Monet was a French artist who was born on 14th November 1840 and died on 5th December 1926.
He was one of the founders of Impressionist painting and lots of his artwork was painted in this style.
We looked at lots of famous paintings by Claude Monet and produced artwork of our own.
The painting below is called "The Water Lily Pond". We looked at and discussed this very famous painting.
We then made our own water lilies, using the Japanese art of Origami. Here are some photos of us doing it!
Here are the instructions we followed on YouTube! Have a go!
Can you make your own origami water lily?
All you need is a napkin!
This term our IPC topic is What's on the Menu?
We are learning about the food we eat and thinking about where it comes from.
We kept a food diary for a whole week and discussed the most popular and frequently eaten foods.
We investigated where in the world a variety of foods from the supermarket were grown or produced. We then used the iPads to calculate the food miles they have travelled to reach us here in the UK. The website we used was www.foodmiles.com
Have a look in your fridge and cupboards at home - where does the food you buy come from and how many miles has it travelled to get to you?
Next time you are doing your food shopping, try to find the foods which are grown or produced in the UK.
Remember - the less food miles a product travels, the better for the environment it is!
Summer Term
Our topic this term is Saving our World, where we have begun exploring the the rainforest's of the world and the devastating effects of deforestation on them.
So far, we have located the rainforest's on a map of the world and found out that they mainly occur around the equator.
The Amazon Rainforest is our focal point, with lots of research, art and design and geography as our subject focus.
Our science work is linked to our topic through the study of plants and what they need to grow well. We are having a very busy term, watch this space for upcoming photographs...
Congratulations to all our children who received their first Holy Communion on Sunday 16th June.
We hope you and your family enjoyed your special day!
Photographs of our first Holy Communion party, held on Wednesday 19th June will be uploaded soon...